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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的对Lore友好的自定义比赛 Mod,由timotheosh制作。孟蝶芹在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: timotheosh Mod版本: 1.3 Mod大小: 95.7 MB 更新时间: 2018-12-31 14:02:29 发布时间: 2018-12-31 14:02:29


我不是这个mod的原作者。自从它在大教堂许可证中发布以来,我创建了一个天际特别版。此mod不以任何其他方式从原始修改。归功于TMPhoenix(RaceCompatibility的创建者)和d_rail1602(Custom Races的创建者)。可在此处找到原始Mod页面:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74218




(注意:铁兽人和木兽人使用相同的网格,纹理和骨架 - 就像Colovians和Nibenese一样。





Ash'abah是一个古老而神秘的红卫兵部落,栖息在Hammerfell的北部废弃物中,在Alik'r沙漠中漫游。由于他们与死者之间的“不洁”互动,他们被Redguard社会所避开,因为他们无视宗教禁忌并摧毁亡灵,以极大的技巧杀死祖先归来的荣誉。反对普遍对魔法的不信任,Ash'abah为陵墓和其他可能出现复仇精神的地方进行净化仪式,包括在Tu'whacca王座举行的年度仪式,旨在确保Redguard皇室成员的其余部分。这项活动被认为是亵渎神明的,但由于其表现的必要性而被容忍。因此,尽管是贱民,部落仍然能够生存到第二时代(当时的一些皇冠将他们非凡的坚韧归功于一些前辈的秘密支持)。据说他们将继续由组建Ansei Wards的三位伟大的Ansei开始的工作。尽管被流放到废物中,但Ash'abah仍被征税。




法庭的失踪和灾难性的4E 5红色年最终导致其他Dunmer放弃了广泛的法庭崇拜,并欣赏Ashlanders保留他们的遗产。

特殊能力:庇护所,防止物理伤害。 Dunmer抵抗火力。熟练掌握Alteration。


Reachmen,也被称为High Rock的巫师,是一个主要由布列塔尼血统组成的部落群体,居住在Skyrim西南部的Reach和High Rock以东的邻近的Western Reach。他们的血统不仅包括布列塔尼,还包括许多已知的泰姆瑞尔种族。至少从红鹰时代开始,(c.1E 1030)他们的巫师崇拜Hagraven“matrons”,他们反过来授予他们自然魔法的知识。

特殊能力:能够短暂感知生物和死亡生物的运动。可以传达一种乐于助人的精神;它不会攻击,但会分散敌人的注意力。对寒冷,魔法和疾病有轻微抵抗力 - 但不如其任何组成种族那么多。熟练射箭。


Shadowscales是源自Black Marsh的Argonian刺客的命令。出生在阴影标志下的蜥蜴人在出生时被带走,并被提供给黑暗兄弟会,在那里他们接受了隐形和暗杀艺术的训练。生活在成年之中的影影作为家庭的正式成员被接纳为黑暗兄弟会。他们也可能成为黑沼泽之王的私人刺客。


特殊能力:独特的隐形能力。 Argonian waterbreathing和抗毒性。在与Sithis的联系中,他们已经失去了与历史的联系,但却获得了超自然的秘密。熟悉幻觉。

Renrijra Krin(基于Khajiit)

Renrijra Krin(译为The Mercenary's Grin,The Land of the Landless或The Smiling of the Scum,经常缩写为Renrijra)是一个长期存在的Khajiiti犯罪组织。 Renrijra的名字反映了该团体的勇敢和生活享受的哲学,同时也表明他们忠于没有统治者。它最初是一个贬义词,但被有趣的群体采用。该组织没有固定的规则,宁愿称其为“thjizzrini”或“愚蠢的概念”。他们的队伍由小偷,暴徒,匪徒,走私者,海盗和破坏者组成。他们在追求目标方面是无情的,但依靠游击战术来运作,自由地给予Khajiit平民以换取他们的支持。

特殊能力:特殊的低成本恐惧法术。 Khajiit的爪子和夜视。熟练掌握演讲。


Skaal是生活在Solstheim东北部的Nords的一个分支部落。他们被称为一个信任和好客的人,欢迎陌生人进入他们的村庄毫无疑问。 Skaal是Nords的后裔,曾在Solstheim为龙崇拜者服务,并建造了墓葬以纪念统治他们的龙祭司。他们从他们周围的土地上得到他们所需的一切,并且不经常从旅行者那里接受硬币。



铁兽人是一个孤立的兽人文明,原产于Craglorn的Dragontail山脉。他们以石头崇拜和野蛮残暴而闻名,并以疤痕谷的北欧遗址为基础。他们将韦尔瓦斯和巨魔驯服为战兽,主要使用铁臂和盔甲。它们在文化上与其他兽人分开,拥有自己的语言。 (注意:铁兽和木兽使用相同的网格,纹理和骨架。)



尽管伍德兽人颂扬力量和荣誉,但最重要的是,他们对这些东西的解释将他们与他们的北方堂兄分开。例如,拥有Wood Orc的力量意味着具有敏捷性和灵活性,就像肌肉力量和耐力一样。如果一个人认为Orsinium Orc像一个重型步兵团的成员那样形成,那么Wood Orc就像是同一支军队中的轻型战士。 (注意:铁兽和木兽使用相同的网格,纹理和骨架。)






Ayleids,或Heartland High Elves,在Tamriel建立了第一个帝国。然而,他们的帝国在第一时代早期崩溃了。虽然人们认为Ayleids仍然存在于Tamriel各省的野外,但目击事件很少。这些Ayleids,或野生精灵,充其量只是罕见的,可能没有真正存活到现代。



殖民了科罗拉多高地的文化独特的Cyro-Nords的后代。 Colovia是Cyrodiil的西部,以其朴素,武术文化和坚固的独立而闻名。西方作为Cyrodiil的铁腕受到尊重:坚定,坚定不移,始终保持警惕。科罗维亚地区传统上为帝国军团贡献了自己的儿子,占其本土军团的大部分。 (注意:Colovians和Nibenese使用相同的网格,纹理和骨架。)



Nibenay是Cyrodiil的东部,Cyrodiil是帝国的物质和文化中心。尼贝内斯文化被认为是世界主义,宽宏大量,宽容和行政,培养出熟练的外交官和贸易商。 Nibenay是一个富有的商业力量,拥有一个充满活力的社会,制作色彩鲜艳的服装,举办精心设计的仪式,并喜欢纹身和哲学。通过他们的河网,他们出口许多商品,包括纺织品,织物,月糖,大米和盔甲。 (注意:Colovians和Nibenese使用相同的网格,纹理和骨架。)






完全兼容RaceCompatibility Dialogue,它有NPC将您的自定义比赛视为明显的竞赛!

与原始的Custom Races.esp插件部分兼容。我没有更改Creation Kit中的ID(CustomNord,CustomNordVampire),因此无论最后加载什么插件都会“赢”使用该ID。




I am not the original author of this mod. Since it was released in the Cathedral license, I created a Skyrim Special Edition version. This mod is not in any other way modified from the original. Credit goes to TMPhoenix (creator of RaceCompatibility) and d_rail1602 (creator of Custom Races). The original Mod page can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74218

Lore-Friendly Custom Races

These custom races allow you to play lore-friendly variants of vanilla races.  They have their own unique abilities and backgrounds, and you can modify them with custom textures and meshes for a unique look.  The race descriptions are from the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, a massive wiki with all the lore you could shake a stick at, plus the stick.  

(Note:  Iron Orcs and Wood Orcs use the same mesh, textures, and skeletons--as do Colovians and Nibenese.  
I will need to manually reassign the assets, which is tedious.  I'll leave it until I'm in the mood for tedium.  
Until then, hey, you can only play one race at a time, right?)

(Additional Note:  Find the details of each ability in the included ReadMe, or in the ReadMe tab above.)

Ash'Abah (based on Redguards)

The Ash'abah are an ancient and secretive tribe of Redguards who inhabit the northern wastes of Hammerfell, roaming the Alik'r Desert. They are shunned by Redguard society due to their "unclean" interactions with the risen dead, as they disregard religious taboos and destroy the undead, slaying with great skill what might be honored ancestors returned. Against the widespread distrust of magic, the Ash'abah perform rituals of purification for mausoleums and other places where vengeful spirits might arise, including an annual ceremony at Tu’whacca’s Throne meant to ensure the rest of the ranks of Redguard royalty. This activity is regarded as blasphemous, but tolerated due to the necessity of its performance. Thus, despite being pariahs, the tribe managed to survive into the Second Era (some Crowns of the time attributed their remarkable hardiness to secret support from some Forebears). They are said to continue the work first started by the three great Ansei who formed the Ansei Wards. Despite being exiled to the wastes, the Ash'abah were still taxed.  

Special abilities:  A Spirit Sword, of course, plus a spell of protection from Undead.  Skilled at Restoration.

Ashlander (based on Dunmer)

The Ashlanders are Dunmeri nomads that traditionally hail from Morrowind's wilderness. In the Merethic Era, Ashlanders and Dunmer were very much alike and on equal footing, but since the days of the First Council and rise of the Great Houses, they were steadily been forced into the poorest and most hostile lands. They travel along with their herds, camping wherever is suitable.  Ashlander culture is the remains of the ancestor-worshipping tribal culture which the "civilized" Dunmer left behind.
The Tribunal's disappearance and the disastrous Red Year of 4E 5 eventually led other Dunmer to abandon widespread Tribunal worship and to appreciate the Ashlanders for preserving their heritage.

Special Abilities:  Sanctuary, protection against physical damage.  Dunmer resistance to fire.  Skilled at Alteration.

Reach Native (based on Bretons)

The Reachmen, also known as the Witchmen of High Rock, are a tribal group of primarily Breton descent who inhabit the Reach in southwestern Skyrim and the neighboring Western Reach in the east of High Rock. Their ancestry includes not only Bretons, but spreads across many of the known races of Tamriel. Since at least the time of Red Eagle, (c.1E 1030) their shamans venerated the Hagraven "matrons", who in turn granted them knowledge of nature magic.

Special Abilities:  Ability to briefly sense the movement of both living and dead creatures.  May summon a helpful spirit; it won't attack, but can distract enemies.  Slight resistance to cold, magic, and disease--but not as much so as any of their constituent races.  Skilled at archery.

Shadowscale (based on Argonians)

The Shadowscales are an order of Argonian assassins originating in Black Marsh. Argonians born under the sign of the Shadow are taken at birth and offered to the Dark Brotherhood where they are trained in the arts of stealth and assassination. Shadowscale who lives to come of age is accepted into the Dark Brotherhood as a full member of the family. They may also serve as personal assassins to the King of Black Marsh.
Shadowscales follow the same five tenets traditionally followed by members of the Brotherhood. However, the only ones that are known to be true are, never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a superior and never kill a fellow Shadowscale. The only difference between these is that, if a member of the Dark Brotherhood kills a fellow family member he must fight the Wrath of Sithis to earn forgiveness. With Shadowscales, however, refusing to fulfill a contract or deserting the Dark Brotherhood is viewed as treason, and the traitor will be put to death.

Special Abilities:  Unique invisibility power.  Argonian waterbreathing and resistance to poison.  In linking to Sithis, they've lost their connection to the Hist, but gained preternatural stealth.  Skilled at Illusion.

Renrijra Krin (based on Khajiit)

The Renrijra Krin (which translates as The Mercenary's Grin, The Laugh of the Landless or The Smiling Scum, and is often shortened to Renrijra) are a long-standing Khajiiti criminal organization. The Renrijra's name reflects the group's philosophy of bravery and enjoyment of life, while also indicating that they owe allegiance to no ruler. It was originally a derogatory term, but was adopted by the amused group. The organization has no fixed rules, preferring to call its tenets "thjizzrini", or "foolish concepts". Their ranks are made up of thieves, thugs, bandits, smugglers, pirates and saboteurs. They are ruthless in pursuing their aims, but depend on guerrilla tactics to operate, giving freely to Khajiit civilians in return for their support.

Special Abilities:  Special low-cost Fear spell.  Khajiit claws and night vision.  Skilled at Speech.

Skaal (based on Nords)

The Skaal are an offshoot tribe of Nords living in northeastern Solstheim. They are known as a trusting and hospitable people, welcoming strangers into their village without any suspicion. The Skaal are descended from the Nords who served the Dragon Cult on Solstheim, and built tombs to honor the Dragon Priests who ruled over them. They get all that they need from the land around them and do not often accept coin in trade from travelers.

Special Abilities:  Two custom spells; one which briefly staggers enemies, one which briefly makes you ethereal.  Nord resistance to cold.  Skilled at Enchanting.

Iron Orc (based on Orcs)

The Iron Orcs are an isolated Orcish civilization native to the Dragontail Mountains of Craglorn. They are known for their stone worship and their savage brutality, and are based in the Nordic ruins of the Valley of Scars. They tame welwas and trolls as war beasts, and primarily use iron arms and armor. They are culturally separate from other Orcs, and possess their own language.  (Note:  Iron Orcs and Wood Orcs use the same mesh, textures, and skeletons.)

Special Abilities:  A lesser power regenerates health; a powerful but slow-acting advantage.  May transmute minerals.  Skilled at Two-Handed weapons.  If health regen is disabled in Vigor or SkyTweak, this ability will not appear.  Restore by enabling health regen.

Wood Orc (based on Orcs)

Though Wood Orcs prize strength and honor and above all else, their interpretation of what those things mean separates them from their northern cousins. For instance, having strength to a Wood Orc means having agility and mobility as much as it does muscular power and endurance. If one considers an Orsinium Orc as formed like a member of a heavy infantry regiment, then a Wood Orc is like a light skirmisher in the same army.  (Note:  Iron Orcs and Wood Orcs use the same mesh, textures, and skeletons.)

Special Abilities:  Improved stamina and regeneration.  Move more quietly than you'd expect.  Skilled at One-Handed weapons.

Direnni (based on High Elves)

The Direnni are an aristocratic clan of Altmer merchants who, through political maneuvering and devious machinations, ruled High Rock for hundreds of years. They currently occupy the Isle of Balfiera.

Special Abilities:  High Elf fortify magicka.  Soul Trap.  Skilled at Enchanting.

Wild Elf (based on Wood Elves)

The Ayleids, or Heartland High Elves, established the first Empire in Tamriel.  However, their empire collapsed in the early First Era.  While it's believed that the Ayleids remain in the wilds of every province on Tamriel, sightings have been few. These Ayleids, or Wild Elves, are at best a rarity and may not have actually survived into modern times.

Special Abilities:  Bound Bow, High Elf fortify magicka.  Skilled at Alteration.

Colovian (based on Imperials) 

Descendents of the culturally distinct Cyro-Nords who colonized the Colovian Highlands. Colovia is the western part of Cyrodiil and is known for its austere, martial culture and rugged independence. The West is respected as Cyrodiil's iron hand: firm, unwavering, and ever-vigilant. The Colovian region has traditionally contributed its sons to the Imperial Legion, making up the bulk of its ranks in native legions.  (Note:  Colovians and Nibenese use the same mesh, textures, and skeletons.)

Special Abilities:  Battlecry gives armor and stamina regeneration.  May summon a battleaxe.  Skilled at Heavy Armor.

Nibenese (based on Imperials)

Nibenay is the eastern part of Cyrodiil, the physical and cultural heart of the Empire. Nibenese culture is considered cosmopolitan, magnanimous, tolerant, and administrative, producing skilled diplomats and traders. Nibenay is a wealthy merchant power with a vibrant society which makes colorful clothing, conducts elaborate ceremonies, and loves tattoos and philosophy. Through their river network, they export many goods including textiles, fabrics, moon sugar, rice and armor.  (Note:  Colovians and Nibenese use the same mesh, textures, and skeletons.)

Special Abilities:  Lesser power magnifies Destruction and Restoration, for a time.  Can carry that little something extra.  Skilled at Speech.

RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard
And Dawnguard.

Fully compatible with RaceCompatibility Dialogue, which has NPCs treat your custom race as the apparent race!
Partially compatible with the original Custom Races.esp plug-in.  I haven't changed the ID (CustomNord, CustomNordVampire) in the Creation Kit, so whatever plug-in loads last will "win" use of that ID.  

Thanks and credit to d_rail1602, who kindly offers their Custom Races as both a works-out-of-the-box mod and a modder resource!
Thanks and credit to TMPhoenix, who created RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard, so we can all make custom races which actually work!




齐亚帕犀牛转轮手枪MOD | v1.24ACGの冥峰祭雪柒末雪v1.3 | RAH-66科曼奇隐形攻击直升机[附加组件] | [JS SIMS 4] Mustang Coat Outfit 野马外套装](https://mod.blacksheepgame.com/mod/34034) | 招亲!!!高颜值可爱又迷人的安多米尔小公主孙女来跟大家见面啦!!! | 《上古卷轴5:天际》天使翅膀MOD |


  • 齐亚帕犀牛转轮手枪MOD
  • v1.24ACGの冥峰祭雪柒末雪v1.3
  • RAH-66科曼奇隐形攻击直升机[附加组件]
  • JS SIMS 4] Mustang Coat Outfit 野马外套装
  • 招亲!!!高颜值可爱又迷人的安多米尔小公主孙女来跟大家见面啦!!!
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》天使翅膀MOD