雷霆之心 - 仙境传说SE - 雷神的盔甲和Mjolnir

资源大小:17.7 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的雷霆之心 - 仙境传说SE - 雷神的盔甲和Mjolnir Mod,由OminousVoice制作。diosoo在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: OminousVoice Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 17.7 MB 更新时间: 2019-01-23 16:57:15 发布时间: 2019-01-23 16:57:15




自从我发布最初的Heart of Thunder mod以来已经过去了几年。现在,在看起来像一个时代之后,我已经更新了它。




建议使用mod管理器(NMM,Mod Organizer),否则只需将其解压缩到Data文件夹中。

要手动卸载,请从您的Data文件夹中删除Heart of Thunder- Ragnarok Edition SE.bsa,Heart of Thunder- Ragnarok Edition SE  -  Textures.bsa和.esp。


盔甲有重型和轻型两种。我试图保持统计数据平衡。它们类似于Ebony或Stalhrim,并受益于Ebony smithing perk的回火,但它不需要制作。一旦您拿起并装备Mjölnir,就可以制作盔甲,并可以在Ebony部分的Skyforge上制作。斗篷可以在杂项下制作。




胸甲:A-38 W-6

头盔:A-16 W-1

护腕:A-11 W-1

靴子:A-11 W-1

沉重版本采用复仇者联盟中的盔甲:Age of Ultron,有缩放套装和银色装饰。


胸甲:A-43 W-35

头盔:A-21 W-7

护腕:A-16 W-6

靴子:A-16 W-6



Mjölnir:D-20 W-14

普通攻击会造成标准的无法伤害。力量攻击会使目标飞行的力量相当于Unrelenting Force的所有3个单词。还会发生雷击,对其半径范围内的所有人造成20点冲击伤害。冲击波将在同一半径内回击最多。冲击波实际上是非敌对的,所以不要意外地仇恨友谊,但要小心在室内与同伴一起使用。

Block Bashing将从相当于香草Thunderbolt法术的锤子上发射一道闪电。按住拦截按住攻击按钮以触发该法术。在阻止时攻击攻击不起作用。



Mjölnir位于Whiterun平原中间的小山上。前往北侧,你会看到通往山的路径。当你接近时,你会看到一根光柱,向着它前进。你会发现锤子沐浴在一个相当漂亮和大气的光轴中。 (见图)



点击Skyrim Legendary Edition版本



"Whomsoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor!"

This mod aims to bring the armour and weapon of Marvel's Thor to Skyrim. Become the Lord God of Thunder! Shoot sparkles lightning! Hit things hard ...like, really hard ...so that they go flying ...like, really far.

It's been a few years since I released the original Heart of Thunder mod. Now, after what seems like an age, I've updated it. 

The mod has been rebuilt from scratch, including (mostly) new meshes and new textures. Implementation has been simplified too. There are no exotic crafting materials, no jumping through hoops. Just pick up the hammer, craft the armour and smite away.

This Special Edition version has been ported properly (to the best of my knowledge), including updated meshes and esp forms.

Installation & Uninstallation

Use of a mod manager (NMM, Mod Organizer) is recommended, otherwise simply extract into your Data folder.

To uninstall manually simple remove the Heart of Thunder- Ragnarok Edition SE.bsa, Heart of Thunder- Ragnarok Edition SE - Textures.bsa and .esp from your Data folder.


The armour comes in both heavy and light varieties. I've attempted to keep the stats balanced. They are similar to Ebony or Stalhrim, and benefit from the Ebony smithing perk for tempering, but it's not required crafting. The armour can be crafted once you pick up and equip Mjölnir and can be crafted at the Skyforge under the Ebony section. The cape can be crafted under Misc.

The heavy and light differ not only in stats but in appearance. 
The light version is modelled after Thor's armour in Thor: The Dark World, is sleeveless with bronze trim.

Base Stats:

Cuirass:     A-38 W-6
Helmet:     A-16 W-1
Bracers:     A-11 W-1
Boots:        A-11 W-1

The heavy version takes after the armour in Avengers: Age of Ultron, has scalemail sleeves and silver trim.

Base Stats:

Cuirass:     A-43 W-35
Helmet:     A-21 W-7
Bracers:     A-16 W-6
Boots:        A-16 W-6


Now, Mjölnir is a slightly different story. It's base stats are similar to an Ebony mace and benefits from one-handed Mace related perks. However, it's the enchantment that make it stand out (and perhaps a bit overpowered).

Mjölnir:     D-20 W-14

Normal attacks do standard unenchanted damage. Power attacks will send the target flying with a strength equivalent to all 3 words of Unrelenting Force. There will also be a lightning explosion which causes 20 shock damage to all in its radius. The shockwave will knock back most in that same radius. The shockwave is actually non-hostile so as not to accidentally aggro friendlies, however, be careful using it indoors with companions.

Block Bashing will fire a bolt of lightning from the hammer equivalent to the vanilla Thunderbolt spell. Hold the attack button down while holding block to trigger the spell. Tapping attack while blocking will not work.

Given the scripted nature of the enchantment, it cannot be disenchanted and reapplied to another weapon.


Mjölnir can be found up the small mountain in the middle of Whiterun plain. Head to the north side and you'll see a path leading up the mountain. As you approach you'll see a pillar of light, head towards that. You'll find the hammer bathed in a rather pretty and atmospheric shaft of light. (see images)

Known issues
If the power attack effect doesn't fire, unequip the hammer, drop it, pick it up and re-equip it.

Click for Skyrim Legendary Edition version

Happy hammering!




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