黑暗特使 - 吸血鬼的力量

资源大小:16.6 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的黑暗特使 - 吸血鬼的力量 Mod,由KataPUMB制作。442104394在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: KataPUMB Mod版本: 3.2.0 Mod大小: 16.6 MB 更新时间: 2018-12-04 22:26:30 发布时间: 2018-12-04 22:26:30


欢迎来到我的新mod,Dark Envoy。

这个mod为吸血鬼领主提供了一个新的小任务线,并为凡人形状和吸血鬼领主增添了一些新的力量。该mod与Sacrosant和Better Vampires以及几乎任何mod都100%兼容,因为触及的香草记录非常少。

要开始探索,只需前往Volkihar城堡,并从Molag Bal的祭坛中饮用。一旦你这样做,去任务标记引导你并击败敌人获取新的权力。
















Coldharbour之门:每天开一个巨大的门户,可以穿过大量的molag bal。大量的达德拉将入侵泰姆瑞尔。除了玩家之外,他们几乎每个人都是激进的,所以要小心翼翼地使用它。



只要我知道它应该与任何吸血鬼大修几乎100%兼容(测试它与神圣的+更好的吸血鬼和0问题)。可能不兼容的是使用编辑volkihar城堡的mods,但由于洞穴仍然在那里并且洞穴内的触发器将开始任务它也应该没问题。还有一个洞穴内的Molag Bal祭坛的副本(想想那些拥有城堡模型的人)所以你无论如何都可以获得权力。蝙蝠旅行的力量也不是与开放城市100%兼容,力量会将你传送到大多数地方而不是那些像Jorvaskr那样经过大量编辑的人,在这种情况下蝙蝠旅行会将你传送到一个空单元格,因为编辑打开城市呢。


SKYRIM Legenday Edition版


Wellcome to my new mod, Dark Envoy.
This mod features a new small questline for Vampire Lords and adds some new powers for both mortal form and vampire lord. The mod is 100% compatible with Sacrosant and Better Vampires as well as almost any mod since very few vanilla records where touched.
To start the quest simply go to the Volkihar castle and drink from the altar of Molag Bal. Once you do this go where the questmark guides you and beat the enemies to access the new powers.

The powers

Bat Form: Transform yourself in a cloud of bats and fly freely. This is a toggeable ability and since there's only a mod for SSE that does this and it's not toggeable i think you will apreciate it.

Bat Teleport: Transform yourself into a cloud of bats and teleport to the target location.

Bat Travel: Select your destination and teleport yourself. You can also mark up to 6 places to teleport to them.

Dark Hollowing: A beam of pure evil that deals damage over time.

Crippling Terror: Paralyze enemies with your gaze.

Hideous Mist: Invoke a fog in which you and your allies are stronger and your foes take damage.

Ominous Cage: Create an impenetrable barrier arround yourself until you disable it. Foes traped inside with you will be terrorized.

Dark Aura: Once a day become one with shadows and resist 50% of physical damage while absorbing the life force of your foes.

Consuming Stream: A beam of vampiric power that absorbs health.

Shadow Pack: 3 death hounds hide in your shadow and they aid you each time you enter in combat. It's toggeable.

Sinister Grip: Deal magic damage and trap the soul of a foe. This effect increases in damage for each soul traped.

Soul Feast: heal yourself, if you have less than 50% of health and have souls trapped by sinister grip spell consume a soul to heal the same amount.

Shadow Armor: Resists 50% of physical and magical damage. Is a bit better than the Ebonyflesh spell since 50 damage resistance is similar to 350 of armor but it also halves the spell magnitude and duration of all hostile spells. This is a very powerfull effect, for example this will make your natural weakness to fire from a 30% to a 15%, in general any negative buff will be halved.

Dark Envoy: Call the night powers to create an eclipse so you will no longer fear the sun again. This has the same effect as the auriel's bow with tainted arrows but it lasts longer and you will not have to carry the bow everywhere.

The Gate of Coldharbour: Once a day open a massive portal which the legions of molag bal can cross. A large ammount of daedra will invade Tamriel. They're agressive thowards almost everyone but the player so use it carefully.

Hope you like the mod and don't forget to endorse.


As long as i know it should be almost 100% compatible with any Vampire Overhaul (tested it with sacrosant+better vampires and 0 problems). Which it may not be compatible is with mods that edit the volkihar castle, but since the cave will still be there and the triggers inside the cave will start the quest it should be fine too. Also there's a copy of the altar of Molag Bal inside the cave (thinked for those who have a mod for the castle) so you can access the powers anyway. The Bat Travel power is also not 100% compatible with Open Cities, the power will teleport you to most places correctly but not to those heavily edited like Jorvaskr in that case the bat travel will teleport you to an empty cell due to the edits that Open City does.

Xbox Version
SKYRIM Legenday Edition Version




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