Mapped Bus [Replace | Template]

资源大小:8.36 MB




在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的Mapped Bus [Replace | Template] Mod,由Hullian111, le_shark 制作。huxian0123在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Hullian111, le_shark Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 8.36 MB 更新时间: 2018-11-17 22:39:18 发布时间: 2018-11-17 22:39:18


Brute简单命名的Bus绝对不是火箭科学。在傲慢的中年“方向盘专家”的驱使下,如果你没有正确的改变,他们会让你失望,Brute的巴士是任何城市公共交通网络的支柱......也就是说,如果有人碰巧使用它。 Brute Bus几乎无法以每小时50英里的速度行驶并且在那里停留,并且提供完全无法进入的轮椅空间,随时都可以运输任何城市的年轻人 - 成人故障,同时从发动机发出一些非常奇怪的噪音。




v1.0,1.0 04/06/2018 - 初始稳定释放,包括所有香草质和RTD式制服。



这是来自vanilla GTA V的Brute Bus的映射版本,由LeShark进行UV映射。从1.0开始,它包括四个制服变体,全部由我制作,贴花由其他用户提供:

- Los Santos Transit(香草,RTD风格),

- 机场出租班车(JiffiRent,Olympian)








2.导航到'mods'文件夹或在GTA V文件夹中创建它(如果没有)。

3.进入,或将x64e.rpf / levels / gta5 / vehicles.rpf复制到'mods'文件夹中,并将总线.yft和.ytd文件替换为下载中提供的文件。





有些肝脏不是100%准确 - 见上面的解释。我会尽力解决问题。

玻璃尚未映射。这样做会删除总线的可破坏的windows元素,即使它看起来很整洁,所以它决定要么没有可破坏的窗口或者没有映射的窗口 - 因此,全部的肝脏可能是站不住脚的。这也意味着LST涂层不是100%准确,但它也意味着为所有其他肝脏制作窗口纹理。




由于时间投诉,限制和不断下降的热情,我无法为这辆公共汽车制造超过四辆车,我邀请任何用户将易于使用的公共汽车列车包括在一个包装中,例如制作LTA公共汽车来自IV的那些,以及制作其他有利于友好的公共汽车公司,例如对圣地亚哥公共汽车非常友好的公共汽车,a-la Speed。其他公共汽车制造商对这个包装的贡献将很高兴 - 拍下我的PM,其中包含你在游戏中的制服的截图,我会考虑它的包装。

同样,我也在考虑为这辆公共汽车制作一个英国风格的扩展包,我可以在这里为这辆公共汽车上传英国(也许是爱尔兰和香港)的肝脏。其他英国公交车制造商对此包装的贡献将很高兴 - 拍下我的PM,其中包含你在游戏中的制服的截图,我将考虑它的包装。



* Arriva:新的,城市间的,2000年代










你也被授权用这个做任何你想要的东西,只要记得在你上传时给我和LeShark。我知道有很多人一直在为一个合适的映射公交车而哭泣,我和VanillaWorks的附属公司很乐意提供 - 只记得对原版mod作者表示一些尊重,好吗?


Brute's simply-named Bus is definitely not rocket science. Driven by arrogant, middle-aged 'steering wheel experts' who mouth you off if you don't have the correct change, Brute's Bus is the backbone of any city's public transportation network... that is, if anyone happened to use it. Barely capable of hitting 50 miles an hour and staying up there, and offering completely inaccessible wheelchair spaces, the Brute Bus will transport any city's young-adult failures at any time, all while making some very strange noise from the engine. 
Brute Public Service Vehicles 

v1.0, 1.0 04/06/2018 - Initial stable release, includes all vanilla liveries and RTD-style livery. 
I know you've been crying out for this for a long time. Now, you can finally have a proper templated vanilla bus. I've always wanted to see this happen, so in conjunction with LeShark, I'm happy to provide. 

This is a mapped version of the Brute Bus from vanilla GTA V, UV-mapped by LeShark. As of 1.0, it includes four livery variants, all made by me, decals provided by other users: 
- Los Santos Transit (vanilla, RTD-style), 
- Airport Rental shuttles (JiffiRent, Olympian) 

Features include: 
• Full livery support; 4K template available in the archive. 
• All basic vehicle functions: breaking glass, dirt mapping, all LODs etc. 
For those who are unfamiliar with the simple process of installing a replacement mod, the installation process is simple: 

1. Start OpenIV. 
2. Navigate to the 'mods' folder or create it in the GTA V folder if you don't have it. 
3. Go into, or copy x64e.rpf/levels/gta5/vehicles.rpf into your 'mods' folder, and replace the bus .yft and .ytd files with the ones provided in the download. 
4. If done correctly, the mod should be ready to use. 
There are some issues with mapping, concerning the front section of the bus. Unfortunately, this has rendered me unable to make an early-2000s style Metro livery, and this issue has even stumped livery experts who I have asked to try and fix the issue. As such, remember to be careful when making liveries around the front section. 

Some liveries are not 100% accurate - see the explanation above. I will try to fix the issues in due course. 

The glass has not been mapped. Doing so would remove the breakable windows element of the bus, even though it would look pretty neat, so it was the decision of either no breakable windows or no mapped windows - all-over liveries, as such, may be untenable. This also means that the LST livery is not 100% accurate, but it would also mean making window textures for all other liveries. 

Any other bugs with the mod, please tell me in the comments. I will forward it on to the appropriate user. 
Since I have been unable to make more than four liveries for this bus, due to time complaints, limitations and declining enthusiasm, I invite any user to make lore-friendly bus liveries to be included in a livery pack, such as making LTA buses like the ones from IV, and also, making other lore-friendly bus companies such as a lore-friendly San Diego bus, a-la Speed. Contributions to this pack by other bus livery makers would be gladly appreciated - shoot me a PM with a screenshot of your livery in-game, and I will consider it for the pack. 

Similarly, I am also considering making a UK-style extension pack for this bus, where I may upload British (and maybe Irish and Hong Kong) liveries for this bus in the future. Contributions to this pack by other British bus livery makers would be gladly appreciated - shoot me a PM with a screenshot of your livery in-game, and I will consider it for the pack. 

Liveries I am prepared to make include: 
*Stagecoach: New and Old, Blue Swoop and Swoopless 
*Arriva: New, Interurban, 2000s 
*First: Barbie, Barbie II, Olympia 
*Dublin Bus 
*Hong Kong liveries 
*A whole load of London liveries 
This vehicle pack is EXCLUSIVE to GTA5-mods and! Any reuploads to other sites without my explicit permission, including to modding 'databases', will result in action being taken to have the mod taken down, and users redirected to the correct mod pages. 

You are allowed to use this in FiveM 'clan packs' and online communities, just give the right credits in the modpack you are including this vehicle pack in. In fact, I encourage online servers to take up lore-friendly cars like this, as lore-friendly vehicles are a niche that should be expanded upon. 

You are also authorised to make whatever liveries you want with this, just remember to credit me and LeShark when you upload. I know that many people have been crying out for a proper mapped bus, and me and VanillaWorks affiliates are very glad to provide - just remember to show some respect to the original mod author, okay? 

Unauthorised model edits will be dealt with severely! 
Inspiration, general help by VanillaWorks Discord server - wouldn't have done it without you guys. 
Original Bus by Rockstar Games 
UV-mapping, other work by LeShark 
Initial concept, liveries by Hullian111 
Livery elements by AlexanderLB




火箭联盟/怪物联盟1.02 | 【汉化】同伴+NPC面孔大修MOD2合1 | 萝莉的小少女诺维雅 修改版 | 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 古瞭望塔MOD | 【Skip DIMA memories - Far Harbor 跳过迪玛的记忆游戏】 | IRON MAN - GHOST RIDER |


  • 火箭联盟/怪物联盟1.02
  • 【汉化】同伴+NPC面孔大修MOD2合1
  • 萝莉的小少女诺维雅 修改版
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 古瞭望塔MOD
  • 【Skip DIMA memories - Far Harbor 跳过迪玛的记忆游戏】