Classic and Enhanced Native 全面检修



提取码: 1111



在3DM Mod站下载骑马与砍杀最新的Classic and Enhanced Native 全面检修 Mod,由Giggityninja制作。kirkg在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Giggityninja Mod版本: 1.7 Mod大小: 641mb 更新时间: 2019-01-20 11:39:57 发布时间: 2019-01-20 11:39:57


Classic and Enhanced Native 全面检修




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~功能


我的更改 -

~ 增加了实际的雨雾,这些功能在香草游戏中却从未实现过。

〜固定比赛,以便他们使用钝钢武器而不是木制武器。因为用木棍殴打一名装甲战士完全将它们击倒是没有意义的,无论如何都不具备历史准确性; 在中世纪的比赛中确实使用了钝器。


Rhodoks - 最好的长矛,但不是很好的侧臂
斯瓦迪亚 - 最差的长矛,但最好的侧臂
Vaegirs - 中长矛,中等侧臂
Sarranids - 中长矛Nords 
- 优秀的长矛,非常好的侧臂(但没有骑兵,所以没有制服)
Khergits - *不适用,因为他们没有步兵* 


Changelog 1.4 
新的下载者 - 不要担心这个。

(* 头顶 *不要与上手混淆)。AI也充分利用了动画。

〜新增'志愿者'; 步兵相当于'守望者'。他们可以升级到新的Pikemen单位。



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1)只需获取 下载中包含的  Native  (经典原生,如果使用非替换器版本)文件夹,并将其放入  模块 文件夹中。
默认情况下,modules文件夹位于“ C:\ Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Mount&Blade Warband \ Modules ”中

2)将声音文件从“ Native \ Sounds”(或“Classic Native \ Sounds”,如果您使用非替换器)文件夹复制到“Mount&Blade Warband \ Sounds”并覆盖已存在的声音 文件。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


Aaarrghh的斯瓦沃米尔小号酒馆动画包“ -通过将完全动画坐着喝酒的人,使酒馆更生动,酒馆音乐家也动画。

Taragoth自由职业者模式 - 提供完全新的游戏方式,允许玩家在NPC领主的军队中作为士兵入伍。玩家可以向上移动他们注册的王国的行列(例如,斯瓦迪亚招募到斯瓦迪亚骑士),可以请求离开,在领主的军队中煽动叛变,以及其他各种各样的东西。

motomataru的形成和战斗AI - 彻底改善了战斗的运作方式。敌人的战队实际上不是像一群白痴一样向你奔跑,而是使用战术,侧翼骑兵,将步兵移动为实际阵型,形成射手线等。许多新命令现在也可用,就像告诉部队使用什么类型的武器一样,凌空射击,避免近战,改变阵型(楔形,柱形,盾墙等)。

jacobhinds'彻底改变士气和路由osp - 完全重做路由系统,如果所有敌人都被路由,也允许玩家离开战斗。

Arch3r的Bridge Battles osp -当你在桥上遇到另一个派对时,战斗实际上会发生在那座桥上,而不仅仅是一个随机生成的战场。

Caba`drin的Prebattle命令和部署Mod - 在你战斗之前为战斗添加许多选项,而不是“Charge”是你唯一的选择,根据玩家的领导技能,你可以命令部队持有,装载,使用某些武器在进入战斗之前,所有类型,做某些形式,去某个地方等等。Lav 's Siege Camp Icon Mini-Mod

- 通过向其添加地图图标,在广告系列地图上显示围攻。

Caba`drin '可定制玩家附庸标题 -允许玩家在营地菜单中定制他们王国的附庸名称。

Caba`drin'Companion Bodyguards / Escort mod - 允许同伴作为保镖,实际上在走动时跟随你进入城镇/乡村场景。他们会帮助你在酒吧打架,强盗伏击等

.SonKidd '保证所有武器类型osp - 使


nemchenk的民族部队Mod -改变部队的面孔,使每个文化都有明显的面部特征。

hessuu的招募工具包 -添加从您所在城镇的菜单中招聘招聘人员的选项,招聘人员可以招募您选择的任何王国的部队,并将他们带回镇上。

Glabrezu的Manhunters Mod - 为猎人添加新选项,允许你向他们出售囚犯或攻击他们。




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


〜弄清楚如何使逃脱的罪犯(神经质的人),酒馆刺客和醉鬼立即做出反应,而不是站在那里,在对话结束时盯着你5或10秒,同时你踢他们的屁股。(就像在Viking Conquest中,他们如何立即做出反应)


现在我已经通过增加加固阈值来做到这一点; 比方说,如果你有200个部队,就会让这些部队以一般的速度逐渐产生香草率,就像一次50个人一样,直到所有200人最终在战斗开始后产生,而不是像维京征服那样的部队在开始时正确地产生所有。

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The original Mount&Blade has been pretty much forgotten since Warband was released. Warband was clearly improved in many ways, but changed in many other ways which I didn't like, and I know many people out there miss lots of things about the original Mount&Blade. I decided to take it upon myself to bring back the days of yore by restoring many of the nostalgia-worthy things that were changed or removed in Warband; like the original map, adding items that were removed or never implemented, giving troops their original equipment, etc.

Many new features were added as well (see the massive list below), such as complete overhauls to how the game's battles work, enabling options for planning before battle, fixing many things, and SO much more. 


List of Features

My changes -
~The original map restored and an area added for the sarranid desert
~Original Faction Colors
~Lords now use the correct banners that were intended for them and their culture in M&B
~Added several items which were removed in early versions of the game
~Added several new items as well.
~Re-textured several existing items to resemble the originals
~Added the old warhorses as a variant along with the new ones
~Changed equipment of troops to resemble the original troops
~Increased betting amount for tournaments
~ Vastly increased the battle size to match that of Viking Conquest
~Increased number of waves and reinforcements, making battles possibly go on indefinitely
~Reduced village/town improvement build times (it shouldn't take 4 weeks to build a watchtower after all)
~Increased number of mercenaries available to hire
~Many items added, but only ones that fit perfectly into the vanilla game.
~Some balancing and tweaks to stats
~Included and tweaked many of the below resources to fit seamlessly into the vanilla game

~Added coastal battles, where the ocean is included in the battle scene when fighting near the sea
~Finally fixed the premature routing bug. In fact, routing has been completely overhauled and is MUCH better now. You can actually very often win by routing everyone instead of killing every last person, like real battles.
~Added the overhauled HDR lighting mod, enhancing atmospheric graphics during night, dawn, sunset, etc.
~Added actual rain and fog, features that were in the vanilla game but never implemented.

~Fixed tournaments so that they will use blunt steel weapons instead of wooden ones. Because smacking an armored warrior twice with a wooden stick to completely knock them out makes no sense and isn't historically accurate anyway; blunt weapons were indeed used in medieval tourneys.
(Regular arena fights and training ground fights still use the wooden weapons though.)

~Added a cool little message which appears the first time you ever fight a battle. It just reminds the player of the tactical controls. I feel like this was severely needed in the vanilla game because many people go for a long time not even being aware that they can order their troops.
~Retextured nord lamellar to fit their faction color.
~Edited some scenes. A couple rhodok cities have had their siege scenes overhauled (before they all just used the same siege scene).

~Added several new spears. This is because in vanilla, every faction pretty much used the same polearms, lacking balance and diversity. 
~Different factions have been given different polearms, adding yet more to unique faction advantages:
Rhodoks - The best spears, but not very good sidearms
Swadia - The worst spears, but the best sidearms
Vaegirs - Medium spears, and medium sidearms
Sarranids - Medium spears, and medium sidearms
Nords - Good spears, and very good sidearms (but no cavalry, so this isn't overpowered)
Khergits - *not applicable since they have no infantry*
(Keep in mind that sidearms really haven't been altered much, so the look from vanilla troops is still DEFINITELY in line with what the devs intended, just balanced and diversified)

~Spears have been made more useful as well. All spears are much faster and do more damage. Spears are no longer useless! Hooray!!!
~Desert scenes are now MUCH less boring. Instead of just having sand, they now have shrubs, palm trees, rivers, pebbles, sparse grass, etc.
~Some troop balancing
~brought back the click sound effect which was previously so silent that it practically didn't exist

Changelog 1.4
Some features of this update are not save compatible with the previous version!
New Downloaders - Don't worry about this.
(Your older save should run fine on the new version, but some bugs will still be there, etc.) 

~Added overhead polearm animations to spear weapons, both one handed and two handed 
(*overhead* not to be confused with overhand). The AI makes full use of the animations as well.

~Changed leadership and renown to allow for larger parties for both the AI and the player to accommodate the larger battle size
~Added a bunch of new desert and coastal scenes to reduce repetitiveness there.
~Put some unused items of the vanilla game into appropriate use, increasing diversity.
~Added a lamellar armor for vaegir guards because the banded armor they used before was way overused previously.
~Made watchmen, huntresses, camp followers, etc. into designated archers instead of infantry as before
~Added 'Volunteers'; infantry equivalent to 'Watchmen.' They can upgrade into the new Pikemen units.
~Added designated pike units to make use of pikes and make the bracing feature less useless. They are mercenaries and can be hired in taverns.
These pikemen also carry shortswords which they will use in siege battles (unless ordered to equip sidearms in open battles.)
~Alot of rebalancing.

~Fixed banners having the wrong background colors, so no more awkward looking heraldic armors, etc.
~Kingdom flags and default flags now have proper background colors for their banners! Hoorah!

~Fixed a broken dialogue tree with lords defecting to join the player kingdom.
~Fixed the broken 'guarantee polearm' script.
~Fixed an annoying error message that appeared on the campaign map after winning a siege defense battle.



I included both a replacer version and non-replacer version for those of you who may not actually want to use this as a replacement for your native module. 
Only download one of these.

1) Just grab the Native (Classic Native if using the non-replacer version) folder included in the download and drop it into your modules folder.
By default, the modules folder is in "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules"
Overwrite existing files if prompted.

2) Copy the sound files from "Native\Sounds" (or "Classic Native\Sounds" if you use the non-replacer) folder to "Mount&Blade Warband\Sounds" and overwrite the ones already there.
This isn't completely necessary, but do it if you want audible rain, audible click noises, and less obnoxiously loud horse trot sound effects.


motomataru's Campaign Ai Fixes

Slawomir of Aaarrghh's Tavern Animations Pack - Makes the taverns more lively by adding fully animated sitting and drinking people, tavern musicians are also animated.

Taragoth's Freelancer mod - Gives a COMPLETELY new way to play the game, allowing the player to enlist as a soldier in an NPC lord's army. The player can move up the ranks of the kingdom they sign up for (for example, Swadian recruit to Swadian Knight), can request leave, instigate a mutiny in the lord's army, and all sorts of other stuff.

motomataru's Formations and battle AI - Drastically improves how battles work. Instead of running at you like a bunch of idiots, enemy warbands actually use tactics, flanking with cavalry, moving their infantry as actual formations, forming archer lines, etc. Many new orders are also now available, like telling troops what weapon type to use, volley fire, avoid melee, changing formation type (wedge, column, shieldwall, and more).

jacobhinds' Overhauled Morale and Routing osp - Completely redone the routing system, also allows player to leave battle if all enemies are routed.

Arch3r's Bridge Battles osp - When you meet another party on top of a bridge, battle will actually take place on that bridge instead of just a randomly generated battlefield.

Caba`drin's Prebattle Orders and Deployment Mod - Adds many options to battles before you fight them, instead of "Charge" being your only option, depending on the player's leadership skill, you can order troops to hold, mount, use certain weapon types, do certain formations, go to a certain place, and many more, all before you enter battle.

Lav's Siege Camp Icon Mini-Mod - Makes sieges visible on the campaign map by adding a map icon to them.

Caba`drin' Customizable Player Vassal Titles - Allows the player to customize their kingdom's vassal names in the camp menu.

Caba`drin' Companion Bodyguards/Escort mod - Allows companions to serve as bodyguards, actually following you into towns/village scenes when walking around. They will help you in bar fights, bandit ambushes, etc.

SonKidd' Guarantee all weapon types osp - Makes

sure that all npc's spawn with each type of weapon they have, so spearmen actually all spawn with spears.

nemchenk's Ethnic Troops Mod - Changes the faces of troops so that each culture has distinct facial features.

hessuu's Recruiter kit - Adds the option to hire a recruiter from your town's menu, the recruiter can recruit troops of whichever kingdom you choose and will bring them back to the town garrison.

Glabrezu's Manhunters Mod - Adds new options to manhunters, allowing you to sell prisoners to them or to attack them.

Credits for meshes/textures
note: the following mesh resources have been implemented judiciously: only where they fit into the vanilla game very well!

Narf of Picklestink's rus armor pack
ShaunRemo's vaegir/sarranid helmet replacement pack
dia151's saracen armor
Slawomir of Aaarrghh's map icons
dejawolf's viking model pack
dejawolf's medieval helmets pack
Kovas's reworked armors

If I forgot some credits, let me know!



~Figure out how to make the escaped criminals (nervous man), tavern assassins, and drunks react instantly instead of standing there staring at you for 5 or 10 seconds after dialogue is closed while you kick their ass. (Like in Viking Conquest, how they react instantly)

~Figure out how to make formations (and the formations ai) take effect in village raids and custom battles

~Figure out a better way to increase battle size.
For now I've done this by having increased the reinforcement threshold; which, say, if you have 200 troops, makes those troops spawn little by little at the vanilla rate, like by 50 men at a time, until all 200 eventually spawn in after a battle starts, instead of like Viking Conquest, where the troops properly spawn all at once right at the start.


The vast majority of things contained in this mod were the work of others. However, All of the included meshes, scripts, etc. were posted to the Taleworlds forums as open resources for the community to use, and links have been provided to the talented authors of the content.



提取码: 1111



信长之野望14:创造 PK版 新武将21人头像包 | 我的世界 1.6.2漏斗管道MOD | 户外25 | 游戏性能ENB SE | 魔兽争霸3 1.24仗剑江湖行II v1.20 | 全面战争:战锤 v1.6卡尔皇帝无敌MOD |


  • 信长之野望14:创造 PK版 新武将21人头像包
  • 我的世界 1.6.2漏斗管道MOD
  • 户外25
  • 游戏性能ENB SE
  • 魔兽争霸3 1.24仗剑江湖行II v1.20
  • 全面战争:战锤 v1.6卡尔皇帝无敌MOD