在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的1776 American Revolution UPDATED 1776年美国革命 Mod,由GABRILDURO制作。woshiqyx在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Mod作者: GABRILDURO Mod版本: 1.5 Mod大小: 285 MB 更新时间: 2019-02-28 20:26:42 发布时间: 2019-02-28 20:26:42
1776 American Revolution UPDATED 1776年美国革命
......:向所有帮助这个项目的人们致敬,并且在Gabrilduro的束之上,向Celly寻求她的巨大帮助......和Caba “因为这么多人而烦恼,帮助我们解决这么多问题!! 感谢所有的Modders,比如Shredzorz,[b] Idibil,Azrooh ......以及给予我支持并允许我使用他们的材料的所有人。
- 感谢我的妻子和孩子们.....为他们的耐心:oops:........和我们所有的粉丝一起支持!!!!! :绿色:
- 在第1小酒馆中对16位同伴
不要 - 不要让RANDOM面对一代。永远,拜托!
-DO NOT选择ALBANY作为第一个见到Merchant的城镇,它仍然有时会崩溃 -
尽可能保留,在Merhant给你第一个任务后,关闭游戏到DESKTOP并加载你的最后一次保存。这有助于避免一些随机CTD(Crashes To Desktop)并以正确的方式加载1776的所有音乐和声音(特别是如果你之前玩过另一个WB mod) -
如果仍然有糟糕的PC或游戏问题,........嗯....坐下来舒适,并阅读(和DO !!!)所有步骤:(这是一个痛苦的屁股,但它解决了所有我的老Brytenwalda问题:眨眼:)
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
- Gabrilduro的团队:Alan de Soison,Auldman,Crumbs(不活跃atm),Celestialred,Custer,Dellivis,Radetzky
-Scene maker Master:ANTIGONOS
-Historical consulent:Bearskull21
NMC Mod - Custom Commander Mod-PBOD Mod - 虚假无辜的年龄,为Bermia而奋斗,Aquil为黑暗纹理,杀死异教徒,血与钢,星球大战,1866年,中美洲(关于Hernan Cortez的伟大模式),蓝色和灰色(第一个WESTERN MODE !!!) ,中国战场(第二次世界大战),Dejawolf,Talak和Faradon使用他们的OSP,Berthout为明星城市偶像。
Hegemony 268 v.960,Yamabusi为流浪的高地人服务,特别是,总是支持,BRYTENWALDA TEAM,有史以来最好的历史和非常完整的M&B模式!....并且非常感谢RENAISSANCE和GREAT -IYI-ORT- !!!!!
OLD MESSAGE for Old Version 1.0
December 02, 2010
I officially release this Mod to share with everybody the huge work that was done in this last version!!!
I will try to upload it somewhere else, soon. But for now, try here and please be patiente.... :D
Thx to all the ppl that helped in this project, and on top of the Gabrilduro' s Bunch, thx to Celly for her huge help....and Caba' Drin for being so patiente and help us with so many issues !!
Thanks to all Modders, like Shredzorz, [b]Idibil, Azrooh....and everybody that gave me support and allowed me to use their material.
-Thanks to my wife & my children .....for their patience :oops: ........and all our fans for their kind support!!!!! :green:
....most things work like charme, now.
Just please, when starting:
-Say NO to 16 companions all in 1st tavern
-NEVER EVER make RANDOM face generation . NEVER, please!
-DO NOT choose ALBANY as first Town to meet Merchant, it still crashes sometimes
-SAVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, after Merhant gives you 1st mission, close the game to DESKTOP and load your last save. That helps to avoid some random CTD (Crashes To Desktop) and loads all musics and sounds of 1776 in a correct way (expecially if you played another WB mod, before )
-put to minimum all graphics, Battle size, Cheats off, etc. If all works good, improve some performances issues, step by step, and see what causes crashes.
IF STILL have bad PC or game issues, ........well....sit down confortable, and read (AND DO!!!) all steps here: (it is a pain in the butt, but it solved ALL my old Brytenwalda problems :wink: )
Description of the Mod by 5arge:
I think the map is sexy as hell. Whoever made that wins a prize. I like to visit Keene because I partied there when I was in college. Nice to visit. The factions are laid out pretty nicely, and there is a rich landscape of different peoples all over the map. Those damn indians are a menace with their machine gun bows, but I love all the tribes. I think they are blended in well with the Colonies and the other European settlements. The stage is set nicely for adventure, and you can play as just about any kind of character you can imagine. An "American" ready to take up arms against the King. A Native American, fighting the Westward migration of the evil White Man. A European mercenary, come to this strange and far away land in search of glory. A nobleman, sent by their king to watch over his possessions. It's not just about the Revolution, it's about a rich period in history.
.New maps
.New troops
.New world
.New dialogs
.New items
NEW GAME ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Gabrilduro's team: Alan de Soison, Auldman, Crumbs (not active a. t. m.), Celestialred, Custer, Dellivis, Radetzky
In the first version I got helped a lot by:
-Module system expert and helper: GASTON
-Scene maker Master: ANTIGONOS
-Historical consulent: Bearskull21
-Helpers: Leadtail
-Special thanks to the developers of many Mods that encouraged, helped and allowed to use their stuff:
NMC Mod - Custom Commander Mod- PBOD Mod - AGE OF FALSE INNOCENCE, Struggle for Bermia, Aquil for dark textures, Kill the infidel, Blood and Steel, Star wars, 1866, Mesoamerica (Great mod about Hernan Cortez), The blue and the grey (first WESTERN MODE!!!), China battlefield (2nd world war), Dejawolf, Talak, and Faradon for the use of their OSP, Berthout for the star city icon.
Hegemony 268 v.960, Yamabusi for wanderful highlanders costums and expecially, for always beeing supportive, BRYTENWALDA TEAM, the best historical and very complete M&B mod ever!! ....and a big thanks to RENAISSANCE AND TO THE GREAT -IYI-O-R-T- too !!!!!
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