春分 - 合并兼容性北TrueStorms

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的春分 - 合并兼容性北TrueStorms Mod,由Desmera制作。kira_w在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Desmera Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 855 KB 更新时间: 2018-12-08 14:38:55 发布时间: 2018-12-08 14:38:55


Aequinoctium  -  TrueStorms兼容性补丁

True Storms的又一个兼容兼容选项,这次是Aequinoctium Weathers和Seasons。在我最近的游戏中,我个人一直很喜欢Aequinoctium,因为它包含了与黑曜石相同的所有季节和视觉特征,但绝对是两者中更多彩和幻想。此外,Aequinoctium是Arindel所有其他奇妙天气模型的顶点,包括Rustic Weathers和Mythical Ages,它肯定会显示出来。如果你想在你的天气中注入更多的颜色,同时保持与黑曜石相同的范围和比例,我强烈建议检查它。是的,Aequinoctium确实附带了自己的True Storms补丁,但正如其描述中所述,它只能用暴风雨天气替换暴风雨天气的音频和粒子。与我之前的所有补丁一样,这也是为了进一步兼顾两个mod的一些视觉方面以及那些音频和粒子系统,为一些额外的定制你所有的暴风雨天气:)我希望你会喜欢的!


完整合并Aequinoctium和True Storms的所有音频,包括40多个雷声以及所有环境和室内雨声。在整个Aequinoctium的天气中分配声音时要特别小心,以提供尽可能多的声音,因此没有两个风暴应该看起来或听起来相似。

将所有True Storm的独特天气重新分配到Aequinoctium的地区,特别注意通过在适合的地区添加一些True Storm独特的天气来维护Aequinoctium独特的季节性系统。这意味着像Winterhold这样的雪地上没有下雨或大雾。

改造Solstheim区域数据,包括True Storms提供的独特灰烬天气的所有变化,并调整所有Solstheim天气的整体稀有度,以增加该地区的多样性。还有一个可选的Wet&Cold贴片,它集成了它所添加的所有独特灰烬天气,满足您所有与灰相关的需求:)




这个版本保留了Aequinoctium的大部分美学风暴天气,同时选择性地结合一些True Storms照明和颗粒以获得额外的暴风雨。我花了很多时间处理所有暴风雨/多雨天气中的雾气水平,以消除它们严重存在的强烈雾线(暴风雪就是一个很好的例子),并且引入了更多的背景雾。以前缺乏,在不让人感到压倒性的情况下,更加“模糊”遥远的景观。如果你只是希望将True Storms的音频,粒子和天气很好地融合到Aequinoctium的核心视觉效果中,那么这就是你的版本。


这个版本融合了更多的真实风暴基础美学,同时使灯光变暗并消除朦胧的雾气影响,让它感觉风雨无阻,而不会过于“in。”。我还将真风暴的原始雨声音替换为Aequinoctium,这将使雷暴特别感觉和声音更重。如果您喜欢True Storms的原始美学,或者只是希望您的风暴尽可能地变得黑暗和不祥,那么这可能是您的完美版本:)

下面的视频展示了两个版本,以帮助您确定偏好。我正在使用照明检修(ELFX)和ENB(SkyrimSE Re-Engaged)进行视频和截图,因此请记住,根据您自己的ENB和mod设置,您的版本可能会有所不同。我还包括了一些非常酷的Solstheim天气的额外镜头,这些天气由True Storms专门添加,由贴片带来,我发现它是其主要奖励之一。如果你想跳过去看他们,他们就在最后:)


该补丁需要在您的加载顺序中加载Aequinoctium和True Storms:







确保您只选择提供的四个版本之一。可选的Water's Edge Fix版本与原始主文件相同,它们只是将LoD7995的修复程序与那些无法看到那些块状水边缘的用户合并。如果您使用其中一个版本,则不再需要加载原始Water的Edge Fix插件。


这个补丁基本上将Aequinoctium和True Storms组合成一个单一的天气模型,因此它不会与任何改变区域或天气记录的mod相兼容。一些很好的例子是:

 - 所有其他天气模块。

-Darker Nights  - 目前不兼容。然而,Darker Nights的作者一直非常善于发布所有其他天气模块的补丁,因此它很快就会成为一种选择。请记住,Unforbidable有超过100个插件可以维护Darker Nights及其相关补丁,这是一项繁重的工作,需要大量的时间来维护,所以请不要对补丁前端过于苛刻:)

-Water的边缘修复 - 包含两个额外版本作为可选文件,与两个主要版本相同,只有它们也直接包含LoD7995的Water's Edge Fix。我包含两个更多单独版本而不是将修复程序直接包含在原始版本中的唯一原因是,正如LoD描述中所述,水的边缘修复通过大幅减少所有天气中的雾量来实现。因此,对于那些不介意在他们的暴风雨/多雾天气中失去雾气美学的人来说,这是一个很好的选择。但是,我知道很多人都愿意处理那些块状的水边缘,以保持它们的雾天气(包括我自己),所以我确保保持原始文件不受影响,所有的模糊不完整:)

-Audio大修 - 由于AOS对区域数据进行了一些声音编辑而导致不兼容,但我已经包含了一个兼容性补丁来解决这个问题。此补丁可以安全地替换您之前用于Aequinoctium,True Storms或两者的所有其他AOS补丁。

 - 天际之声 - 所有版本 - 所有天际插件的声音都不兼容,因为它们也对区域数据进行了一些声音编辑。我已经为Sounds of Skyrim Complete添加了一个兼容性补丁,但是请记住,这个补丁不适用于任何独立的SoS版本(如The Wilds)。此补丁可以安全地替换您之前可能用于Aequinoctium,True Storms或两者的所有其他SoS补丁。

-Wet&Cold  - 几乎完全兼容,它只改变Solstheim的灰烬风暴的天气记录。我已经创建了一个兼容性补丁,以确保在所有Aequinoctium和True Storm独特的Solstheim天气中都能记录Wet&Cold的效果,可在此处找到。

-Minty's Lightning  - 与所有东西100%兼容,因为它只在游戏中添加了自己的新效果。然而,在真实风暴中有一些独特的暴风雨天气在没有补丁的情况下不会获得新的闪电效果,所以我在这里创建了一个来承载它们。 Aequinoctium不添加任何独特的暴风雨天气,因此您可以安全地使用此设置的独立版Minty补丁。








白云石 -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

NAT  -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

ObsidianWeathers  -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

MythicalAges  -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

RusticWeathers  -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

VividWeathers  -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

ELFXWeathers  -  TrueStorms合并兼容性SSE

再次,非常感谢Arindel和fadingsignal这些美妙的天气模型! :)



Aequinoctium - TrueStorms Compatibility Patch

Yet another merged compatibility option for True Storms, this time featuring Aequinoctium Weathers and Seasons. I've personally been enjoying Aequinoctium quite a bit in my most recent playthrough, as it encompasses all of the same seasonal and visual features as Obsidian, but is definitely the more colorful and fantasy-like of the two. Moreover, Aequinoctium is the culmination of all of Arindel's other fantastic weather mods, including Rustic Weathers and Mythical Ages, and it certainly shows. I would highly suggest checking it out if you were looking to inject a bit more color into your weathers while keeping to the same scope and scale as Obsidian. And yes, it is true that Aequinoctium does come with its own patch for True Storms, but as stated in its description it only serves to replace the audio and particles of the stormy weathers with those from True Storms. As with all of my previous patches, this aims to go just a little bit further by also merging some of the visual aspects of both mods along with those audio and particle systems, for some added customization of all of your stormy weathers :) I hope you'll enjoy!


A complete merge of all audio from both Aequinoctium and True Storms, including 40+ thunder sounds as well as all ambient and interior rain sounds. Special care was taken in distributing the sounds throughout Aequinoctium's weathers to provide as much variety as possible, so no two storms should look or sound alike.

Redistributes all of True Storm's unique weathers into Aequinoctium's regions, taking special care to uphold Aequinoctium's unique seasonal system by only adding some of True Storm's unique weathers in regions where they would fit. This means no rain or heavy fogs in snowy places like Winterhold, for example.

Revamps the Solstheim regional data to include all variations of unique ashy weathers provided by True Storms, and tweaks the overall rarity of all Solstheim weathers to add more variety to the region. There is also an optional Wet&Cold patch that integrates all of the unique ash weathers that it adds as well, for all of your ash-related needs :)

Comes in two versions for visual preference. Both versions contain all of the above features, they simply change the aesthetic of your stormy weathers by tweaking things like ambient lighting, coloring, fog settings, etc. None of Aequinoctium's other distinct features have been altered.

Here's a general overview of the visuals provided by the two versions:
This version retains most of Aequinoctium's aesthetic for stormy weathers while selectively incorporating some of True Storms lighting and particles for a bit of extra storminess. I spent quite some time working with the fog levels in all of the stormy/rainy weathers to smooth out harsh fog lines where they were sorely present (the blizzards are a good example), as well as introduce a bit more background fog where it was previously lacking, to 'obscure' the distant landscape a bit more without making it feel too overwhelming. If you just wanted a nice blend of True Storms audio, particles, and weathers with very minimum altering to the core visuals of Aequinoctium, then this is the version for you.
This is the version that incorporates a lot more of True Storms base aesthetic, while darkening up the lighting and smoothing out the hazy fog affect to make it feel a lot stormier without being too 'in your face.' I also replaced the original rain audio from True Storms with that of Aequinoctium, which will make thunderstorms in particular feel and sound a lot heavier. If you like the original aesthetic of True Storms, or simply would like your storms to be as dark and ominous as possible, then this might be the perfect version for you :)

The video below showcases both versions in action to help you decide on a preference. I was using a lighting overhaul (ELFX) and an ENB (SkyrimSE Re-Engaged) for both the video and the screenshots, so please keep in mind that your version might look different depending on your own ENB and mod setup. I also included a few extra shots of the really cool Solstheim weathers added specifically by True Storms that are carried over by the patch, which I find to be one of its main bonuses. They are at the end if you'd like to skip ahead to see them :)

Installation and Load Order
The patch requires both Aequinoctium and True Storms to be loaded like this in your load order:


If you are updating to a newer version, simply uninstall the old one and install the newer version. This is completely safe to do mid-game.

Make sure you only choose one of the four versions provided. The optional Water's Edge Fix versions are identical to the original main files, they simply incorporate LoD7995's fix in with the merge for those users that can't stand seeing those blocky water edges. If you are using one of those versions, you no longer need to load the original Water's Edge Fix plugin. 

This patch basically combines Aequinoctium and True Storms into a single weather mod, so it will not be compatible with any mods that alter region or weather records. A few good examples are:
-All other weather mods.
-Darker Nights - Incompatible as of right now. However, the author of Darker Nights has always been very good about releasing patches for all other weather mods, so it may be an option soon. Please keep in mind that Unforbidable has over 100 plugins to maintain for Darker Nights and its related patches, which is a ton of work and requires a lot of time to upkeep, so please don't be too overly demanding on the patch front :)
-Water's Edge Fix - Two extra versions are included as optional files that are identical to the two main versions, only they also directly incorporate LoD7995's Water's Edge Fix. The only reason I've included two more separate versions instead of including the fix directly into the original versions is because, as stated in LoD's description, the water's edge fix works by drastically decreasing the amount of fog in all weathers. So, for those that don't mind losing the foggy aesthetic in a lot of their stormy/foggy weathers, then this is a great option. However, I know that a lot of people are willing to deal with that blocky water edge in order to keep their foggy weathers (myself included), so I made sure to keep the original files untouched with all their fogginess intact :)
-Audio Overhaul  - Incompatible due to some sound edits AOS makes to the region data, but I've included a compatibility patch to remedy this. This patch can safely replace all other AOS patches that you might have been previously using for Aequinoctium, True Storms, or both.
-Sounds of Skyrim - All versions  - All Sounds of Skyrim plugins are incompatible due to some sound edits that they also make to the region data. I've included a compatibility patch for Sounds of Skyrim Complete, but please do keep in mind that this patch will not work for any of the standalone SoS versions (like The Wilds). This patch can safely replace all other SoS patches that you might have been previously using for Aequinoctium, True Storms, or both.
-Wet & Cold - Almost fully compatible, it only changes weather records for ash storms in Solstheim. I've created a compatibility patch to ensure that Wet & Cold's effects will be registered in all of Aequinoctium's and True Storm's unique Solstheim weathers, which can be found here.
-Minty's Lightning  - 100% compatible with everything, as it only adds its own new effects into the game. However, there are a few unique stormy weathers in True Storms that would not receive the new lightning effects without a patch, so I've created one here to carry those over. Aequinoctium does not add any of its own unique stormy weathers, so you are safe to use the standalone version of the Minty patch with this setup.

Highly Recommended Mods
Lightning During Storms Sse (Minty lightning)
Wonders of Weather
Morning Fogs SSE
ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition
ETHEREAL COSMOS - Special Edition

My Other Mods
Dolomite - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE
NAT - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE
ObsidianWeathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE
MythicalAges - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE
RusticWeathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE
VividWeathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE
ELFXWeathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility SSE

Once again, HUGE thanks to Arindel and fadingsignal for these wonderful weather mods! :)
And another big thanks to LoD7995 for figuring out the water's edge fix and allowing me to incorporate it directly into these patches! Thanks a ton!




求生之路2 斩魄刀MOD | 死或生5:最后一战 紫衣米拉、粉衣凌音等MOD[DLC版] | 辐射4 灰色哔哔小子MOD | 上古卷轴5:天际 天际全局植物绿化 | Family Friendly Free Roaming | 魔兽争霸3 1.24魔城之战 v1.22正式版 |


  • 求生之路2 斩魄刀MOD
  • 死或生5:最后一战 紫衣米拉、粉衣凌音等MOD[DLC版]
  • 辐射4 灰色哔哔小子MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 天际全局植物绿化
  • Family Friendly Free Roaming
  • 魔兽争霸3 1.24魔城之战 v1.22正式版