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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的城堡Strunmah调整SE Mod,由SPH1制作。kira0224在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: SPH1 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 648 KB 更新时间: 2018-10-23 14:36:57 发布时间: 2018-10-23 14:36:57


最初由yevic1992于2012年上传,也许在技术上有点过时,Castle Strunmah仍然是Skyrim中最漂亮的玩家。我对Skyrim V进行了一些小的调整,并在10/21/18发现在将BSA文件夹打包到脚本文件夹后,该主页在特别版中工作。 (事实上,家庭在没有BSA文件的情况下工作 - 大部分时间)。

我用Creation Club Survival Mode测试了mod。房子的内部是“户外”,可以看到窗外的壮观景色。我记得,Serena在室内穿着她的引擎盖。这意味着这个地方将在室内寒冷到寒冷。也许就像一些真正的城堡。但是,大多数房间都有壁炉,确实提供了温暖。

起初我以为床更新并消除疲劳。但后来我没有看到。我想这是生存模式的选择,在户外睡觉不会刷新。我知道。回想一下电影“排”,Charlie Sheen正在讲述他们整天都在游行,外出巡逻或伏击,然后去睡觉。但你真的不睡觉。对于持续战斗设置而言,这似乎是准确的,天际就是在城外。永远保持警惕。但这适用于这个家庭的内部。



我还有Creation Club的Adventurer's Backpack。我很惊讶地看到我的L-Shaped Whiterun House mod和我的Helgen House mod,衣服梳妆台有多个Adventurer's Backpacks。我觉得很好!在我看来,背包,床上用品,帐篷等应该可以逃离赫尔根和随机穿越天际的城堡和地下城。在这个模型中,我确实注意到第二间卧室的衣架中至少有一个背包 - 一次。所以不确定他们第一次打开时有多久。 (容器不应该重生。)


我测试了Alternate Start Live Another Life,在Dragonbridge的Inn中产卵。走出去,你会立刻看到Forsworn前景附近的山顶上的房子。到家一直有点棘手,但有办法。也许最好的办法是关闭生存模式和快速旅行,然后从那里开始,沿着山路学习。 (顺便说一下,Dragonbridge和Solitude从家里看到的景色非常壮观。)


更新的照片可能会即将发布。目前的照片来自我在Skyrim V上的原始上传。





First uploaded by yevic1992 in 2012 and perhaps a bit technologically dated, Castle Strunmah is still the best looking player home in Skyrim. I made a few minor tweaks for Skyrim V and on 10/21/18 discovered that the home works in Special Edition after unpacking the BSA folder into a scripts folder. (In fact, the home worked without the BSA file at all - for the most part).

I tested the mod with the Creation Club Survival Mode. The interior of the house is "outdoors", which gives the spectacular views outside the windows. As I recall, Serena wore her hood while indoors. This means that the place will be chilly to cold indoors. Perhaps like some real castles. However, most rooms have fireplaces, which does provide warmth.

At first I thought that the beds refresh and take away fatigue. But later I did not see that. I suppose this is the Survival Mode choice that sleeping outdoors does not refresh. I can see that. Recall the movie "Platoon" where Charlie Sheen is narrating that they march all day, go out on patrol or ambush, then go to sleep. But you don't really sleep. That seems accurate for a constant combat setting, which Skyrim is when outside cities. Always on guard. But this applies to the inside of this home.

NOTE: Just prior to publishing I did a test download of the mod file and reinstalled the mod. The bed refreshed with Survival Mode. Seems that sometimes it does, other time not. Perhaps it is me?

Personally, I prefer the Hypothermia mod (not Frostfall, although it is also great) with Realistic Needs and Diseases, so will avoid the bed/fatigue thing. I need the hand warming and eating/drinking animations!

I also had the Creation Club's Adventurer's Backpack. I was surprised to see in my L-Shaped Whiterun House mod and my Helgen House mod that the clothes dressers had multiple Adventurer's Backpacks. I thought that nice! In my opinion, backpacks, bedrolls, tents and such should be available escaping Helgen and random through-out Skyrim's castles and dungeons. In this mod, I did notice at least one backpack in the clothes dresser in the second bedroom - once. So not sure how often they may be there when first opened. (Containers should not respawn.)

The home has Imperial flags, and in the chest where the horse stable is (you'll have to find it by going around the left of the building to the back) I just set an Imperial set of armor. I picture this home for an Imperial Officer, probably retired since it is such a nice home. I picture some Imperial gear packed-up. What happens thereafter, Imperials or Stormcloaks, is up to you.

I tested with Alternate Start Live Another Life, spawning in the Inn at Dragonbridge. Going outside you will immediately see the home on top of the mountain near the Forsworn outlook. Getting to the home has always been a bit tricky, but there are ways. Perhaps the best is to turn off Survival Mode and fast travel and start from there, learning your way down the mountain. (By the way, the views of Dragonbridge and Solitude from inside the home are spectacular.)

Even if you do not want to use the home, you might enjoy testing it. I myself have done that with probably over a hundred homes in the past. Quite a bit of fun; sometimes even more so than playing the game.

Updated photos may be forthcoming. Current photos are from my original upload on Skyrim V.

You can see the tweaks and further information I made and the credits at my original upload here:





自律机器人的阵营涂装 v1.1 | 猎户座诺瓦定制服装 | 世界征服者3 三国征服者MODv1.3 | Blusher 1801 腮红 | 模拟人生4 纺织墙壁挂画MOD | 空中公寓40X30 |


  • 自律机器人的阵营涂装 v1.1
  • 猎户座诺瓦定制服装
  • 世界征服者3 三国征服者MODv1.3
  • Blusher 1801 腮红
  • 模拟人生4 纺织墙壁挂画MOD
  • 空中公寓40X30