
资源大小:586 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的法术破坏者替换者 Mod,由Jarl Porta制作。duff108在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Jarl Porta Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 586 KB 更新时间: 2019-02-20 19:09:49 发布时间: 2019-02-20 19:09:49



Original Mod


我爱你Grace Fidelia,正如我向你保证的那样,即使我受到严重伤害,它也不会改变我内心的任何事情


this will be my last mod, im starting uploading my own file because of my girlfriend, she support me to do what i love as side job, to get money to make her wish come true, i release every single mod day by day by hoping she will happy, she ask me to marry her as soon as possible, i try everything i could to get money, to get better job, to treat her right, i love her so much, but dunno why she's changes so drasticly, she said, she like another man, she dont want to be with me anymore, i just cry and try to make anything right, last 4 day i just go to her place, we live in different city, we celebrate valentine together as we should be, i though everything fine's now, but the next hour when she said she wanna go with her friend looking for clothes, she start to rude to me again, im waiting in near her apartment, im hungry but i got no money, i dont think how i survive there, i just want to see her back to normal, im walking here and there waiting for her, before she go, she buy a ticket, we are going to see movie, but till midnight she never back, and rude to me, she even said she going to call a police if im not go from her place as soon as possible., im crying so hard that time, but in other side, im so hungry and thristy, i almost lost my self in the street, luckly my friend come to take me, in the way to his home, i though i going to die or else much worse, im vomit so many time, and the rain keep falling from the sky, im wonder why she could do this to me, i love her will all my life, i do everything for her, how could she do this to man that always by her side for 2 years, but when i get there, in my friend house, i try to contact her, and she start to worry about my condition, the next day she went normal, she nice to me again, then the next day she start to rude again, she force me to breakup with her, she block all my media social, she's crazy to a man that just know her for 2 week, in really bad condition i try to get home, but we got hit by a car while we riding motorcycle, my left ancle wounded and broke, and i cant barely walk normal now, but she said she will unblock me when im home, so i force my self to get back home, but then when im home, yesterday she start to ignore me, like im nothing to her, like she never know me, and she keep giving me a reason and reason that just broke my heart more and more, how could she do that to me, why she betray me, she leave me when i do everything to make her wish come true, with all this sadness i try to sleep, im worrying my bad health condition,  but im ended in hospital now, my hipertency going bad since im so depressed by this problem, last 3 hour i just broke my blood vessel somewhere near my nose or throat, im starting blood vomit, i go to hospital with my brother, now i  lay down on hospital with all this wound, just wondering, is it my time? what else left for me here, i just too sad, but i think this is it, i got coma last time i broke my blood vessel, maybe its about time for me to get coma again, but i prepare my file on my phone, cause i think my times is near, so when i feel it, i can at least release my very last mod for you guys, i change all dp point of my mod to help humanity donation, she dont want me anymore, im just a cripple trash in her eyes now, just a sickling freak, but i hope someday she knew how much i love her, even tho she hurt me this badly, i do still love her, i still want to take her in my arm, im not sure to handle my mod to help you fix the problem for now, or forever, im dying now, could you just look at me for a minute? or hour? all this stuff i do is for you, cause you want it, but why you leave me, i cant bare this anylonger

Original Mod
Steel Heater Shield

I love you Grace Fidelia, as i promise you, even i get hurt this badly, it wont changes anything in my heart




LaraRace | 4p-X骚扰——Four-Play Sexual Harassment | Brunhilda | 非必要的可杀死风暴掩体营的军官 | 《星际争霸2:自由之翼》暴雪首批官方RPG地图之求生无路(Left 2 Die) | 魔改武器MOD |


  • LaraRace
  • 4p-X骚扰——Four-Play Sexual Harassment
  • Brunhilda
  • 非必要的可杀死风暴掩体营的军官
  • 《星际争霸2:自由之翼》暴雪首批官方RPG地图之求生无路(Left 2 Die)
  • 魔改武器MOD