Warband Enhanced 战团增强

资源大小:172 MB




在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Warband Enhanced 战团增强 Mod,由Iorya Dragon制作。ray840326在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Iorya Dragon Mod版本: 0.6 Mod大小: 172 MB 更新时间: 2019-02-21 22:10:35 发布时间: 2019-02-21 22:10:35


Warband Enhanced  战团增强

Warband Enhanced是我第一次尝试通过这个社区制作的最好的mod以及我实现的新功能和游戏调整来改进Warband Native的游戏玩法。起初,我开始为自己个人使用mod,然后我深入研究模块文件并开始玩游戏并考虑公开发布。

需要官方Warband客户端1.143: http : //download.taleworlds.com/mb_warband_setup_1143.exe 


- 将Warband Enhanced文件夹解压缩到您的模块目录。转到Warband Enhanced目录中的WSE文件夹,启动wse_loader.exe,从列表中选择Warband Enhanced并播放。
- 建议战斗大小:200-300(使用战斗大小Warband Changer执行此操作)链接:http 
://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id = 1761 
- PBOD的MOD选项:CAMP> PBOD Mod首选项- MOD选项外交:CAMP>外交偏好

[size = 16pt]特点:[/ size] 

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战前订单和部署是我对warband的第二个最喜欢的mod。由于增加了阵型和改进的战斗AI,它简单地修复了与AI Lords的战斗。随之而来的是球员队伍的特殊阵型,以及新的附加物,如长矛支撑,马枪修理和更多的好东西,c ompanion和保镖等等。阅读更多:http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,142816.0.html 




- 当你和领主被击败时,你不会失去进步。任务开始并给你20天的时间来返回/拯救你的领主,并在完成任务时保存进度。
- 14天休假现在正常工作
- 重要事项的颜色编码信息
- 如果您与领主一起服务90天或更长时间,您可以保留最后收到的设备。


- 现在有了一个新的招聘系统。作为没有派系的领主,你只能招募属于雇佣军队伍的农民。当你在3天之后加入派系时,你可以从村庄招募派系部队,但是从其他派系中你只能招募农民。你征服的每个新村庄都有你的派系部队,而不是旧的派系部队。
- 为了平衡游戏,在某些情况下,每个单元的升级价格增加了4倍。幸运的是,一个视觉部队树已经到位,升级价格让你决定升级什么以及什么时候:报告>查看部队树
- 你作为新发现的王国之王的第一步是选择一种文化。你通过雇佣和谈论Chancelor,国内政策>王国的文化来做到这一点。

Alayen- 维吉亚
Baheshtur- Khergit 
Firentis- 斯瓦迪亚
Matheld- 北
罗尔夫- Sarranid 



- 彩色编码信息现在显示在主要状态,如获得声望,任务时间,领主关系等等。此外,当你加入一个派系时,彩色编码信息的全部功能就会到位,从那时起,你将拥有报告敌人,友善/敌人领主被捕获,失败等信息的特殊颜色。


- 在每次战斗结束时,在敌人伤亡之下,你会看到你的杀戮数量以及同伴和领主的杀戮数量。


- 由于rubik开发的掠夺系统,现在你有更好的机会获得好物品。


- 现在可以使用部队树视觉表示。在每个派系的树旁边,您可以看到树中每个部队的升级成本,工资,设备甚至统计数据。(只需在部队树菜单中点击部队图像)。




- 土匪的颜色现在是紫色的,以便轻松识别掠夺者,森林匪徒等等
- 赢得锦标赛时获得1000xp ,并且每轮投注250金币的可能性。
- 在潜行任务中被发现时,您将装备正常的装备,但在四处走动时,您将拥有伪装的装备。
- 攻城包:几乎所有的城堡和城镇都有2个梯子或1个梯子和1个围攻。
- 领主的关系惩罚从-5/2降至-2/2
- 当袭击袭击村庄时,所有士兵都会在没有马匹的情况下进行战斗以平衡原生行为。
- 中级奴隶有更好的盾牌技能(在游戏中检查部队树)
- 剑姐姐中级部队有更好的装备(在游戏中检查部队树)
- 企业现在生产50%以上的产品和一些成本更低
- 10名囚犯监狱管理每1 
分钟一次 - 战俘改善建设时间减少
- 一些领主现在拥有更好的马匹
- 匪徒带领由匪徒


- 死亡相机使用小键盘而不是固定在v0.3中的鼠标
- 对KO和默认情况下,战斗延续已在v0.3中修复
- 外交招聘对话,如果村庄不属于你的派系,招聘人员只会招募农民。
- 在酒馆中没有雇佣兵 - 在v0.3中修复
- 没有关于入伍的文字摘要:击败任务 - 在第0.3节中修复
- 有时当你玩的时候,两个军队将会形成并相互凝视,你需要激怒一个一个人开始。这是我将调查的PBOD问题。


- 讨厌Warband中日志消息的大小。要减小字体的大小,请转到warband文件夹/DATA/font_data.xml并将字体大小的值从70更改为80或85,字体越小越好:最佳大小约为80-85 。

<fontdata width="2048" height="1024" padding="10" font_size="80“font_scale =”100“line_spacing =”100“>

信用卡: Iorya Dragon的Mod - 我在这里和那里修复了一些错误,编译了下面的主要版本,添加了新功能并调整了一些东西。

外交4.2 - Waihti和zParsifal 
PBOD 0.963 - Cabra'din 
Freelancer 1.51 + - Floris,Windyplains,Monnikje,taragoth,ithilienranger,Caba'Drin和更多
更好的横幅 - MarkQuinn 
电影编辑 - DOMA_ 
改进的Looting系统 - 由rubik 
颜色编码 - 由hardcode 
KILL COUNT - rubik 
查看所有项目,部队树 - rubik和dunde 
更多金属声音 - Checkmaty 
Faction部队菜单概念 - Atamawood 
Quickmodding营地剧本 - MartinF(很多人感谢!!!!)

Warband Enhanced is my first attempt to improve the gameplay in Warband Native with the help of the best mods made by this community and also with the implementation of new features and gameplay tweaks made by me. At first, i started to make the mod for my own personal use and then i delved into module files and started to play around and thinking of making a public release.

Requires Official Warband Client 1.143: http://download.taleworlds.com/mb_warband_setup_1143.exe


- Extract the folder Warband Enhanced to your Modules directory. Go to WSE folder in the Warband Enhanced directory, launch wse_loader.exe, select Warband Enhanced from the list and play. 
- Recommended Battle Size: 200-300 (Do this with Battle Size Warband Changer) LINK: http://www.mbrepository.com/file.php?id=1761
- MOD OPTIONS for PBOD : CAMP > PBOD Mod Preferences
- MOD OPTIONS for Diplomacy: CAMP > Diplomacy Preferences



Diplomacy is my favorite mod made for warband. I really cant play the game without it and nobody should, to be honest. It gives you clear stats on your relation with the lords and their relation to their kings. On top of that it helps you manage the castles, fiefs or kingdom much easily with the help of advisors and wife. Read more: 

Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment is my second favorite mod for warband. It simply fixes the battles with AI Lords, due to addition of formations and improved battle AI. Along with this comes special formation for players troops, and new additions like spear bracing, horse lance fix and many more goodies,c ompanion and as bodyguards and more. Read more: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,142816.0.html

At the moment charge is on by default and camera doesn't have mouse movement you have to use numpad keys to look around when you are knocked off. fixed in v0.3

Freelancer is a great little mod that lets you enlist into a lord army alone and rise in ranks from recruit to knight(based on the faction troop tree), gain good loot from battles, money and relation with the faction and the lord. Read more: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,182848.0.html

Additions and Fixes to native Freelancer:

- You dont loose progress when you and the lord are defeated. A quest starts and gives you 20 days to return/rescue your lord and the progress is saved, when completing the quest. 
- 14 Days Leave is now working correctly
- Color Coded messages for important things
- You can keep the last equipment received if you stay in service with the lord for 90 days or more.

Improved Recruit System and Upgrade Prices:

- A new recruitment system is now in place. As lord without a faction you can only recruit peasants which belong to the mercenary troop tree. As you join a faction after 3 days you can recruit the faction troops from villages, but from other factions you will only be able to recruit peasants. Every new villages you conquer will have your faction troops and not the old faction troops.
- To balance the game, the upgrade price for each unit has been increased by 4 times in some cases. Luckily, a visual troop tree is in place with upgrade prices for you to decide what to upgrade and when: Reports > View Troop Tree
- Your first step as a king of your newly found kingdom is to choose a culture. You do that by hiring and talking with the Chancelor, Domestic Policy > Kingdom's culture.
You will have your starting faction in the list or more, if you recruited companions that came from difrent nations and made them lords. These companions have to be nobles:


After choosing the culture, lords, villages and kingdoms reinforcements will switch to that culture. On some will be instantly like reinforcements, on villages it takes 1-3 days, and on Lords it takes time if they already have an army.
Favoring no culture will make your villages only have farmers as recruits, which is on by default untill you choose a culture.

Color Coded Messages:

- Color Coded messages are now displayed on major statuses, like gaining renown, quest time, lord relation and much more. Also when you join a faction the full power of color coded messages come in place since then you will have special colors for messages that report enemies, friendly/enemy lords captured, defeated and so on.

Kill Count:

- At the end of each battle below enemy casualties you will see your kill count along with the kill count of your companions and lords.

Improved Looting System:

- Now you have a better chance to get good items due to the looting system developed by rubik.

Troops Tree and View All Items Menus:

- A troop tree visual representation is now available. Beside the tree for each faction, you can see the upgrade cost, wages , equipment and even stat for each troop in the tree. (just click on the troop image while in the troop tree menu).

Improved Graphics and Sound:

Cinematic Compilation now brings improved texture graphics and with the help Better Metal Sounds the fights sound better and feel more realistic. Also, i added Better Banners since i can't play without them and nor should you.

Gameplay Tweaks and small additions:

- the color of the bandits is now purple for an easy identification of looters, forest bandits and so on
- 1000xp received when winning a tournament and the possibility of betting 250 gold on each round.
- When discovered in sneak missions you will equip your normal equipment, but on walk around you will have the disguised equipment.
- Siege Pack: Almost all castles and towns have 2 ladders or 1 ladder and 1 sieges.
- relation penalty on lords decreased from -5/2 to -2/2
- when attacked on raiding villages all soldiers will fight without horses to balance the native behavior.
- mid tier slavers have slightly better shield skills (check troop tree in game)
- sword sister mid tier troops have slightly better equipment (check troop tree in game)
- enterprises now produce 50% more goods and some cost less to build
- 10 prisoners per 1 point in prison management
- construction time of fief improvements reduced 
- some lords have now better horses
- outlaw bands are lead by Chief Bandits

Known Issues:

- Death Camera uses numpad keys instead of mouse fixed in v0.3
- Charge on KO and Battle Continuation are on by default fixed in v0.3
- Diplomacy Recruiter dialogs, the recruiter will only recruit farmers if the village doesn't belong to your faction.
- no mercenaries in tavern - fixed in v0.3
- no text summary on Enlisted: Defeat quest - fixed in v0.3
- sometimes when you play as Enlisted two armies will go in formation and stare at each other, you need to provoke one alone to get things started . This is a problem from PBOD which i will investigate. 


- hate the size of the log message in Warband. To reduce the size of the font go to your warband folder /DATA/font_data.xml and change the value of the font size from 70 to 80 or 85, the bigger the small the font will be: A optimum size is around 80-85.

<fontdata width="2048" height="1024" padding="10" font_size="80" font_scale="100" line_spacing="100">


Mod by Iorya Dragon - I fixed a few bugs here and there, compiled the major mods below, added new features and tweaked things.

Diplomacy 4.2 - Waihti and zParsifal
PBOD 0.963 - Cabra'din
Freelancer 1.51 + - Floris, Windyplains, Monnikje, taragoth, ithilienranger, Caba'Drin and more
Better Banners - MarkQuinn
Cinematic Compilation - DOMA_
Improved Looting system - by rubik
Color coded - by hardcode
KILL COUNT - rubik
View All Items, Troop Tree - rubik and dunde
More Metal Sounds - Checkmaty
Faction Troops Menu concept - Atamawood
Quickmodding camp script - MartinF (LOTS OF THANKS!!!!)
A big Thanks to all moders from the forge section:)




Laurent的自律机器人涂装 v2.0 | 重婚模组-To Have and to hold及其炉火扩展插件 | 玛丽亚-伊甸 卖身 2.1.20160813 Maria Eden Prostitution | 生化危机6 艾达蓝色炫丽警服 | 08 - Lingerie Set for CBBE or 7BSeveNBase | 模拟人生4 v1.31黑白姐妹天才与麻瓜MOD |


  • Laurent的自律机器人涂装 v2.0
  • 重婚模组-To Have and to hold及其炉火扩展插件
  • 玛丽亚-伊甸 卖身 2.1.20160813 Maria Eden Prostitution
  • 生化危机6 艾达蓝色炫丽警服
  • 08 - Lingerie Set for CBBE or 7BSeveNBase
  • 模拟人生4 v1.31黑白姐妹天才与麻瓜MOD