Mirelurk Merchant NPC商人

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在3DM Mod站下载辐射4最新的Mirelurk Merchant NPC商人 Mod,由ElPolloAzul制作。rboop1在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: ElPolloAzul Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 54.6 KB 更新时间: 2019-01-01 20:26:27 发布时间: 2019-01-01 20:26:27


Mirelurk Merchant NPC商人









你可以改变要埋设的矿井。默认情况下,地雷将是Miremines,它们是开放并产卵的Microlurks蛋,它们太小而不能直接伤害任何重要人物,但它可以绕过并导致恶作剧并传播低水平辐射(以及夜间有趣的照明) )。炮塔是一种选择,虽然可能不是一个好的选择。您还可以从库存中选择一个项目作为“我的”。如果它是游戏中的主要地雷或手榴弹之一,它应该像通常那样工作,除了使用的精确版本不会因损坏而爆炸。为什么?好吧,当你使用minerlurk或minerlurks创造一个大而装饰性的雷区时,如果整个事物在一个令人目眩的爆炸中上升然后完全消失,那就有点令人失望了。这些自动化雷区对于风筝袭击者来说更加“有趣”,因为它们可以为以后节省一些。普通物品只会在地面上重复使用 - 就像你个人在Photoshop中使用滑稽的纹理画笔一样使用它们。


I've heard tell that a few people who are fans of Morrowind (so.. obviously really ancient, right?) have been looking for a "mirelurk merchant" to be hidden in one of the worlds of the Fallout franchise for some time. Don't know why you'd want that, like, at all, but here it is, a Mirelurk Merchant. 

So, yeah. He's a merchant, and he sells Mirelurk. 
"Mirelurk merchant". Right? 

If you really want to find him, he's been sighted puttering about in Sheng's lagoon for a while before he goes back to his beloved house(boat?) in the islandy area of roughly the bottom right hand corner of the map, but up a little. I would check the Diamond City Waterfront first. Maybe a map with some nice red circles will show up on somebody's homepage or fansite.

I can't have this just be another rudimentary NPC mod, for obvious reasons, so there's some Mirelurk he merchants in weapon form, too. You buy this thing up and a separate Mirelurk or potentially various Mirelurk(s) will give some promotional materials away for free (they're not really merchants, you see), polluting the ground. 


This mod implements "Lurkenminer systems" by turning mirelurks into minelayers ("minerlurks") which follow the path established by an L-system. 
If you represent a real life military or defense contractor, please don't steal this idea, because that would be "bad", in several senses of the word.
[Mostly in the sense of it being a completely impractical, theoretically unmotivated, and difficult to implement weapons design of dubious value.]

There are ten commonly-encountered l-systems available: Koch curve, 2 types of fern, a Sierpinski gasket, a snowflake, the Gosper & Peano space filling curves, a Penrose tiling, and a couple other ones. In a perfect world, I'd link this up with my Papyrus Computer Club programmable computer and interpreter mod so that you could enter your own L-systems, and maybe perform robot operations with a Mirelurk from user programs. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world.

When (or shortly before) you first encounter the Mirelurk Merchant and acquire the weapon, the L-systems will be evaluated in-game in parallel and the resulting LOGO-like/"turtle graphics" program will be cached for later use (some notifications will show you the progress of this computation, and you can also see the number of steps of computed L-systems in the L-system selection menu). 

Once some or all of the L-systems you want to use are loaded, you can go to the menu by meleeing with the Minerlurk Seed selected (this may be easier if you are unarmed, and just attack instead of using the grenade button). Here you can choose an L-system from the list hinted at above, and you can also choose to cycle through several options. "Hostility" refers to whether you or a third party will "own" the placed mines. You will get blown up easier if this is on. "Sloppiness" refers to whether the placed mines are frozen in place (so that you can see the pretty plane curve) or havok'd (so you do not have to deal with too many floating mines). Clumping refers to the degree of separation of the mines (Medium, High/Small-separation, Low/Large-separation). (Conventionally, excessive hostility, sloppiness, and/or clumping are thought of as undesirable qualities.)

You can change the mine to be emplaced. By default, the mines will be Miremines, which are eggs that bust open and spawn Microlurks, which are too small to hurt anybody significant directly, but which can run around and cause mischief and spread low-level radiation (and also interesting lighting at night). Turrets are an option, although maybe not a good one. You can also choose an item from your inventory to be put down as a "mine". If it is one of the main mines or grenades in the game, it should work like it normally should, except that the precise version used will not blow up due to damage. Why? Well, when you use a minerlurk or minerlurks to create a big and decorative minefield, it is rather a little disappointing if the whole thing goes up in one blinding bang and then is completely gone. These automated minefields are a bit more "fun" to kite raiders through, because they save a bit of themselves for later. Regular items will just be duplicated all over the ground -- use them as liberally as you personally would use a comical texture brush in Photoshop.

If you are happy with your selections, throw the Minerlurk seed and it should create a Minerlurk that will lay out your L-system. If you want it to stumble around less and be faster, crouch while you watch.
As with anything that makes a bunch of things in your world, this is probably a better fit for messing around with than using in your playthrough.




Shiny Skin-光泽的肌肤 v1.2.1 | 装饰品11 | 环世界 A16稀有生物闪耀巨熊MOD | 世界征服者3 剧情超丰富共和国之辉MODv1.2 | 眼珠2 | 上古卷轴的 哈孔一家来了 |


  • Shiny Skin-光泽的肌肤 v1.2.1
  • 装饰品11
  • 环世界 A16稀有生物闪耀巨熊MOD
  • 世界征服者3 剧情超丰富共和国之辉MODv1.2
  • 眼珠2
  • 上古卷轴的 哈孔一家来了