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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的VRIK逆运动学 Mod,由prog制作。kira0224在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: prog Mod版本: 0.1 Mod大小: 178 KB 更新时间: 2019-02-14 21:06:36 发布时间: 2019-02-14 21:06:36



VRIK项目的主要目标是让Skyrim VR成为更加身临其境的体验。目前,该mod专注于VR Body mod的技术改进,以便在游戏世界中提供更多的物理存在。后来我想添加功能来改善交互(例如,取消武器)。

VRIK V0.1 Beta支持以下功能:



VRIK兼容XPMSSE和其他需要它的mod。 Groovtama慷慨地允许他将其作品的修改版本包含在兼容性中。


我已经使用Mod Organizer 2对此进行了测试,但其他mod管理器或手动安装也应该可以使用。


安装VR Body mod。它是必需的,应该在VRIK之前安装。请仔细阅读并遵循其安装说明,其中一些说明将在下面重复。

在SkyrimVR.ini中设置bAlwaysShowHands = 1。我建议使用Bilago的INI Tweaker工具轻松更改INI设置。该文件通常可以在“%USERPROFILE%\ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim VR”中找到,如果该文件尚不存在,则可以创建该文件。



通过更改fMagicHandScale来校准VR中手臂和手的大小。 VRIK确实尊重此设置,并将调整手臂/手的大小以匹配。默认大小非常大。我建议将其设置为大约0.8。


不要安装VR Body XPMSSE补丁。使用VRIK时不需要它。

如果您正在使用XPMSSE并且不在Skyrim VR中使用左手模式,请在下一步安装带有XPMSSE骨架的VRIK。否则,接下来安装带有香草骨架的VRIK。 (参见下面关于左撇子模式的已知问题)

仔细检查VRIK是否在安装订单的末尾。 VRIK应该覆盖XPMSSE(如果你正在使用它)和VR Body。如果有任何东西会覆盖VRIK,那么IT 100%将无效。




一些玩家动画有问题。例如,法术施放动画会导致玩家身体蹲伏并向前弯曲,这对VR不起作用。这是从VR Body继承的问题,使用IK工作更加引人注目。纠正动画问题是一个高优先级。



由于VRIK是VR Body的mod,因此VR Body的问题也会影响VRIK。例如,缺少脚步声。


我正在寻找玩家在尝试这个mod时可能遇到的任何问题的反馈。如果您遇到麻烦,请考虑留下帖子以便我调查。我也对修复VR Body问题很感兴趣,但是尝试在你的mod管理器中禁用VRIK来找出导致问题的mod。如果你能够





Smiley96L用于创建VR Body mod并鼓励我为此工作







Mod Description

The primary goal of the VRIK project is to make Skyrim VR a more immersive experience.  For now, the mod focuses on technical improvements to the VR Body mod in order to provide a more physical presence in the game world.  Later I would like to add features to improve interactions (unsheathing your weapon for example).

The VRIK V0.1 Beta supports the following features:

An analytical inverse kinematics solver that properly connects the player's arms to the body

Headset rotation is now disconnected from body rotation, allowing the player to turn their head.

VRIK is compatible with XPMSSE and other mods that require it.  Groovtama has graciously given his permission to include a modified version of his work for compatibility.


I've tested this using Mod Organizer 2, but other mod managers or manual installation should also work.

Install SKSEVR.

Install the VR Body mod.  It is required and should be installed before VRIK. Read over and follow its installation instructions, some of which are repeated below.

Set bAlwaysShowHands=1 in SkyrimVR.ini.  I recommend using Bilago's INI Tweaker tool to change INI settings easily.  The file can normally be found in "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Skyrim VR" and can be created if it does not already exist there.

Calibrate your height using the in-game height slider (under VR Settings), or by adjusting the fCharacterHeightOffset value in SkyrimPrefs.ini.

Calibrate how large the world appears around you by adjusting the fVRScale value in SkyrimVR.ini.

Calibrate the size of your arms and hands in VR by changing fMagicHandScale.  VRIK does respect this setting and will adjust the arm/hand size to match.  The default size is very large.  I recommend setting it to about 0.8.

If you are using the XPMSSE skeleton, it should be installed next.

Do NOT install the VR Body XPMSSE patch.  It is not needed when using VRIK.

If you are using XPMSSE and are NOT using left-handed mode in Skyrim VR, install VRIK with the XPMSSE skeleton next.  Otherwise, install VRIK with the vanilla skeleton next.  (See the Known Issues below about left-handed mode)

Double check that VRIK is at the end of your install order.  VRIK should overwrite XPMSSE (if you're using it) and VR Body.  If anything at all overwrites VRIK, IT 100% WILL NOT WORK.

Known Issues

Currently VRIK is in beta.  This mod is known to have the following problems:

Skyrim will crash on startup if left handed mode is enabled and an XPMSSE based first person skeleton is used.  The vanilla skeleton must be used instead.

Some player animations have problems.  For example, the spell-casting animation causes the player body to crouch and bend forward which doesn't really work for VR.  It's a problem inherited from VR Body, and made more noticeable with working IK.  Correcting animation issues is a high-priority.

The player body warps around as the headset moves, and does not stay perfectly aligned below the headset.  The issue is a bit complicated, but a potential fix is already in progress.

Arms will flicker when the hand is inside the shoulder.  This is a problem that occurs when the IK solver can not find a solution for a certain hand placement.

Because VRIK is a mod for VR Body, issues from VR Body also affect VRIK.  For example, missing footstep sounds.

Beta Test Feedback

I'm looking for feedback on any problems players may find while trying this mod. If you run into trouble, please consider leaving a post so I can investigate. I'm also interested in fixing VR Body problems, but do try disabling VRIK in your mod manager to find out which mod is causing an issue.  If you're able to
reproduce a problem, please try and explain how I can recreate it.

Finally, if you're able to help or know how to fix something, please let me know!

Special Thanks

I'd like to thank the following people for their help:

Smiley96L for creating the VR Body mod and inspiring me to work on this

Groovtama for allowing me to modify and release a special version of his first-person XPMSSE skeleton for VRIK

Brandon for his incredible patience in reminding me how math works almost every single day...

Shizof for your help testing and feedback

Rubbr_Dukkie for your help testing and feedback

Bakou for all your advice and for answering way too many of my dumb questions




自律机器人的阵营涂装 v1.1 | 猎户座诺瓦定制服装 | 世界征服者3 三国征服者MODv1.3 | Blusher 1801 腮红 | 模拟人生4 纺织墙壁挂画MOD | 空中公寓40X30 |


  • 自律机器人的阵营涂装 v1.1
  • 猎户座诺瓦定制服装
  • 世界征服者3 三国征服者MODv1.3
  • Blusher 1801 腮红
  • 模拟人生4 纺织墙壁挂画MOD
  • 空中公寓40X30