铁砧 - 世界击碎者

资源大小:53.8 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的铁砧 - 世界击碎者 Mod,由AnvilGaming制作。hedo335在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: AnvilGaming Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 53.8 MB 更新时间: 2019-01-31 16:33:55 发布时间: 2019-01-31 16:33:55








氏族的核心信仰是在整个锻造过程中遵循金属的属性,被称为“锻造代码”(Code Of The Forge)。该守则采纳了“马拉卡特法典”中的基本规则和信仰,并在此基础上建立起适合于氏族的准则和信仰。每一代都建立在下一代代码的基础上。





Mod引进了一个名为“Anvil‘sRefuge”的新地点。位置就在“Reachwater Rock”之上。这个据点坐落在一个被遗弃的营地的对面,就在一个瀑布旁边。跟随Orcish据点图标在地图上到达这个位置。




地点:铁砧避难所(非常靠近Reachwater Rock)
















用Tilde键(~)打开控制台。输入“Help Anvil”(没有引号)。然后键入“player.placeatme#”,其中#是NPC Anvil控制台中列出的ID。








皮肤纹理:SkySight Skins-超高清4K 2K男性纹理和真实的脚网格-发信号




Anvil - The Worldbreaker

"It is said that an Orc first learns to wield a hammer in her mother's womb."

These words are not only mired amongst Orcish society...It is in the inherent nature of every Orc that is born. These words were the way of life for the "ForgeFire Clan", which was built upon the ideals of craftsmanship and the life-long dedication to perfecting the art of Smithing. 
It was a natural expectation within the ForgeFire Clan that whenever a child is of age, their first instinct is to wield a weapon, whether it is a blade or blunt weapon, and use it against the thing they fear most. That weapon becomes the soul of the individual. Each weapon they create for themselves will have the metal from their previous weapon infused with the new. This is the evolution from Child to Adult, with the soul  of the individual being the constant.

There has been only one instance where this instinct was not followed by an individual. After a child was born and was of age, his first instinct was to wield a hammer and strike the Anvil in the Forge. Something about the sound of the hammer smashing against the Anvil, and the sounds of the fire roaring when air is pushed into the forge, caught this child's attention. 

The Clan, as a collective, proclaimed that this child will forever be known as...Anvil.

The ForgeFire Clan

"An Orc follows to the death"

The core beliefs of the clan was to follow the attributes of Metals throughout the Smithing process, known as "The Code of the Forge". The code takes the basic rules and beliefs from the "The Code of Malacath", and builds upon it to be suitable for the Clan. Each generation builds upon the code for the next.
A Metal can be bent and shaped once it has been heated to the perfect temperature. Each Metal is different, yet the basic properties are all the same. Similarly, all the members of the ForgeFire clan are effective in their respective natural talents, but within the clan, whether man or woman, all members are one...equal.

After the Metal has reached the perfect temperature, it is then forged into a weapon, or a piece of armor that is far better and stronger than the metal could previously be. If the metal is forged prematurely, or too late, it will break...it will be destroyed. A great deal of patience and focus is needed to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the metal. Similarly, all members of the ForgeFire clan must learn to use their Rage in order to make themselves better and stronger in the heat of battle. But they must never let the Rage consume them, as that would destroy them from within. Each member must learn to observe their own strengths and weaknesses. To observe themselves with patience and focus, to use this knowledge to make themselves better, stronger and wiser. 

A weapon, once forged, has but one purpose... to destroy. It is up to the soul that wields it which determines how effective the weapon will be. Each clan member, when constructing a weapon, must understand the purpose of the weapon being created. To know if the weapon will be used to harm the innocent, or to bring doom upon the corrupt. Your purpose is clear, to ensure your weapon destroys the wicked with unrelenting fury.

Armor, once forged, has but one purpose... to protect. The best armor will survive the test of time...It will be immovable...unbreakable. Your purpose is clear, to be the indestructible shield against those who would bring chaos upon this world.
The clan was established during the later periods of The Dragon War, which was a war fought in the Merethic Era between Dragons and Men. Not much is known about the history of the clan, but all that is known is that Anvil is the last remaining member.

Anvil's Refuge:

The mod brings in a new location known as "Anvil's Refuge". The location is right above "Reachwater Rock". The stronghold sits on the opposite side of a Forsworn Camp, next to a waterfall. Follow the Orcish Stronghold icon on the map to reach this location.

Recommended Mods:
I would highly recommend you get Relationship Dialogue Overhaul and a follower management mod, such as Amazing Follower Tweaks SE.

Follower Stats:

Starts at level 1 and continues to level with the player at the same rate.

Location: Anvil's Refuge (Very close to Reachwater Rock)

Marriage: Yes

Essential: Yes

Height: 1.05

Weight: 100

Morality: Any Crime

Aggression: Foolhardy

Voice: Male Orc

Starting Weapon and Armor: Iron Warhammer and Full Banded Iron Armor Set.

Skill Trainer: Smithing (Can train the player in the Smithing skill, up to max level)


Anvil is fully proficient with both Light and Heavy armor. 

Proficient with ALL melee weapons and builds (2 Handed weapon, 1H/Shield, Dual-wielding)

Note: This mod modifies a location in the base game. I've deleted and moved a few things to make space for the stronghold. During my testing, i have not encountered any compatibility issues. But there may be some rare cases. 

This mod brings a new location in the world of Skyrim. As I am brand new to level design/mapping, there may be some bugs that i may not have experienced during my rigorous testing. I have done my best to fix the Navmeshes in the new location, but there are some cases where followers may slightly clip through the ground.

Although rare, there may be a slight chance that Anvil may not spawn correctly in-game if you start a new game using "Alternative Life" mod. If that happens, you have two options.

Open up the console with the Tilde key (~). Type "Help Anvil" (without quotes). Then type "Player.placeatme #" where the # is the ID listed in the console for the NPC Anvil.

Or Re-install the mod through your mod manager (don't need to redownload the mod) and the issue should be fixed.

If you come across any bug or issue with the follower or the location, please let me know. I will do my best to fix the issue.

There is a small bug where Anvil's scale decreases when interacting with furniture or crafting workstations (Forge, Workbench, Smelter etc). But the scale fixes itself once the follower stops using the workstation.

If you create some epic screenshots of the follower, please share it on the page!

My Follower Mods



Skin Textures: SkySight Skins - Ultra HD 4K 2K Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes - fadingsignal

Screenshot Credits:

Armor used in the screenshots: Ebony Replacer Revival SS

ENB used in screenshots: SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB (Obsidian Preset)

Too much to write here. Will be added later.




我的世界 v1.11.2维克的现代战争MOD | Enhanced Wasteland Preset v2.0(更新原版和清晰字体版本) | 上古卷轴5 加利亚护甲MOD | 我的世界 逃生专用材质包 | 七日杀 A15.2饥荒之浴火重生MOD | 巫师3:狂猎 过场动画光照MOD v0.03 |


  • 我的世界 v1.11.2维克的现代战争MOD
  • Enhanced Wasteland Preset v2.0(更新原版和清晰字体版本)
  • 上古卷轴5 加利亚护甲MOD
  • 我的世界 逃生专用材质包
  • 七日杀 A15.2饥荒之浴火重生MOD
  • 巫师3:狂猎 过场动画光照MOD v0.03