在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Hack'n'Slay mod -P V. Bots- 小型多人游戏模式 Mod,由DarthSpasti制作。15299111858在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: DarthSpasti Mod版本: 1.2 Mod大小: 29.3 MB 更新时间: 2019-03-12 22:11:10 发布时间: 2019-03-12 22:11:10
Hack'n'Slay mod -P V. Bots- 小型多人游戏模式
:箭头:它适用于部落射箭训练或仅仅是为了获得乐趣而通过敌人线进行杀戮。> :)
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V 1.1 ChangeLog
-Rhodoks得到平衡(技能 - )
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V 1.2 ChangeLog
- 马造成的伤害增加
- 保护装甲增加- 一些
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现在是第二个版本之后发表了,我只是想提一下我对这个模式的进一步计划以及我工作的另一个项目:埃及 - 全面战争 -
有关埃及的信息 - 全面战争 - 请点击此链接:http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,155116.0.html?PHPSESSID = b1tin6mdo8msilop3bk330qnc3(顺便说一下,我们还需要更多的模组)
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This is a little multiplayer-mod, which adds very bad equiped bots (nearly no shields or armour) to most of the multiplayer factions. Every faction still has specialities. Rhodok now uses massive barbarian cav-units as bots and vaegir offers bandit-infantry. Most of the other factions still need to be worked at.
:arrow: its ideal for clan-archery-trainings or just for slaying through the enemies lines for fun. >:)
it should be played humans versus bots... thats what its meant to...
PS: If there are still any problems write a comment. ill take care for them then. there are still one faction with normal bots: khanat
Last but not least:HAVE FUN OR AT LEAST PRETEND TO :hammer:
I told a joke... lol :-D
V 1.1 ChangeLog
-Nords now offers hordes of light armoured tribal warriors
-Rhodoks got balanced (skills - )
V 1.2 ChangeLog
-Sarranids got theme-based light armoured militias
-Swadians got theme-based light armoured militias
-The damage caused by horse is increased
-The protection armour gives is increased
-Some troops got rebalanced
Now after the second version got published, i just wanted to mention my further plans for this mod and the other project i work in: Egypt -Total War-
I will try to make swords and all the other weapons able to be thrown and I wanna add more militia troops so that watching battles between the factions will be more interesting. I also want to increase the limit of soldiers on the battlefield. So these are my further plans for Hslay-Mod.
For informations to Egypt -Total War- follow this link: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,155116.0.html?PHPSESSID=b1tin6mdo8msilop3bk330qnc3 (We need more modders, by the way)
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