血与银 - Cidhna矿扩大

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的血与银 - Cidhna矿扩大 Mod,由Nerd of Prey制作。hoisapchai在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Nerd of Prey Mod版本: 1.2 Mod大小: 5.08 MB 更新时间: 2018-10-01 23:04:53 发布时间: 2018-10-01 23:04:53







  - 歌手Yngvar









在我看来,“没有人逃脱Cidhna Mine”总是在“天际”中最有趣的任务之一,但我不能孤独地感受到位置本身的不知所措。几个小房间里有几个囚犯?我想做得更好。







该文件是我首选的mod版本。它利用了一些Dawnguard资产,并使用来自Apachii的精心挑选的发型,使大部分新NPC的外观更加独特,更加灰白。不要担心它们会显得过于迷人。我希望他们中的大多数人都能拥有长发的长发,好像他们很久没见过理发师了。香草头发不是很好。我还提供一个精简版本,除了那些没有其中一个或另一个之外,只使用vanilla资产。如果你只有Dawnguard或者你只有Apachii Sky Hair,那就抓住基本的头发吧,没关系。这些差异不足以使更多版本值得!


安装完成后,请勿在Cidhna Mine内加载以前保存的游戏。它将是各种破碎,相信我!为了获得最佳效果,请从头开始玩Markarth任务线。

有可能被投入Cidhna Mine以获得平均日常犯罪,而不是作为Markarth任务的一部分。那不会那么酷。完整的任务触发了新的对话等。在去Markarth之前清除你的赏金。


没有很多mods与Cidhna Mine混淆,但显然你不想在这一个旁边运行另一个。照明检修可能存在一些冲突,因此请在此之后加载。

如果您是一位经验丰富的modder,我建议您使用TES5edit从您的照明模式中删除对Cidhna的引用。它们位于第7区块,第2区块和第8区块,第4区块。我还在Druadach Redoubt进行了一些小调整,即第5区块,第5区块。如果你不知道F我是什么我在这里谈论你可以放心地忽略它。












如果你在逃跑后解雇他们,两个粉丝会在Karthwasten放松。剩下的新角色将跟随Madanach到Druadach Redoubt,我为了他们的利益而修了一些。





Hott Ildari - Tel Mithryn的Ash Witch



Please note: 
* I do not have SSE installed at this time, and have not personally tested this conversion. 
* This is a straight conversion of the original mod with no additions, changes or fixes. 
* Converted to SSE by mavanaic; original Skyrim mod here.

"Think that's water in the river? Blood and silver are what flows through Markarth, friend."
 - Yngvar the Singer

This is a truly massive expansion of Markarth's Cidhna Mine, featuring:

Playable area over four times its previous size!

Twenty new unique characters, including two followers!

Extreme lighting overhaul and new sounds!

New places to explore and strange new details to discover!

New challenges seamlessly integrated into original quests!

Video showcase by Shinji72
(minor spoilers)

"No One Escapes Cidhna Mine" was always, in my opinion, one of the most interesting quests in Skyrim, but I can't be alone in feeling underwhelmed by the location itself. A couple of little rooms with a handful of prisoners? I wanted to do better.

With this expansion, the mine is a dark, twisting maze that winds deep into the earth. When you are sent to talk to a specific prisoner, you will have to do some exploring! 

Some of its passages are lit only by torches on the ground. You can pick them up to light your way... but if they burn out it leaves the place that much darker!

Along the way, you will meet a colorful variety of new characters. Most are fiercely loyal to the King in Rags, but two would be willing to join you in your escape. Which two? The only way to find out is to ask! Each new prisoner has a brief bit of dialogue in which you ask for their help. The ones who say yes will then give you the standard "follow me" dialogue.

If you choose to fight your way out, you will face great opposition. You may need these new allies to keep you alive. If you side with Madanach, prepare to watch his formidable new army lay waste to their oppressors!

These and other secrets await you in the depths of Skyrim's most notorious prison...

About the Deluxe version:

That file is my preferred version of the mod. It makes use of a few Dawnguard assets and uses carefully-selected hairstyles from Apachii to make most of the new NPC's look more unique and more grizzled. Don't worry that they will look too glamorous. I wanted most of them to have wild overgrown long hair as if they hadn't seen a barber in a long time. Vanilla hair isn't great for that. I am also offering a stripped-down version that uses nothing but vanilla assets, for people who don't have one or the other of those. If you ONLY have Dawnguard or you ONLY have Apachii Sky Hair, just grab the basic one, it's fine. These are not big enough differences to make more versions worthwhile!


DO NOT load a previous saved game inside Cidhna Mine after you install this. It will be all kinds of broken, trust me! For best results, play the Markarth questline from the start.

It is possible to get thrown into Cidhna Mine for your average everyday crimes rather than as a part of the Markarth quests. That's not going to be as cool. New dialogue and such is triggered by the full quest. Clear your bounties before you go to Markarth.

Techy details:

There aren't a lot of mods that mess with Cidhna Mine, but obviously you don't want to run another one next to this one. There could be some conflicts with lighting overhauls, so load this after those. 

If you are an experienced modder, I recommend using TES5edit to strip out references to Cidhna from your lighting mods. They're in block 7, sub-block 2 and block 8, sub-block 4. I also made some minor tweaks in Druadach Redoubt which is block 5, sub-block 5. If you don't know what the F I'm talking about right here you can safely ignore it.

Vanilla NPC's are untouched aside from a couple of them being moved around. Aesthetic overhauls for their hair and faces will have zero conflicts with this. 

I didn't change the original quests, just worked around them!

Helpful Hints:


It's probably going to be more fun if you side with Madanach!

As it is in the vanilla game: If you choose to join Madanach, it's best to wait until midnight or so before joining the Forsworn rampage through Markarth. Otherwise they might get in tangles with essential NPC's wandering about town, and the battle scene can get stuck in a loop.

I widened some of the escape tunnels, but it can still be hairy with 20 NPC's trying to run through. Don't freak out if they seem to be stuck. Give 'em a minute, they'll get there just fine!

You will need to poke around in the dark a bit to find the two followers. They are set apart from the others. They are each visually distinct in their own ways from the common rabble. One is human.

There are a few new ways to get a shiv. There are also some pretty decent weapons hidden... somewhere. Very well hidden.

Thinking about a fresh playthrough? Remember that mage characters have a serious advantage when prison guards take away their gear!

The crazies in the cage can be a bit of a problem. You can fight each other through the bars. Try not to lead your followers near them with the door locked or it could turn into an insult contest that never ends. It's possible to let them out with Borkul's key, or a lockpick, but it's probably a bad idea!

The two followers will chill in Karthwasten if you dismiss them after you escape. The rest of the new characters will follow Madanach to Druadach Redoubt, which I fixed up a little for their benefit.

People underestimate Flora at their peril.

Other Mods I have made (SSE):

Immersive Laundry
The Erotic Adventures of Misty Skye
Hott Ildari - Ash Witch of Tel Mithryn
Hott Interesting NPCs




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  • v1.24ACGの冥峰祭雪v1.9柒末雪
  • 【3DM-Sims小组】春光无限 邪恶幻想 本人首套含自定义房屋————邪恶别墅
  • 上古卷轴5 暗影剑MOD
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》真实雷声v6 - Immersive Skyrim Thunder
  • 求生之路2 凶宅地图
  • 侠盗猎车5 俄国米-26运输直升机MOD