OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine Mod,由Ceo制作。saga00zero在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Ceo Mod版本: 2.023-SE Mod大小: 27.6 MB 更新时间: 2018-10-15 23:37:38 发布时间: 2018-10-15 23:37:38












该项目主要是动画框架,但是要使引擎,特别是PERSONA部分需要为Skyrim设置一些根源。虽然UI可以访问这些内容,但我将借此机会应用以动画范围之外的其他方式收集的信息。 PROFILE和MyOSA是扩展和质量寿命细分的例子。虽然这些不在动画范围内,但它们正在为OSA已经具有连接基础的东西输出信息。




模块:不同的mods,模块是加载到OSA中的动画场景组,类似于将盒式磁带放入NES。 (实际上它更接近于Sonic和Knuckles的盒式磁带用于sega起源,你可以将另一个声波盒插入声音和指关节的顶部并且在先前的声波中是指关节)一旦安装它们可以以3种方式使用,玩家可以将它们绑定到一个热键(如果他们使用2个或更少的演员),玩家可以从目标菜单调用任何已安装的模块,第三个所有OSA模块自动获得外部开发人员可以调用以使场景发生的自定义API,如Skyrim的扩展动画库。模块是ESPLESS,无需通过API使用。




PERSONA:为NPC提供增强的个性数据的XML文档。它们针对不同的个性部分提供了一系列课程,并单独安装。 NPC可以仅为他们提供自定义角色,但如果没有分配,OSA会根据所有已安装的角色数据生成自动角色。


简介:姐妹系统到女神异闻录。 PERSONA对声音,表情等有影响.PROFILE没有现场影响,并且是一个RP风味文本,故事讲述工具。这是一个可选的东西,仅在玩家检查另一个演员时才使用,如果他们有与之关联的profile.ini。配置文件也将覆盖OSA的一些输出,例如,如果你的角色由于天际竞赛系统的限制而变为北方,但是希望将它们区分为其他东西,而不必担心自定义竞赛的麻烦,你可以使用Profile。



OSA使用非常少的纸莎草纸。它主要在Skyrim的用户界面中运行,作为引擎平台有一些惊人的好处。它是一种更加强大和有效的语言,然后Papyrus和UI得到了它自己的记忆,从Skyrim的纸莎草中分配出来,基本上没有上限。 Actionscript可以轻松处理事情,使Papyrus停下来。


该项目有两个重要原则:它的API和OSA场景的使用以及OSA的功能不需要OSA的任何掌握或从属mod。 Papyrus开发人员可以将OSA作为其用户的可选选项,而不必强迫他们下载OSA。这样做的好处是不必在愿意下载fnis和OSA等的人之间隔离用户群.OSA可以用作可选的场景重音。该项目的第二个主要原则是重量轻,非侵入性并与其他模块相冲突,并且在不活跃使用时处于休眠状态。

OSA的核心是一个动画框架,它可以做更多的纸莎草纸,因为它运行,定时,所有数据都是在动作脚本中管理的。它可以处理无限数据和详细信息的xml文档流。这是一个开发引擎,在动画方面没有任何作用。 OSA场景可以简单地播放而无需导航。如果它是单个单向场景,或仅基于演员数据而不需要播放器输入。如果您希望导航成为场景的一部分,您可以使用导航面板在进行选择时允许视觉播放器输入。现在,我在这里显示了一种称为“NP1”的导航面板。我用自己的模块开发了它,这是一个非常大的模块,所以它需要一个相当繁重的导航工具。我正在开发可以替代使用的更轻和替代的导航面板。特别是一个完全基于文本的没有图像,一些重量较轻的一个用于更快节奏的场景,如战斗。导航面板就是这样一种事情,如果您在OSA当前可以做的事情之外有非常具体的需求,最好只跟我说话,我可以为您需要显示的内容制定解决方案。





定位菜单的示例。 1个玩家触发了开始场景的选项。






在人体秤开始时自定义缩放,以确保动画以动画设计的精确比例为所有用户播放。 (可选但如果完美对齐对您的场景很重要,可以强制执行,播放器确实有一个切换来覆盖它。)












所有OSA模块都通过相同的API调用,该API具有输入模块ID的字符串。 API不需要掌握/扩展,可以从任何纸莎草脚本或片段调用。您的模块还将获得自动安装检查,以便开发人员可以知道您的模块是否已安装,如果没有,则可以通过不同方式调整其内容。





PERSONA CLASSES:我把人的性格分成了许多不断扩大的片段,我称之为课堂。演员的每个Persona类都可以单独设置。这些被分为3个主要分组:战斗,亲密,一般,这使得NPC的战斗技巧和声音不必与他们的性欲等联系在一起。

MOTIF,REACTION,EMOTIONS:你可以定义运动的精确时间和面部和声音的反应,但是OSA也具有演员所具有的被动个性。这些主要分为MOTIF,REACTION和EMOTIONS。 MOTIF是他们在场景的不同主题中的风范,REACTION是他们如何回应精确的复活,EMOTION是他们如何在视觉上显示主题和反应对他们的影响。这会影响他们制作的声音和表情的类型以及他们制作这些声音和表情的速度。







PROFILE是风格和角色扮演文本,玩家可以将其视为OSA UI可以显示的基于文本的故事讲述工具。它是一个可选系统,只有在玩家检查另一个actor时才会使用,并且只有当该actor有一个profile.ini时才会使用。如果演员有个人资料,那么就不需要掌握OSA。然后OSA会使用它。如果.ini已经到位,则可以为自定义随从和香草NPC制作配置文件,然后OSA将找到它,加载它并具有显示能力,这就是所需要的。您可以安全地使用自定义关注程序打包profile.ini,如果未安装OSA,它将无所事事,但OSA会在其中找到并使用它。可以从场景菜单中查看角色,也可以将十字准线放在NPC上并按下检查键。


MyOSA装备菜单的示例,可视化地将类别与条目(正方形与圆形)分开的方法示例。然而,样式,entires和类别完全取决于用户。单击将直接从您的XML文档装备。 MyAnimations的功能与poser mod相同。



MyANquATION:除了播放动画外,其功能与MyEquip完全相同。这是一个文本数据poser mod,不需要响铃。您可以根据需要将动画分组。他们可以直接从玩家角色或目标上的列表中玩。请注意,MyAnim与动画引擎不同,动画引擎为动画场景创建者提供了许多强大的功能,其中MyAnim的功能就像是一个简单地播放单个动画的模式。

*在目标上使用时,MyEquip略微偏离。这是Skyrim exe的一个严格限制,很难解决。 MyOSA必须在装备NPC之前将物品添加到NPC中,当NPC获得物品时,他们会评估他们的装备和补救到他们的默认值。现在你必须首先添加这些项目,然后在他们拥有你想要的项目之后装备它们,但是我很快就会有这样的修复。


ESG应用于INSPECT |的示例设备菜单

ESG的主要目的是允许动画引擎确切地知道用户穿着什么类型的衣服,因此它可以针对不同的衣服播放特定的动画。 OSA附带了一个我自己动画的补救模块,任何开发人员都可以使用该模块,如果你看到在场景播放后需要NPC进行补救。使用ESG,您可以为几乎任何类型的服装定制动画,并了解NPC的佩戴类型。 ESG是对Skyrim插槽系统严格限制的回应。虽然它的目的可能含糊不清,而且对天际的运作没有太多的理解,但我保证这对于脱衣和穿衣动画的完全准确性来说是一种必要性。我相信你可能会遇到这样的事情:装上一副太阳镜,当你戴上它们时,你的角色裤子就会脱落。这与ESG的局限性有关。它确实需要用户填写文档,说明他们的插槽通常用于什么。为了达到完美的性能,它需要一些工作来符合你的插槽,但通常会完成工作。 ESG的数据将应用于OSA UI叠加层中的其他位置,主要是图标显示标识插槽的确切服装类型,而不是“插槽30-60”。



Scorpion SK为OSA项目制作了cpconvert.dll。它允许将papryus生成的文本字符串转换为非英语字符,以便设备,种族和角色名称的名称在不同区域正确显示。您必须在cpconvert.ini中为您的区域配置代码页才能使用此功能。

OSA使用它自己的翻译系统。两个单独的文档,主要翻译ini和“ESG”ini,您可以在其中翻译服装类型名称。 ESG ini是独立的,因为它不仅仅用于翻译,而且让用户有机会使用他们想要的不同服装类型的单词。









用户界面有一些易于运行的输出扫描,只需报告它可以收集到的东西。我对这方面的想法持开放态度,可以进一步检查和比较,以帮助用户或开发人员解决问题。它的主要目的是帮助我解决OSA问题,例如很多用户因为有一个mod覆盖他们的XPMS骨架而遇到动画中的视觉故障。 REPORT将输出这个,以便很容易分辨出发生了什么。也许这可以帮助其他开发人员或用户。




UI在actionscript中的工作方式是这个项目的主要挑战之一,actionscript为引擎带来了动力,但它的缺点在于它无法保存游戏中的任何数据。当您加载/重新打开Skyrim时,UI必须从头开始。从某种意义上说,这也是一种祝福,因为除了在任务脚本中为keybinds等保留的少数属性之外,它还可以减少膨胀。 UI以两种方式获取数据。它从相关演员那里提取少量纸莎草信息,例如当你检查演员或者与演员开始一个OSA场景时,它会向他们请求一些基本的纸莎草纸细节并将其发送到UI。其余的数据OSA访问是基于xml / ini的文档,用于角色,场景数据,配置文件数据等。它可以根据需要通过流式传输来访问它们,除非您在场景中或检查演员OSA处于休眠状态。由于动作脚本系统很轻巧,因此它的规模很复杂。这是一个早期版本,可能会出现问题。请让我知道,因为我非常有兴趣尽可能强大。好消息是,如果发生错误,你可以通过保存和加载或启动skyrim备份来修复它,因为由于UI的临时性质,这里没有任何东西是永久性的,它每次都会重新启动。

我经常收到这些评论,这可以完全改变天际并为游戏带来全新的互动。我相信这是真的,但我担心由于年龄的原因,对天际的兴趣很低,而FallOut 4的发布并没有帮助。我希望人们会尝试使用这个系统为它制作模块,以帮助我扩展场景库。我们可以为“天际”开启全新的东西,从战斗中的互动特殊动作到特殊的独特场景。最后,我希望能够生成一个很好的动画场景库,可以为纸莎草故事讲述者和用户提供服务,如果他们只是想讲述自己的故事。 OSA有许多可以为其开发的水平和技能组合。重要的是要知道尽管元素看起来多么花哨,但与OSA的所有交互都只是填写文本文档中的字段,以便按照您想要的方式进行自定义。没有脚本,没有纸莎草,也没有创作套件的技能需求。 (Voice Packs需要一些创作套件才能将音频输入Skyrim。)如果您有兴趣贡献,可以使用以下列表:


我是一名活跃的开发人员,OSA引擎非常灵活。 OSA中的许多功能都处于起步阶段,我非常有兴趣从用户和开发人员那里获得他们想要做的事情的反馈。这最适用于PROFILE,因为它是角色扮演文本我基本上可以用它做任何你想做的事情,但是对于这个项目的任何方面,我将努力包括你需要的功能。该项目可以包含的内容非常广泛,所以虽然我可能会列出一系列要做的事情,但它仍在不断增长。通过告诉我您需要或想要的确切内容来帮助我加快我的注意力,以便加速人们想要使用的引擎功能。


Mod开发人员使用OSA api来调用OSA模块。 OSA有一个非常简单易于连接的API,不需要掌握。如果用户安装了OSA,您可以将OSA场景用作重音符号,如果没有,则可以使用其他方式来处理使用的场景。您不必强迫用户提交OSA,并且可以自由链接OSA场景,而无需担心隔离用户群的部分内容








OSADemoMod是OSA的绝对最小2场景模块,用于演示,如果你想玩你自己的动画,最有可能最好只是开始对演示Mod进行canabalizing并改变有意义的东西,看起来很清楚,覆盖动画等等。我很快就会有文档。 OSA可以做更多的事情,这个例子是展示运行模块所需的基础知识。

Morra的Poser Pack

Morra已将LL社区网站上的大部分装配包放在一起,以便使用引擎的MyAnim部分。这是成人和非成人构成。 Morra似乎正在接受几乎所有已知的姿势包并且每天更新,但是一些姿势包是硬内容所以我担心在nexus上直接链接到它。他们已经付出了大量的努力,并且已经完成了这样一个令人惊叹的资源。它清楚地证明了MyAnimation相对于现有环系统的易用性。您可以在LL上找到它,它将在谷歌搜索中出现。

















Shinji72 |天际观察“




OSA is an engine that adds on to Skyrim's potential in many ways. The heart of it is an animation framework that allows developers to have stronger control, effects, and usability in animated scenes. This ties in with OSA's PERSONA system that adds depth to character's personalities beyond what Skyrim provides. Almost the entire OSA engine exists and runs in the UI of Skyriim which offers a lot of benefits as opposed to being run in Skyrim's papyrus. That gives all aspects of this project access to the UI for interactive displays, navigation and customization.
Shinji72 put together a very nice short video showcasing what OSA can do with some highlights on the first few modules and usage of the OSA engine.
Thanks Shinji and it's an honor as always. Hey! Don't forget to subscribe to Shinji's channel he's the best.

TooneyMan made a nice video today on installing OSA and OSex for anyone who needs help with the process:

SKSE (Latest), SKYUI (Latest), FNIS (5.5 or greater)

Once you have the requirements install OSA with any mod manager program, run FNIS and you are good to go. Make sure you uninstall and remove any previous versions of OSA.

While OSA is based in actionscript, to build for any part of the OSA project requires no actionscript or scripting/programming whatsoever. It functions by reading text documents in XML and INI format which the engine is able to interpret. If you can type into text documents you have access to doing a majority of what this engine can do. Everything from animated scenes, facial expressions, voice and personallity are stored in text documents. In many ways you can think of OSA like an extension to the creation kit that adds new XML base form types.
The project primarily is the animation framework however to make the engine, specifically the PERSONA segment required setting some roots into Skyrim. While the UI has access to these things I will take the opportunity to apply the information that is gathered in other ways outside of the scope of just animation. PROFILE and MyOSA are examples of expansion and quality life segments. While these are out of the scope of animation they are outputting information for things OSA already has the foundation to connect with.


OSA: The Actionscript engine that runs everything that OSA does. It's primarily a system that loads and interprets XML and INI text documents to allow for lots of customization and detail. On it's own it doesn't do much except offer it's quality of life UI display features.


MODULES: Different the mods, modules are groups of animated scenes that load into OSA similar to putting a cartridge into your NES. (Actually it's closer to the Sonic and Knuckles cartridge for sega genesis where you could plug another sonic cartridge into the top of sonic and knuckles and be knuckles in prior sonics) Once installed they can be used in 3 ways, the player can bind them to a hot key (If they utilize 2 or less actors), the player can call any installed module from the targeting menu, third all OSA modules automatically get custom API made that outside developers can call to make scenes happen, like an extension to the Skyrim aniimation library. Modules are ESPLESS and require no mastery to use through API.


PLUGINS: Plugins are expansion packs to a specific module. This allows large scale projects to be grouped into categories and allow you to take on more niche content without having to embed oddball things into the primary pack or sort different themes out so users can decide.


PERSONA: XML documents that hold enhanced personality data for NPCs. They come in a range of classes for different subsections of personality and are installed individually. NPCs can be given custom persona's just for them but if one isn't assigned OSA generates an automated persona based on all installed Persona data.


PROFILE: Sister system to Persona. PERSONA has an impact on sounds, expressions etc. PROFILE has no live impact and is meant to be an RP flavor text, story telling tool. It's an optional thing that's only used when the player inspects another actor IF they have a profile.ini associated with them. Profile will also override some of OSA's output, for example if your character is a nord due to limitations of Skyrim's race system but would like them to be distinguished as something else without going into the hassle of custom races you can use Profile for that.



Very little papyrus is used by OSA. It primarily runs in the UI of Skyrim which has some amazing benefits to being the platform for the engine. It's a much more powerful and efficient language then Papyrus and the UI get's it's own memory assigned to it free from Skyrim's papyrus that is basically uncapped. Actionscript can handle things with ease that would bring Papyrus to a halt.
The project has a two important principles: It's API and usage of scenes in OSA and the features of OSA do not require any mastery or slaving mods to OSA. Papyrus developers can leave OSA as an optional choice for their users and don't have to force them to download OSA. The benefit to this is not having to isolate a user base between those willing to download fnis, and OSA etc. OSA can be used as optional scene accents. The second major principle of this project is to be light weight, non-invasive and conflicting with other mods, and to be dormant when not in active use.

The heart of OSA is an animation framework, it's able to do more then papyrus ever could because it's run, timed and all is data is managed in actionscript. It can handle endless data and detail in it's streaming of xml documents. This is a development engine and does nothing on it's own in terms of animation. An OSA scene can simply play without the need for navigation. If it's a single one way scene, or based just on actor data and doesn't need player input. If you'd like navigation to be a part of your scene you can use a navigation panel to allow for visual player input in making choices. For now I have one style of navigation panel designated "NP1" shown here. I developed it with my own module in mind which is a very large scale one, so it needed a fairly heavy navigation tool. I'm working on developing lighter and alternative nav panels which can be used instead. Specifically an entirely text based one with no images, and some light weight one's for more fast paced scenes like combat. Nav Panels is the kind of thing where if you have very specific need outside of what OSA can currently do it might be best to just talk to me and I can work on a solution for what you need displayed.

Example from my own mod of the UI elements available to module developers for player interaction.

The scene menu on the right is a utility menu that can be optionally brought up by the user which all modules have access to. From here equipment and lighting can be configured, information can be displayed, and advanced forms of navigation like the Tag based ROULETTE or shut cut NAVIGATE can be applied. Some of these features require additional module set up to use/display and wouldn't be available in very basic modules.


The left panel above is the Module Library overlay. All installed modules are listed here and you can click any to adjust your set. The right panel shows the keybinding interface. In this case the user is Assigning OBroHugs to their Num0 key. Binding to key will only work on modules that have 2 or less actors. Different modules have different requirements on top of this to cast. For example some are positing sensitive and can only be cast from behind or in front of the target, they targets need to match the NPC type criteria. Creatures vs NPC in order the scene to trigger. Children are not allowed to ever be used in any kind of OSA scene regardless of intentions.

Example of the targeting menu. 1 of the player triggered options to begin a scene.
For scenes with more then 2 actors or for those not involving the player a targeting overlay can be brought up from the module library where you can select nearby actors as targets.


Any OSA modules get's the full power of OSA and can use all of it's features:

Since it's XML based you can start easy and add more complex things to your scene as you get more comfortable. The data can be added on as you go / have time.

Supports 1-9 actor scenes

Promotes seamless animation that is playerdriven but can also be used in a poser sense if seamless animation isn't your thing

Custom scaling at start of body scales to ensure the animation plays back for all users at the exact scales the animations were designed for. (optional but can be enforced if perfect alignment matters to your scene, the player does have a toggle to override this.)

Full face expression control, sound control, the ability to define the motif and themes of your scenes for actors to respond to as well as trigger timed events which will prompt an emotional reaction from the actor's persona.

Advanced triggers, like music, adjusting scales mid animation, casting spell visuals.

XML based IF checks to make your scenes adapt based on the data of the NPCs involved

Custom Automatic API for developers made for your scenes.

Knowledge of exact equipment slots to make animations exact using the ESG system.

Release expansion packs for your module in the form of plugins

Individually translatable

In the case of seamless animations the scenes can be organized for the AI to be able to automatically navigate and travel between different positions on it's own. The player has access to this as well in their Navigation section of the scene menu as well as the Roulette Menu if they want to play scenes based on tags.

FUTURE: The ability to have scenes change actor count live, using the inspect key you'll be able to enter into scenes that allow JOINING and if you are in the scene will be allowed to invite more actors in the scene.

FUTURE: Stronger ability for the AI to manage seamless scenes. Easier access to rejection or alternate paths automated by criteria set in the persona's and scenes.


All OSA modules are called through the same API, which has a string where you enter the Module ID. The API doesn't require mastery/extending and can be called from any papyrus script or fragment. Your module also will get an automated installation check so developers can know if your module is installed and if not can adapt their content in different ways.

Persona is what is special about OSA. Sticking two actors together and playing an animation is relatively easy in Skyrim, but having them come alive, with full control of their expressions, facial movements, voices, reactions, spells and cinematic effects is a bulk of the OSA animation project. While it might be hard to put your finger on it if you disable MOTIF and OSFX and try a familiar scene you will clearly see the difference with Persona turned off.


EYE DIRECTION: One of the easier things to implement but has the biggest impact on scenes by far in my opinion. The developer decides a series of eye directions per scene based on events that are taking place, and the persona of the actor decides how often they will be looking where and at what. Eye direction can also be in response to an action event, if something immediate happens that grabs their attention you can call the eyes to shift focus to that.

FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: Animating for Skyrim gives 0 facial control to your actors, OSA uses a custom made engine I made that applies mfg consoles functions to give the developer entire control over the actors facial expressions, mouth and eye movement.

PERSONA CLASSES: I've divided up the human personality into a number of expanding segments which I'm calling classes. Each Persona class for an actor can be set individually. These are arranged into 3 main groupings: Combat, Intimacy, General, this allows for NPC's combat skill and sounds to not have to be tied into their libido etc.

MOTIF, REACTION, EMOTIONS: You can define exact timings of movements and reactions of the face and sounds to occur however OSA also has passive personality that actors have. These are mainly categorized as MOTIF, REACTION and EMOTIONS. MOTIF is their demeanor in different themes of scenes, REACTION is how they respond to exact revents, EMOTION is how they visually show the effects the motif and reactions are having on them. This effects the types of sounds and expressions they make and the rate at which they make those sounds and expressions.

VOICE PACKS: Voice packs are divided up into the 3 main categories as the prior and subdivided into smaller classes. Handling both the vocal sounds they make and other sounds associated with them.

SPELLS AND OTHER DETAILS: Pretty much all details fall under persona and are customizable, including things like the spell visuals they use when casting magic in scenes.

ANIMATION EVENTS: OSA can track animation events and respond to very rapid input from them.

FUTURE: In the future more prefence based flags will become active in OSA, where scenes can be toggled and redirected based on the prefences of the actors, to allow things like visually rejecting certain actions, moving and behaving differently based on settings, adjusting their animation based on certain personal stats etc.


Example of the PROFILE | Biography page

PROFILE is flavor and roleplay text that can be viewed by the player as a text based story telling tool the that OSA UI can display. It's an optional system that's only used if the player inspects another actor and only if that actor has a profile.ini written. No mastery of OSA is required, if the actor has a profile.ini then OSA will use it. Profile's can be made for custom followers and vanilla NPCs also, if the .ini is in place then OSA will find it, load it and have the ability to display, that's all it takes. You can safely pack a profile.ini with a custom follower, if OSA isn't installed it will do nothing but OSA will find it if it's there and use it. Persona can be viewed either from the scene menu or by putting your crosshairs over an NPC and hitting the inspect key.

Example of a Maxed out silly profile. They don't have to be this crazy they can be anywhere in between no data and this.

Example of the MyOSA equip menu, an example of ways to visually separate categories from entries (Squares vs circles). Styling, entires, and categories however are entirely up to the user. Clicking will equip directly from your XML document. MyAnimations function in the same way like a poser mod.  
MyOSA is the UI's ability to display and apply user-generated documents, giving fast access to your Skyrim stuff. For now I have 2 parts to MyOSA but plan to expand this a little further, an equipment manager and an animation manager. It's completely optional and only does anything if you turn it on and make the documents for it.MyOSA Overview:

MyEQUIP: A user-made XML list that you can equip the player or NPCs directly from, which can be categorized however you like.

MyANIMATION: functions exactly the same as MyEquip except it plays animations. It's a text data poser mod without the need for rings. You can group your animations into categories however you like. They can play directly from the list on the player character or on a target. Note that MyAnim is different from the animation engine, the animation engine has lots of empowered features for animated scene creators where as MyAnim functions like a poser mode where it simply plays single animations.

* MyEquip is a little off when used on targets. This is a hard limitation of the Skyrim exe that's very hard to work around. MyOSA must add the items to the NPC's before equipping them and when NPCs get items added they evaluate their outfit and redress to their default. For now you'll have to add the items first then equip them after they have the items you want however I have a fix coming for this soon.


Example of ESG being applied to the INSPECT | EQUIPMENT menu 

The primary purpose of ESG is to allow for the animation engine to know exactly what types of clothing the user is wearing so it can play specific animations for different articles of clothing. OSA comes with a redressing module I animated myself which can be used by any developer if you see a need for NPCs to be redressing after your scene plays. With ESG you're able to custom make animations for almost any type of clothing and know what types the NPCs are wearing. ESG is a response to a hard limitation of Skyrim's slot system. While it's purpose might be vague without a lot of understanding into the workings of Skyrim I promise that it's a nessesity for complete accuracy in undressing and dressing animations. I'm sure you might have encountered something like this: You equip a pair of sunglasses and your character's pants wind up coming off when you put them on. That's related to the limitation that ESG works around. It does require the user to fill in a document saying what their slots generally are used for. To reach perfect performance it requires a little bit of work to conform your slots but generally will get the job done. ESG's data will be applied elsewhere in the OSA UI overlays, primarily with icon displays identifying the slots with their exact clothing type as opposed to "slots 30-60".

ESG being applied to the SCENE menu


Scorpion SK made the cpconvert.dll for the OSA project. It allows for text strings that papryus generates to be converted to non-english characters so that names of equipment, races and character names display properly in different regions. You'll have to configure the code page to your region in the cpconvert.ini for this feature to work.

OSA uses it's own translation system. Two separate documents, a primary translation ini and also an "ESG" ini where you translate the clothing type names. The ESG ini is separate because it's not just for translation but gives users the chance to use the words they want for different clothing types.

Every module for OSA gets their own translation document as well to allow navigation text to move through your scene be readable by anyone.



OSA can calculate and display Earth measurement units for both height and weight of actors. I find this more immersive then "Height:1.0, Weight 75.0". Earth units has it's own ini:

Metric or US display

Adjust the Sky height to Earth Height ratio

Adjust the Height to Earth weight ratio, there's a separate entry for both Male and Female ratios.


The UI has a few easy to run output scans which just report back whatever it can gather on things. I'm open to ideas on this for further checks and comparisons that might aid users or developers in trouble shooting. It's main purpose is to help me trouble shoot OSA, for example a lot of users encounter visual glitches in animation due to having a mod overwrite their XPMS skeleton. REPORT will output this so it's easy to tell what's happening. Maybe this could aid other developers or users. 

Live check for XPMS being the active skeleton.

The UI displays technical information on actors and their scales for quick access to that info.

Outputs all installed DLLs and Script versions relative to OSA as well as other things that i've had time to enter.


The way the UI works in actionscript was one of the main challenges of this project, actionscript brings power to the engine but the disadvantage it has is that it can't save any data with your game. When you load / reopen Skyrim the UI has to start over from scratch. In a sense this is also a blessing because it reduces bloat to nothing except the few properties that are kept for keybinds etc in a quest script. The UI gets data in 2 ways. It pulls a small amount of papyrus information from relevant actors, for example when you inspect an actor or start an OSA scene with an actor it requests some basic papyrus details from them and sends that to the UI. The rest of the data OSA access is xml / ini based documents for persona, scene data, profile data etc. It access these by streaming them on an as needed basis, unless you are in a scene or inspecting an actor OSA is dormant. While the system is lightweight thanks to actionscript it is complex due to it's scale. This is an early release and it's possible things might go wrong. Please let me know as I'm very interested in making this as strong as possible. The good news is if a bug does happen you can fix it by saving and loading or starting skyrim back up since nothing here is permanent due to the temporary nature of the UI, it gets a fresh reboot everytime.

I receive the comments quite often that this can completely change Skyrim and bring a whole new level of interaction to the game. I believe this is true however I fear interest in Skyrim is low due it's age, and the release of FallOut 4 doesn't help. I hope that people will attempt to use this system to make modules for it to help me expand the scene library. We can open completely new things for Skyrim, from interactive special moves in combat to special unique scenes. In the end it's my hope that a nice library of animated scenes are generated that can serve papyrus story tellers and the user if they simply just want to tell their own story. OSA has a number of levels and skill sets which can develop for it. It's an important to know that despite how fancy the elements might appear that all interaction with OSA is simply filling out fields in text documents to be customized the way you want. There's no scripting, no papyrus, no Creation Kit skills needs at all. (Voice Packs take a little creation kit to get the audio into Skyrim.) Here's a list of somethings if you're interested in contributing:

I am an active developer and the OSA engine is extremely flexible. A lot of the features in OSA are in their infancy and I'm very interested in getting feedback from users and developers on what they'd like it to do. This applies to PROFILE the most as since it's roleplay text I can do basically anything you want with it, but for any aspect of this project I will work to include features you need. What the project could encompass is very wide so while I might have a list of a bunch of things to do in my head, it just keeps growing. Giving me focus by telling me exactly what you need or would like help me expedite features into the engine that people will want to use. 

Animators of course to make their own modules that use the OSA system. I'm an animator myself but have limited time and i feel this project could become amazing with help expanding the themes OSA can cover. 

Mod Developers to use the OSA api to call OSA modules. OSA has a very simple easy to connect with API that doesn't require mastery. You can use OSA scenes as accents if the user has OSA installed and if not an alternative way to handle the scene be used. You don't have to force your users to commit to OSA and can freely link OSA scenes without worrying about isolating parts of your user base 

Persona's are text based using the xml format. Any text editing program can adjust them. They can get very intricate if you'd like. If anyone wants to give a go at adjusting the timings of sounds, the expressions, the reactions and visual emotions of actors in the scenes then expanding the persona library would be a huge help.  

If you can't animate but can enter text into a document, a lot of Skyrim animators have burnt out and left Skyrim but have left their animations as open resources, if you'd like to take their animations and apply it to the OSA system by making scenes out of them that would be amazing, depending on the type of content you could divide them up into a bunch of small modules or if it's all related make a module that's a large web of animations. 

OSA uses voice packs for all kinds of voice and other sounds divided into segments. Each can be custom made, if you're interested in working with voice and sound files then expanding on OSA's sound packs would greatly help the project. I'm overseeing the the two default full voice packs OGuy and OGal and working a bit on some packs based on the default voice types of Skyrim like FemEven tone but the more sound packs it gets the better it will be. 

I could use some help making premade XMLs for people intimated by data entry to use for the MyEquip and MyAnim based on popular equipment and animation mods, if you wind up making one for yourself that's a set from one mod for example please post it others can use it.


MyEquipDemo is a working xml document that has some vanilla skyrim equips in it, for testing / demonstrationMyAnimDemo is a working xml document that has some vanilla skyrim animations in it, for testing.

CamillaProfile gives Camilla a silly fake profile for testing

OSADemoMod is an absolute minimal 2 scene module for OSA, for demonstration, if you want to play with your own animations it's most likely best to just start canabalizing the Demo Mod and changing things that make sense, seem clear, overwriting animations etc. I'll have docs soon. OSA can do a hell of a lot more then this, The example is to show the basics you need to have the module run.

Morra's Poser Pack

Morra has put together a large portion of poser packs that are on the LL community site to use the MyAnim segment of the engine as well. It's both adult and non-adult posing. Morra is taking on just about every known pose pack it seems and updating daily, however some of the pose packs are hard content so I'm worried to link directly to it on nexus. They've put a ton of effort into it and done an excellent job putting together an amazing resource like this already. It is a very clear demonstration of the ease of MyAnimation over the prior ring system. You can find it on LL and it will turn up in a google search.

Guides currently being written, either the links will not work or they will go to the WIP page that might be very rough, or lose notes for now.

OSA created by Ceo

With tremendous support from the core OSA team:





Scorpion SK



Public Relations

Mysterious Guy



Scorpion SK


Shinji72 | Skyrim WATCH"

Special thanks to the contributors who wish to remain anonymous,
OSA beta testers and all supporters, vocal and silent, of the OSA project.




spawn0-身体修改 | 自用ENB分流Project ENB 221和279电影风格 实测效果不错 | OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine | 模拟人生4 Remy花格子宽松高尔夫球裤MOD | 上古卷轴5 Olier的衣服MOD | 模拟人生4 v1.31Olwyn女士纯色圆领高腰毛衣MOD |


  • spawn0-身体修改
  • 自用ENB分流Project ENB 221和279电影风格 实测效果不错
  • OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine
  • 模拟人生4 Remy花格子宽松高尔夫球裤MOD
  • 上古卷轴5 Olier的衣服MOD
  • 模拟人生4 v1.31Olwyn女士纯色圆领高腰毛衣MOD