Floris Mod Pack - Better Missi Floris Companion 同伴

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在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Floris Mod Pack - Better Missi Floris Companion 同伴 Mod,由Eurafrica制作。chantszkin在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Eurafrica Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 61.6 KB 更新时间: 2019-02-24 22:45:44 发布时间: 2019-02-24 22:45:44


Floris Mod Pack - Better Missi Floris Companion 同伴

解压缩。备份位于Mount&Blade Warband \ Modules \ Floris Expanded Mod Pack 2.5中的原始文件,然后使用此文件复制粘贴覆盖。这个mini-mod与savegame兼容,您必须启动一个新游戏才能使更改生效。如果你安装它,它不会伤害你当前的savegame。

Missi Floris(同伴)在Floris Mod Pack中推出。对于一个惊人的20,000丹纳,你可以雇用他,他装备得体,有一些有用的派对技巧。然而,由于他是29级,你将没有足够的空间来定制他,而且他相当脆弱(没有铁肉技能,没有盾技能)。鉴于弗洛里斯是这个惊人的mod的创造者,我想让他不辜负他作为伴侣的改变地位。

我所做的是采用最好的游戏内物品并将其翻译成Floris的设备。我删除了他的Gothic Lance,因为这个游戏中的AI很差,并且使用长矛经常让他们被杀死。我添加了一个独特的弩/螺栓,因为Floris默认具有非常高的弩技能。



Gerulfingen大头盔 = Lord Red红色大翼头盔(61头盔甲)
与Gerulfingen Surcoat的邮件 = Lord heavy Heavy Full Plate Armor(64 Body Armor,23 Leg Armor)
Gerulfingen护手 = Lord板甲护手(12 Body Armor)
Gerulfingen Mail Boots =勋爵铁胫甲(41腿护甲)
Gerulfingen Lord Sword = Masterwork Swadian Lord Sword(39c,30p,95 Speed,100 Reach)
Gerulfingen加热器护盾 =加强马穆鲁克的圆形护盾(503 / 
503,33阻力,100大小,81速度)Gerulfingen弩 =攻城弩(87p,90准确度,35速度)
Gerfulfingen钢尖螺栓 =大袋钢螺栓(31/31,+ 2到损坏)
Gerulfingen Warhorse =重型草原充电器(61护甲,41速度,43机动,36充电,生命值175/175 )



Unzip. Backup your original file located in Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\Floris Expanded Mod Pack 2.5 then copy paste overwrite with this file. This mini-mod is NOT savegame compatible, you will have to start a new game for the changes to take effect. It will not hurt your current savegame if you install it however.

Missi Floris (the companion) was introduced in the Floris Mod Pack. For a staggering 20,000 denars you can hire him, and he comes decently equipped and has some useful party skills. However, being that he is level 29, you will not get much room to customize him, and he's rather fragile (no Iron Flesh skill, no Shield skill). Given that Floris is the creator of this amazing mod, I wanted to make him live up to his modding status as a companion.

What I've done is taken the best in-games items and translated those to Floris's equipment. I removed his Gothic Lance, as the AI in this game is poor and using a lance often gets them killed. I've added a unique crossbow/bolts instead, since Floris comes with a very high Crossbow skill by default.

Consult the images for all of the stats and item details. I'll explain how I've arrived at the item stats below.

Equipment List

Gerulfingen Great Helmet = Lordly Red Great Winged Helmet (61 Head Armor)
Mail with Gerulfingen Surcoat = Lordly Heavy Full Plate Armor (64 Body Armor, 23 Leg Armor)
Gerulfingen Gauntlets = Lordly Plate Gauntlets (12 Body Armor)
Gerulfingen Mail Boots = Lordly Iron Greaves (41 Leg Armor)
Gerulfingen Lord Sword = Masterwork Swadian Lord Sword (39c, 30p, 95 Speed, 100 Reach)
Gerulfingen Heater Shield = Reinforced Mamluk's Round Shield (503/503, 23 Resistance, 100 Size, 81 Speed)
Gerulfingen Crossbow = Siege Crossbow (87p, 90 Accuracy, 35 Speed)
Gerfulfingen Steel-tipped Bolts = Large Bag of Steel Bolts (31/31, +2 to damage)
Gerulfingen Warhorse = Heavy Steppe Charger (61 Armor, 41 Speed, 43 Maneuver, 36 Charge, Hit Points 175/175)

I've kept all the original meshes so he will still retain his unique appearance. He has been given 4 Iron Flesh, 4 Shield, 4 Athletics in addition to his starting stats. 

These changes will make him a very potent presence on the battlefield, but not invincible/overpowered by any means (still very susceptible to getting mobbed). He's just a bit more balanced now. This is all assuming you play on full damage to companions, if you play on 1/2 damage it will be very hard for enemies to take him down.




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  • 上古卷轴5:天际重置版 诺克提斯武士刀MOD
  • ★★★奥利波德宫★★★这不是豪宅,这是SIM4的奇迹(无自定义)
  • Lexus IS300
  • 暗黑地牢 怪癖调整MOD
  • 侠盗猎车5 本田Biz125踏板摩托MOD
  • 上古卷轴5 雪漫舒适小屋MOD