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在3DM Mod站下载地铁:逃离最新的[游戏存档]解锁所有武器 Mod,由AltSierra117制作。◕小莫◕在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: AltSierra117 Mod版本: 4.0 Mod大小: 55.7 KB 更新时间: 2019-04-19 09:56:30 发布时间: 2019-03-11 17:51:46




→选择难度文件:“Reader”,“Easy”,“Normal”,“Hardcore”,“Ranger Hardcore  -  Minimal Interface”或“Ranger Hardcore  -  Full Dive”;

→打开位于C:\ Users \ YourCurrentUserName \ Saved Games \ metro exodus \ YourCurrentUserID \的“user.cfg”文件,将里面的内容复制进入



→开始游戏并选择章节“The Volga”。





将“m3_06_bridge.player”放到: C:\Users\你的用户名\Saved Games\metro exodus\你的ID\


#How it works!
I ask you kindly to read this section carefully, because changing difficulties will seem hard to understand.
There are two ways: 
→ Select the difficulty file: "Reader", "Easy", "Normal", "Hardcore", "Ranger Hardcore - Minimal Interface" or "Ranger Hardcore - Full Dive";
→ Open your "user.cfg" file located at C:\Users\YourCurrentUserName\Saved Games\metro exodus\YourCurrentUserID\, pick one from above mentioned and REPLACE  your command lines with the ones from the file you picked, also DO NOT ADD the commands;
Or can be done by
→ Creating a new game via main-menu, selecting the difficulty, let the intro start, as soon as Artyom goes underground, quit the game and then place the save "m3_06_bridge.player" (The Volga).
→ Start the game and Select Chapter "The Volga".

Doing "New Game" from the main-menu is possible as well, but you'll have to place the save again as it will be erased.
There are 5 difficulties to select, you can choose which one you mostly prefer to play.
Inside of the download link will be a single save and 5 unic files containing command lines to change game's difficulty.

=========================================== Q&A Section =================================================
→ Turning off save cloud option let's you use any savegame files without conflicting with user created ones by the game.

→ It is still unknown where the Valve's Extended Magazine is and that is the remaining weapon attachment left to retrieve. Me and the community, we are still trying to find it. Once it gets revealed, the save will get updated.
"The extended magazine holds up 15 rounds of ammunition and, paired with a semi-automatic receiver increases rate of fire considerably at the cost of decreased accuracy and damage dealt to the target."

→ Selecting any previous mission levels before "The Volga" , will override and remove all equipment brought from the one you choosed.

→ Making a New SaveGame with all weapons, equipments and attachments is not possible, due to a simple function on the "scenario" tag asset for the "Moscow" level which has a function "Player Starting Profile", which gives the player a certain weapon(s), equipment(s) and attachment(s) to begin with. So it will be override and will not work. It is why "The Volga" is the best map to start of.

→ Current save difficulty is set to "Normal" and yes I will bring a seperate version of this save with "Ranger Hardcore" mode without any HUD. Each difficulty is inside of the download link, explaining how to install is above of this article.

→ All I did was changing the campaign map cicle, making the last level load the first, instead of loading the main-menu after the game is over. With that it pushes weapons and equipment from the end of the campaign to its beginning.

→ For now I'm not considering doing a video tutorial, I'm aware as the guide seems to be hard to understand the "How to change difficulty" part, still there are two ways of doing it. Although reading the steps more than once will help you to understand. Sorry about any inconvenience.

→ It is not possible to change Artyom's first-person hands, body models or to reveal his face with this method I'm currently doing. Although I'm aware that someone achieve it for Metro 2033.

→ This save is not recommended to get the hidden diaries and posters throughout the game. As the previous missions "Moscow" and " Winter" they were not picked up. Even if you pick them up before "The Volga" and then continuing the game with my save file, it still will not work.
======================================== End of Q&A Section ==============================================

Make sure you turn off Steam Save Cloud.




【GMM】Gloss Mod Manager 一款综合性的现代化游戏模组管理器 | Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 | 荒野大镖客2 线下内置修改器[RDR2 Native Trainer(RNT)] v0.951 | OpenIV 4.1版本 中文汉化版 | GTA5警察Mod-LSPDFR 0.4.9 汉化版 | GTA5最强ENB(画质补丁)——REDUX_1.16 |


  • 【GMM】Gloss Mod Manager 一款综合性的现代化游戏模组管理器
  • Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版
  • 荒野大镖客2 线下内置修改器[RDR2 Native Trainer(RNT)] v0.951
  • OpenIV 4.1版本 中文汉化版
  • GTA5警察Mod-LSPDFR 0.4.9 汉化版
  • GTA5最强ENB(画质补丁)——REDUX_1.16