Native Color Armies Mod 军队

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在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Native Color Armies Mod 军队 Mod,由niconosave制作。elandy在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: niconosave Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 22.5 MB 更新时间: 2019-03-22 20:17:23 发布时间: 2019-03-22 20:17:23


Native Color Armies Mod 军队

(Warband ver 1126 1127)所有的军队从一开始就看起来很好。


*平衡 - 现在军队规模较小(仍然超过土着)更多来自村庄的新兵(100-200)

ver 1.008 

ver 1.007 


ver 1.003 

ver 1.001 

* english:前rhodoks。

* nords:他们唯一的武器是轴甚至是proyectiles,添加了大斧头(奥拉夫猎犬)


* mulakai王国的战斗:前萨拉辛,一个亚洲王国招募了黑人公司(我最喜欢的书)
你可以升级到全装甲的Nar战士,或者选择了老守卫halbardier; 这些之后的每一个都可以是黑色或白色。
也是nar knigths。
















* 游戏变得更容易(因此它并不需要数周时间来推进)之类的建筑,荣誉,关系或者新的王国两难困境的时候

(Warband ver 1126 1127)all the armies look good from the very begining. 
changed the zise of armies, speed of the siege tower, towns, castles, and village give a lot of money. 
you can now go to war alone as long as you have one of those(towns,etc) (you dont have to worry about casualties) 

new factions(english, nords,elven,saxon,mulakai empire(black company),holy sun kingdom,mercenary samurais,vikings)

ver 1.011
*balancing - now there are less army size (still more than native) more recruits from villages (100-200)
*holy sun kingdom now has mounted troops
*fixed more stuff

ver 1.008
*updated images
*fixed more stuff

ver 1.007
*changed some texts
*food gives ten times the moral it used to give

ver 1.006
*fixed more stuff
*saxon faction upgrade
*bandits give better loot(money is no longer a problem at the begining)
*farmers now have a figthing chance against bandits(farmers move in bigger groups)
*looters carry prisioners(free prisioners hint hint)
*installer for 1.127(tested in 1.126 and 1.127)

ver 1.003
*fixed stuff i forgot
*now you han chose how darker is the african face gona be(so if you want to be a Nar)
*some items are now for sale
*be carefull with the elven arrows!

ver 1.001

*english: former rhodoks.
now all of them uses heraldric armor so they will be really colorfull

*nords: they only weapon are axes even proyectiles, added horsmen with great axes(olaf hounds)
they can upgrade to vikings who are preatty random

*elven kingdom: former swadians, most of their armies are rangers, they have special elven bows and arrows so they can win battles with only bows

*mulakai kingdom:former sarrasin, an asian kingdom recruited the black company(my favorite book) 
you can ugrade to full armored Nar warriors, or chose the old guard halbardier; every one after these ones can be black or white.
also nar knigths.

*saxon: former vaegir kingdom, they are a diferent kind of nordic. lances and swords. and a bodyguard of full elite vaegir armored guards.

*Holy sun kingdom: former khanate. the holy sun legionnaires only use blunt weapons and are dreased with heraldric armor.

*vikings: former sea raiders. changed a little the gear and added upgrade to chieff and berserker, they also can be reached with nord recruits.

*asian mercenaires: new. they upgrade from the lowest of mercenaries (not farmers) , tarting with chinesse lancers, then swordman , then roning warrior or archer and then roning horseman.

*all factions troops try to look the same with each other, so you can tell the differense in a battle

*you can recriut from 40 to 70 recruits and 150 or so mercenaries

*samurai and elven gear avaible in stores

*siege towers move 9 times faster

*battle zise from 200 to 800. 

*kings go around with 600 or so.

*more bandits in numbers of 40 or more.


*first earn some money in the normal way
*recruit some troops
*then try as much as you can to enter the war
*then try to became a vassal so you can be awarded a village
*then when the village pays you y´ll get a lot of money
*then you can bring casstles down yourself
*the more territory you have the more you earn
*try a mix of mercenaries and normal troops to maximize your power faster

or you can use cheats, your choise

NOTE: i havent playtested it properly so if anyone thinks its difficult or too easy please tell me

*game made easier(so that it doesnt take weeks to advance) things like time of construction, honor, relationship or new kingdom dilema




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