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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的天际巨人山径 Mod,由Galahi and islets制作。hzhf2010在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Galahi and islets Mod版本: 1.2 Mod大小: 1.84 MB 更新时间: 2018-10-12 23:08:55 发布时间: 2018-10-12 23:08:55



进来,进来......坐下来,或者如果你感冒了就点火......当然,火点燃......是的,这就是旅店的名字,所以你可以说这是一个巨人的火,我明白了......你是什么意思,“真正的”巨型火力点燃了?哦,你不可能意味着......是的,我也见过他们在整个裂谷的山区......我知道是谁建造的吗?没有人知道他们是谁,或者他们在做什么 - 但他们的遗产仍然留在天际东南部的山区......不,谢谢,我不需要知道一切,我是什么,一个Herma-Mora崇拜者...? (手指交叉)......所以,你说,最近大部分路径被照亮......?在这一块的一端,你见过超大的幽灵?它到底有多远,一直都是......那么多......!你一个人去那里,去了一个彩绘牛的地方,希望见到和一个巨人交谈,你疯了吗?你很幸运,你没有遇到任何人,那么......如果我丢失了我的巨人传奇的副本,我会感谢上帝,它没有结束更糟糕的灾难...但我的安全隐藏在图书馆中巴德学院。哦,所以你说它是在那里你发现了第一次点燃的灯塔火焰?不要告诉我 - 我可以看到你的眼睛 - 你渴望回到那里,探索更多。那么,请注意我的意思 - 山越高,秋天就越危险......我?不,谢谢,要处理另一批啤酒。


这个mods在Rift / Eastmarch山脉增加了十几个山火信标。



* Skyrim Borders已禁用

* Fov / zoom mod,例如A Closer Look




在路径末端找到的幽灵巨人会向你发送一个到达Reach的追捕任务(但是在追踪之后它应该不会那么困难......尤其是你在主要任务中访问的地方是一样的)。作为奖励,你可以和他们一起跳到Skuldafn / Sovngarde,作为“堕落”主要任务的替代品。奖励或惩罚......如果你使用主要任务对话大修模式杀死或冒犯太多重要的NPC,这可能是最后的手段。


- 灯塔火灾一直在白天和夜晚点亮;没有任何问题,只有开放世界步道设计的赤果果的单调乏味:你能发现下一个吗?彩绘的巨石有时标志着观光点。

- 你不需要任何特别的东西与幽灵巨人说话

- 你不需要完成幽灵巨人的任务,以招募他们中的一些作为内战盟友。这是通过CWAllies任务完成的,所以他们应该在主要的持有城市围攻战斗外部支持你,类似于Hadvar或Ralof。两个幽灵巨人被招募。

- 即使你从Arngeir或其他人那里学到了Alduin,你也会被要求走到小道的另一端与非鬼巨人交谈。注意:在你对幽灵巨人进行获取任务之前,巨人不会出现在游戏中

- 需要阅读的书(为了获得与巨人交谈所需的慢速呼喊的变体)放在你要与之交谈的那个巨人旁边。对于常规营地巨头也没有额外的对话。 (对于非Dragonborn游戏,你必须未加密全球价值whatsitsname,VxSlowTimeIsOn iirc)

- 一个巨人将能够将你从山上扔到Skuldafn,你有机会掉进水池并幸存下来。这是此mod添加的备份备用方式的备用备用方式。 (注意:需要增加能够做到这一点的机会,默认设置为非常小的iirc)。

- 无论你的主要任务进展如何,在Skuldafn Temple都没有Odahviing老板的战斗;如果你知道你在做什么,你仍然可以直奔出口

- 攻击Skuldafn的巨人放弃了他们的巨型脚趾,这样你就可以获得“投资”,如果你想优化你对巨型脚趾数量的游戏,请注意15-20以上的数字(对于计数巨人脚趾收集Skuldafn的攻击)将或多或少发挥相同

- 一些新线路可能缺少语音文件,请使用Fuz Ro Doh






Come in, come in... take a seat, or stoke the fire if you're cold... yes, of course, the fire is lit... yes that's the name of the inn, so you could say this is a giant's fire, I get it... What do you mean, the "real" giant fires are lit? Oh, you cannot possibly mean... yes, I've seen them in mountains all across the Rift, too... Do I know who built them? Nobody knows who they were, or what they were doing - but their legacy remains hewn into the mountains of south-eastern Skyrim... No, thanks, I don't need to know everything, what am I, a Herma-Mora worshipper...? (fingers crossed)... So, you're saying, a vast chunk of the trail has been recently lit up...? And on one end of this chunk, you've seen supersized wraiths? And how far did it go, all across... That much...! You went there alone, to the place of a painted cow offering, hoping to meet and talk to a giant, are you nuts? You are lucky you met none, then... If I lost my copy of the Legends of Giants, I would be thankful to gods that it didn't end up a worse disaster... But mine is hidden safely in the library in the Bard's College. Oh, so you say it was there you spotted the beacon fires lit for the first time? Don't tell me - I can see that in your eyes - you are eager to go back there, and explore more. Well, take my heed then - the higher the mountain, the more dangerous the fall... Me? No, thanks, gotta handle another batch of ale.

An artist's impression

This mods adds a dozen or so of mountain fire beacons in the Rift/Eastmarch mountain ranges. 
Presumably they were connected by a line-of-sight in the days of yore, but the ravages of time misplaced some of them. 

With much tenacity, you will find your way without any of the modern conveniences:
* Skyrim Borders Disabled
* A fov/zoom mod such as A Closer Look
* Riding a horse, flying a dragon, surfing a hawk (no, that's not a rickroll link)
* Clear Sky shout/spell
though I can imagine players might find some of the above useful indeed.

The ghost giants that are found at the end of the trail will send you on a fetch quest to the Reach (but after the Trail it should be not that more difficult... especially that the place is the same you visit during the main quest). As a reward you will be able to jump to Skuldafn/Sovngarde with them, as an alternative to "The Fallen" main quest. A reward, or a punishment... for if you kill or offend too many important NPCs with the Main Quest Dialogue Overhaul mod, this might be the last resort.

STREAMLINED FEATURES (for version 1.0)

- the beacon fires are lit all the time, day and night; there's no catch, just the bare-bones tedium of open world trail design: are you able to spot the next one? the painted giant stones sometimes mark the sightseeing point.

- you don't need anything special to speak to the ghost giants

- you don't need to complete the ghost giants quest to recruit some of them as civil war allies. It's done via CWAllies quest, so they should appear to support you in major hold city siege battles exteriors, similar to Hadvar or Ralof. Two ghost giants are recruited.

- you will be asked to go the other end of the trail to talk to the non-ghost giant, even if you learned from Arngeir or someone else where to find Alduin. NOTE: that giant does not appear in game until you do the fetch quest for the ghost giants

- the book that is required to read (in order to obtain a variant of Slow Time shout necessary to talk to the giants) is placed next to that one giant you will talk to. no extra dialogue for regular camp giants, too. (For a non-Dragonborn playthrough, you'd have to hack global value whatsitsname, VxSlowTimeIsOn iirc)

- that one giant will be able to toss you over the mountains to Skuldafn, and a chance you will fall into a water pond and survive. This is the backup alternate way to the backup alternate way added by this mod. (NOTE: need to increase the chance to be able to do that, it's set to something extremely small by default iirc).

- regardless of your main quest progress, there is no Odahviing boss fight at Skuldafn Temple; you still can beeline to the exit if you know what you're doing

- giants in assault on Skuldafn drop both of their giant toes, so you'll be able to gain on your "investement", if you want to optimize your playthrough for the number of giant toes, be warned that numbers above 15-20 (for the count giant toes collected the assault of Skuldafn) will play out more or less the same 

- some new lines may have missing voice files, use Fuz Ro Doh for that


The book "The Truth About Mammoths" can be found next to a bloody ribcage, in a troll's lair, slightly elevated but close to one of the lit beacons of the trail.

Not an actual Skyrim game




死或生5:最后一战 玛丽萝丝2017雪初音未来MOD | 我的世界 1.10.2 猫MOD | 模拟人生4 v1.31Sanza女式短袖高腰毛衣MOD | RRC_MercyFollower v1.1 韩网随从 | 游标Galore Lefty SE | 上古卷轴5:天际 朵蜜随从之蕾瑞法MOD |


  • 死或生5:最后一战 玛丽萝丝2017雪初音未来MOD
  • 我的世界 1.10.2 猫MOD
  • 模拟人生4 v1.31Sanza女式短袖高腰毛衣MOD
  • RRC_MercyFollower v1.1 韩网随从
  • 游标Galore Lefty SE
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 朵蜜随从之蕾瑞法MOD