OSP iggorbb 游戏物品

OSP iggorbb 游戏物品 封面
资源大小:1.67 MB




在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的OSP iggorbb 游戏物品 Mod,由iggorbb制作。lxb008在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: iggorbb Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 1.67 MB 更新时间: 2019-03-15 22:09:23 发布时间: 2019-03-15 22:09:23


OSP iggorbb 游戏物品\


截图:积分:Armagan为这个完美的游戏,谁创造了翅膀3D,Highelf为exelent建模教程,Marco Tarini为openBRF,Zimke Zlovoljni为皮鞘和手柄创造皮革纹理和更多纹理技巧,也是为了好,xenoargh for他的表现因为一些顶点油漆提示而且也很好。所有那些鼓励我继续上传这些文件以便社区的好人。更新03. jan。2011.:






更新。重新包装的项目...添加:2枪,8剑,1斧,1派克和1 falchion,还添加了我上次没有上传的丢失的lods。有了这种武器,我想我已经绰绰有余地为我的Calardia个人改装,所以我会减少生产。

无论如何,我一直困扰的事情是,我总是觉得Rhodoks正在使用来自斯瓦迪亚的某种二手头盔(在战争中已修复,但是......)......所以我做了某种Rhodokian军队改革 。
增加了13个新的Rhodok头盔 - 希望你的Rhodoks会喜欢它。

I was feeling very happy theese days starting from first december, so I decided to share some of my items that I use for my own gameplay. Some of them are realistic some are not, but I am sure someone will like it.


Armagan for this flawless game,
whoever created wings 3d,
Highelf for exelent modeling tutorials,
Marco Tarini for openBRF,
Zimke Zlovoljni for creating leather textures for scabbards and grips and for many more texturing tips, also for being nice,
xenoargh for his performance anoucements, for some vertex paint tips and also for being nice.
all those nice people who encouraged me to continue uploading this files for comunity.

update 03. jan. 2011. :
Repacked brf files into "bb_osp_old", "bb_plyr" and "bb_troops". By this I am not telling you what I use and how, this is my recomendation how to use by polycount size. So, bb_plyr are items with higher polycount and texture per item and bb_troop are items with lower polycount and UV mapped on "weapons2" or some other game texture. You have my usage recommendation, but you can use it as you want. Also added "bb" before every item name so you can know who to give credits for items if you are going to use them.

Also in this "bb_osp_troops" you will notice that some items have variations named name_optimized_lenght, that is because original items are done from reference images and their size is somehow short for game balance, so I cteated another version wich has more lenght (measured with metric measure for wings i created based on measure in openBRF). 
Inside "bb_osp_rar" file you will finnd module system 1011 tuples and 1011 item kinds tuples.
Shaders and all other settings for 1011 are already done, so you just copy files... you know the drill.
I will return with link for wb item version, untill than you can use theese, but I dont have normal maps. Fell free to create them if you need them.

Fixed some weapons from previous update, added some new...

Update. Fixed some uv maps, added 8 axes, 2 maces, 7 spears. also added some retextures of "hunting bow" and "short bow" that I am using, so I taught that may be usefful to you also.
For some time now I had that idea to add "edge" on metal sheets in weapons3. I snooped trough warband textures, since I spotted "edged" axes and I took that texture (weapons3) and modyfied it to my fits. I felt stupid to create more and less same texture and upload it into my osp pack so I simple took that one. So now warbanders will have just a bit changed texture and those 1011-ers who don’t want to use this texture wont have problems with using their own w3 texture, or they can use this one I provided.

Update. This update contains among old things, next new things: 6 swords, 4 spears, 1 throwing spear, 10 axes, 1 mace, 3 throwing axes, 2 falchion, 4 picks and some more retextures of some bows.

Update. Repacked item again… Added: 2 lances, 8 swords, 1 axe, 1 pike and 1 falchion, also added missing lods that I didn’t uploaded last time I was around. With this weapons I think I have more than enough for my Calardia based personal mod so I will reduce production.

Anyways, what I was bothered for some time is thing that it always seemed to me that Rhodoks was using some sort of second hand helmet from Swadia (in warband that is fixed, but…)… so I did some sort of Rhodokian army reform .
Added 13 new Rhodok helmets- hope your Rhodoks will like it.
There is more work to do on this helmets, but I am giving you them now before I change my mind :).
Also I had some issues with deforming meshes in game and I didn’t know how to solve that, so don’t complain to me about that.




上古卷轴5:天际重制版 音洛女性动作整合包MOD v1.7 | RohZima Animation's SLAL Pack004B | 【人类女5号脸】姗姗来迟的美化mod(更新为正式版) | 感觉运动-法尔默种族能力(探测生命) | 海边装饰 | 求生之路2 M41A脉冲步枪MOD |


  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 音洛女性动作整合包MOD v1.7
  • RohZima Animation's SLAL Pack004B
  • 【人类女5号脸】姗姗来迟的美化mod(更新为正式版)
  • 感觉运动-法尔默种族能力(探测生命)
  • 海边装饰
  • 求生之路2 M41A脉冲步枪MOD