Instant Perks SE 

资源大小:9.44 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Instant Perks SE  Mod,由NexusNexus5制作。机械的精髓在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: NexusNexus5 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 9.44 KB 更新时间: 2018-11-03 17:23:58 发布时间: 2018-11-03 17:23:58


这是我对SE的oldrim mod的一个端口



现在你可以通过键入一个控制台命令来欺骗简单的方法 - 非常适合你几次玩Skyrim而你只想要轻松的生活!或者,如果您使用mod管理器设置多个配置文件,并希望快速进展。有3个级别的额外补贴(每个级别将为您提供所有技能树的几个特权)和一个perk删除文件,以防您认为自己太强大了。如果你的武器和装甲过于先进,或者你只是想通过开锁等等来挑战更多挑战,那么在游戏后期移除你的特权也会给你带来更大的挑战。


这是一组4个文件,您只需将它们复制到您的Skyrim目录中(您安装Steam的地方 - 而不是像普通mod文件那样的数据目录)。

一旦文件在正确的位置,只需按波形键(`)打开控制台,然后输入命令bat filename ...


bat PerksBasic(尽管文件的扩展名为.txt,但你不能包括这个 - 只需“bat PerksBasic”即可完成这项工作)

现在,您可以在所有技能树上获得大约40或50级的大部分特权!然后你可以改变主意并键入“bat PerksMedium”并获得所有额外的60级(ish)或“bat PerksMaster”并获得所有额外津贴! (不要包括引号)。

如果您不满意,只需键入bat PerksRemove并删除所有特权(请注意,这也将删除您在使用第一个控制台命令之前获得的任何额外费用)。

还请注意,在您刷新技能页面并且没有通知已添加或删除技能之前,优惠不会显示 - 它就像魔术一样!


PerksMaster - 添加所有特权

PerksMedium - 从大约60级增加额外津贴(因技能而异)

PerksBasic - 将所有额外津贴增加到50级(因技能而异)

PerksRemove - 删除所有特权(所有特权),无论你有没有。您仍将保留任何未花费的额外津贴。

重要信息 - 如果您使用PerksRemove,您将失去已经分配的任何特权 - 我还没有弄清楚如何保留它们。之后您仍然可以使用这些命令添加任意数量的特权,这样您就不会在长期内丢失任何东西。

你以正常方式获得的任何津贴(来自经验和努力工作)仍然可以像以前一样花费 - 这些命令只会给你一个巨大的开端。

如果您想更改所获得的额外津贴,只需编辑文本文件并删除您不想要的文本文件,或添加您执行的操作。 PerksMaster文件包含所有的特殊代码(最后还有一些额外的代码没有更新 - 我认为这些是实验性的,我还没有尝试过)所以编辑这个文件可能是你最快的解决方案。

有251个标准特权(不包括22个吸血鬼和狼人特权,不包括在这些mod中),总共273个。 Perksbasic为您提供了110个,perksmedium为您提供了196个(86个以上),perksmaster为您提供了所有251.它需要非常长的时间才能达到251级,因此使用这些命令可以更加轻松地获得天际的所有特权。


如果您将配置文件与Mod Organizer一起使用,请不要将它们放在配置文件夹中,只放在主要的Skyrim文件夹中。我不认为任何mod管理器会为你安装这个 - 你必须手动完成!如果有人知道如何让mod管理员这样做,请随意编辑...


据我所知,不应该与任何东西冲突 - 这些文件不使用任何资源或脚本,并且不像数据文件夹中的普通mod那样安装,所以它们不应该导致任何问题。它应该算作一个额外的mod你可以拥有而不增加mod组织者可以处理的限制!


没有什么我知道的 - 如果这个mod崩溃你的游戏,导致矩阵中的故障或窃取你的女朋友,请让我知道。





Bethesda,Steam,Nexus - 你摇滚!


请看我的其他mods ......

Instant Smithing Materials SE适用于沉浸式珠宝

Instant Perks SE


Instant Smithing SE

Instant Shouts SE



Instant Perks SE for Ordinator

Instant Perks SE for Ordinator(按类别)



This is a port of my oldrim mod to SE

Description / Instructions

Fed up of trying to level up your perks, or cheating the hard way looking for console codes for perks and adding them one by one. It takes forever! You would need to reach level 273 to get all of the perks in Skyrim!
Now you can cheat the easy way just by typing one console command - great for when you've played Skyrim several times and you just want an easy life! Or if you set up multiple profiles with mod organizer and want to progress quickly. There are 3 levels of perks to add (each level will give you several perks for all skill trees) and one perk removal file in case you decide you're too powerful. Removing your perks later in the game will also give you more of a challenge when your weapons and armor are too advanced, or maybe you just want more of a challenge with lockpicking, etc.

This is a set of 4 files that you simply copy into your Skyrim directory (where you installed Steam - not the data directory as you would with normal mod files). 
Once the files are in the right place, simply open the console by pressing the tilde key (`) and type in the command bat filename...
for example...
bat PerksBasic (although the files have the .txt extension you must not include this - just "bat PerksBasic" will do the job)
Now you have most of the perks up to approximately level 40 or 50 on ALL skill trees! You can then change your mind and type "bat PerksMedium" and get all perks up to level 60 (ish) or "bat PerksMaster" and get ALL perks!!! (Don't include the quotation marks).

If you're not happy, just type bat PerksRemove and ALL of your perks will be removed (please note that this will also remove any perks you had before using the first console command).

Please also note that the perks will not show up until you refresh the Skills page and that there is no notification that the skills have been added or removed - it just happens like magic!


PerksMaster - adds all perks
PerksMedium - adds perks from approx level 60 (varies depending on skill)
PerksBasic - adds all perks up to level 50 (varies depending on skill)
PerksRemove - removes all perks (ALL of them) whether you had any before or not. You will still keep any unspent perks.
IMPORTANT - you will lose any perks that you had already assigned if you use PerksRemove - I haven't worked out how to keep them yet. You're still able to add as many perks as you want afterwards using these commands so you won't lose anything in the long run. 
Any perks that you earn the normal way (from experience and hard work) can still be spent as before - these commands just give you a massive head start.

If you want to change the perks that you get, simply edit the text files and delete the ones you don't want, or add the ones you do. The PerksMaster file contains all the perks codes (with a few extra ones at the end that aren't updated - I think these were experimental and I haven't tried them out yet) so editing this file might be your quickest solution).

There are 251 standard perks (not including the 22 vampire and werewolf perks which are not included in these mods) so 273 in total. Perksbasic gives you 110 of them, perksmedium gives you 196 (86 more) and perksmaster gives you all 251. It takes a very very long time to reach level 251 so using these commands makes getting all of the perks in skyrim much more achievable.

Using mod managers
If you use profiles with Mod Organizer, don't put them in the profile folder, just the main Skyrim folder. I don't think any mod manager will install this for you - you have to do it manually! If someone knows how to get a mod manager to do this please feel free to edit at will...

Shouldn't clash with anything as far as I know - these files don't use any resources or scripts and aren't installed like normal mods in the data folder so they shouldn't cause any problems. It should also count as an extra mod you can have without adding to the limit that mod organizer can handle!

Nothing as far as I know - please let me know if this mod crashes your game, causes glitches in the matrix or steals your girlfriend.

Simply delete the files and refrain from using the bat command anymore. Alternatively, delete the files, use the bat command and ponder why it's not working.

Feel free to copy, hack, exploit, edit, reverse engineer, infringe copyright (there are none) upload to other sites, or do whatever else you want with the files, with the exception of charging for them or uploading them to a site that will charge for them. These files are free to anyone and everyone who wants them!

Bethesda, Steam, Nexus - you rock!

Please see my other mods...
Instant Smithing Materials SE for Immersive Jewelry
Instant Perks SE
Instant Potions SE
Instant Smithing SE
Instant Shouts SE
Instant Skyrim spells SE
Super Powerful Weapons and Armor SE
Instant Perks SE for Ordinator
Instant Perks SE for Ordinator (by category)

If you can't get them to work, please read the instructions again. It's not too difficult.




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  • 绿巨人角色MOD
  • [汉化] M的怪物 v1.0.1
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 18禁服装黑甲短裙MOD
  • 申请Skyblivion
  • 侠盗猎车5 不降帧低配可用天气MOD
  • Cain9580的Harkon的Sword Retexture