在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Blackfire1.1 Alternate Troop, Parties, Items, etc 替代部队,党派,物品 Mod,由littlenico制作。gcbatistuta在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: littlenico Mod版本: 0.5 Mod大小: 68.7 KB 更新时间: 2019-03-18 19:42:52 发布时间: 2019-03-18 19:42:52
Blackfire1.1 Alternate Troop, Parties, Items, etc 替代部队,党派,物品
Blackfire Fantasy Mod替代部队,派对和武器:
简而言之,这个mod让Blackrain69的Blackfire mod使用了它所有的资源,让游戏更具幻想感。
http ://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id
= 2195 http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=2194
首先确保安装了Blackfire v1.1。
- 向领主添加一些幻想武器 - 完成10% -
向Rhodok和Nord派系添加骑兵 - 完成! (但我打算稍后调整)
> Rhodok骑兵使用的设备比任何人都要多,但如果你问我,它就适合他们
> Nord骑兵有一种Rohan LOTR的感觉。至少这就是我的目标。
- 向所有同伴添加物品和马匹 - 80%完成(Borcha和Firentis有一些需要削弱的剑,也想改变其他一些东西) -
已经完成了Outlaws - 50%完成(我计划最终在这里做更多)
- 修改部队树 - 完成了30%(我真的想扩大每个阵营的多样性,因为这个模型中有太多未使用的物品)
- 修改自定义幻想武器统计数据,因此它们并非完全相同 - 15%完成,它需要平衡测试。领主装备的是完成的。
- 修改雇佣兵部队树 - 5%(我想在那里添加一些新物品和部队类型)
- 弓箭和x弓的伤害,以及皇家弓的神经损伤 -完成!如果远程攻击现在太多,请告诉我。当我处于低水平时,我被森林强盗杀死了。
- 让所有新招募的人大大减少蹩脚 -
- 完全为每个人重新做部队树,以便所有新项目都是用过的。
- *希望*为幻想剑添加自定义统计提升属性 - 可以
添加一些任务网站以获得特殊项目*大可能 - 因为我不知道如何。
- 制造骑兵游戏的一个更大的方面 - 修改
游戏以制作更难和更小的战斗(我喜欢对我的游戏做的事情) -
- 这样就没有军队看起来像现在几乎所有人那样蹩脚。蹩脚,我的意思是像手无寸铁的农民。
Mount and Blade Unofficial Troop Editor
Blackfire Fantasy Mod Alternate Troops, Parties, and Weapons:
Thanks to Blackrain69 for putting so much work into this.
In a nutshell this mod makes Blackrain69's Blackfire mod use all of it's resources to give the game more of a fantasy feeling.
Needed Files:
First make sure you have Blackfire v1.1 installed.
Unzip the files and overwrite factions.txt, parties.txt, party_templates.txt, item_kinds1.txt, and factions.txt in your blackfire module folder.
What it does:
-Adds some of the fantasy weapons to Lords - 10% done
-Adds cavalry to Rhodok and Nord factions - complete! (but I plan to tweak later)
>Rhodok cavalry uses more modern equipment than anyone, but it kind of fits them if you ask me
>Nord cavalry has sort of a Rohan LOTR feel to it. At least that's what I'm aiming for.
-Adds items and horses to all companions - 80% done (Borcha and Firentis have some swords that need nerfing, want to change some other things, too)
-Revamped Outlaws- 50% done (I plan to do a lot more here eventually)
-Modifies troop trees - 30% done (I really want to extend the diversity in each and every faction since there are so many unused items in this mod)
-Modifies custom fantasy weapon stats so they are not all the same - 15% done, and it needs balance testing. The ones equipped by lords are done.
-Modify mercenary troop tree - 5% (I want to add some new items and troop types in there)
-Raises damage of bows and x-bows, and nerfs the imperial bow a good bit - complete! Let me know if ranged attacks are too much now. I was getting killed by forest bandits when I was low level.
-Makes all fresh recruits substantially less crappy
-Gives Rhodoks swords, too, but I have to find a way to have them still use mostly spears
Yet to do:
-Completely re-do the troop trees for everyone so that all the new items are used.
-*Hopefully* add custom stat boosting properties to fantasy swords
-maybe add some quest sites to obtain special items *big maybe - since I'm not sure how.
-make cavalry a much bigger aspect of the game
-modify gameplay to make more difficult and smaller battles (just something I like doing to my games)
-create true "hero" lords
-make it so no troops look crappy like almost all do now. And by crappy I mean like unarmed peasants.
Thanks to:
All the talented people who produced the resources for this mod
Used to create:
OpenBrf(I didn't modify any content)
Mount and Blade Unofficial Troop Editor v. 1.8
Feedback encouraged. Please report bugs. I know about the Nord recruits wearing noble outfits, and I will fix ASAP.
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