控制器设置为Key Bindable Dual Wield Block和8个热键。

资源大小:2.23 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的控制器设置为Key Bindable Dual Wield Block和8个热键。 Mod,由Epichamster制作。srime在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Epichamster Mod版本: 2.0 Mod大小: 2.23 KB 更新时间: 2018-09-24 22:08:13 发布时间: 2018-09-24 22:08:13


控制器设置为Bindable Dual Wield Block。

此mod将通过更改按钮功能来优化游戏手柄布局,以便与Dual Wield Blocking一起使用。


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V2.1中的新功能:经过多次冥想和对模型之神的祈祷,我找到了一种方法来获得8个功能齐全的最爱/ Skyui组。这是新的控制器布局:




1.在此处下载并安装Gamepad ++。

2.安装Gamepad ++后,安装此mod。出现提示时,允许此mod覆盖Gamepad ++。

3.可选:下载并安装controllermap可选文件,这会将上面的图像添加到Gamepad ++ MCM菜单中,以便您可以检查游戏中的控件。


Gamepad ++是一项要求,它允许将Skyui组分配给

多按钮热键(例如LB + dpad)。没有它,你将无法做到


Gampad ++没有移植到SSE,它是一个Oldrim mod,所以你必须手动安装它。一世



如何手动安装Gamepad ++:

单击Gamepad ++页面上的手动下载,将其保存到易于查找的位置。


找到刚刚下载的文件(GAMEPAD Plus Plus v3.1-85278-3-1-2.7z),选择并按确定。









2.打开“收藏夹”菜单(LB + B)


4.按下LB + D-pad,旁边会出现一个小的1

现在,当您按下LB + dpad时,您将使用该药水。




首先加载游戏,确保显示Gamepad ++的MCM菜单。可能需要几分钟才能显示。一旦它出现并且你知道一切都安装正确,你可以开始设置。

1.打开Gamepad ++ MCM菜单。


3.使用键盘,将LB + Dpad指定给F1-F4,然后将RB + Dpad指定给F5-F8。


4.转到SkyUI MCM菜单。仍然使用键盘,将SkyUI组分配给F1-F8键。



如何为Dual Wield Blocking分配热键:

首先确保你有Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking(需要SKSE + FNIS,如果你还没有它们那么先下载这些,链接在KBDWB的要求部分)



安装完成后,进入MCM菜单进行Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking,并将热键设置为LB.





导航到Controls菜单(vanilla controls菜单,而不是MCM菜单),



我需要使用Dual Wield阻止来使用它吗?



下载并安装可选的Controllermap文件,让它覆盖Gamepad ++

在游戏中打开Gamepad ++ MCM菜单,向下导航到“控件”,假设所有内容都安装正确,应该有一个包含所有控件的图像(同一个位于本页面顶部)。


不,感谢Gamepad ++,您可以将它们分配给任何可以热键的东西。只需使用相同的过程将键盘热键分配给按钮组合,然后使用它的MCM菜单将该热键设置为另一个mod。

例如;你可以将RB + Dpad设置为F8,然后使用Campfire的MCM菜单指定F8作为构建篝火的热键。然后每当你按下RB + Dpad,你就会建立一个篝火。这是一个非常多才多艺的设置。


您还可以在Gamepad ++中保留未分配的按钮组合,如果您愿意,它们将作为香草最喜欢的热键。


当您使用修改键时,仍然会使用分配给Dpad的任何内容。例如,如果你要向Dpad指定一个药水,并向RB + Dpad指定一个咒语,当你按下RB + Dpad时,你将装备该咒语并同时使用该药水。





为什么将功率/呼叫分配给RB + LS?

最初我想把它变成LB + RB,但它不会起作用。改装之神并不赞成这种改变。我尝试了各种其他按钮组合,最后唯一一个工作和感觉舒适的是RB + LS。它真的不需要太多习惯,我注意到即使使用多字呼喊也没有瞄准/使用功率的困难。




Gamepad ++有绑定B + Dpad的选项,你为什么不使用它们?

我尝试过但无法让他们工作。如果我离开B分配,那么每次按下B + Dpad时菜单都会打开,如果我取消分配B,那么当我按下B + Dpad时没有任何反应。

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Sneak = RS(香草色)

变焦相机输入= LB + LS(左摇杆单击)

变焦相机输出= LB + RS(右键单击)

切换POV(第1 /第3人)=开始

日记(开始菜单)= LB +开始

Quicksave = LB +返回

收藏夹菜单= LB + B.

热键1 = D-pad up

热键2 = D-pad离开

热键3 = D-pad down

热键4 = D-pad右

热键5 = LB + D-pad up

热键6 =左+ LB + D-pad

热键7 = LB + D-pad向下

热键8 = LB + D-pad右

LB = Block(仅使用双持或魔法+武器.2h,单个1h或1h +盾牌仍然使用LT来阻挡,正常情况下)(不要忘记通过Dual Wield Blocking MCM菜单将LB分配给阻止)


关于热键的重要说明5-8:这就是问题所在。按LB + D-pad使用BOTH热键而不是一个。例如,向左按LB + D-pad将同时触发热键2和热键6。不幸的是,我不相信可以采取任何措施来解决这个问题,但是使用这种新的布局会让热键5-8 ** **工作。它们不能用于法术或装备(通过SkyUI MCM菜单将热键1-4分配给SkyUI组,然后使用SkyUI收藏组进行装备和魔术)。然而,它们可以用于药水/消耗品和装备能力/呼喊。缺点是使用热键5-8也将切换到分配给该D-pad的任何设备组,但它很容易切换回来。我意识到这并不完美,但它是我能找到的最好和唯一的方法,使热键工作。如果我找到更好的方法,我会尽快更新文件。

或者,您可以将热键1和2(以及3个,如果需要)分配给Sky UI组,并使用热键3和/或4作为药水,但之后您将只能使用6/7热键。玩弄它,找到最适合你的东西。


1.我将收藏夹更改为LB + B的原因是允许将D-pad分配给4个热键而不是3个.LB +任何其他不是D-pad的按钮由于某种原因拒绝作为热键使用所以我需要把所有的热键放在D-pad上。我认为LB + B很容易记住因为它喜欢,B =菜单,LB + B =替代菜单(收藏夹)。

2.我将开始按钮更改为切换POV而不是暂停菜单的原因是因为SkyUI需要将一个按钮分配给Toggle POV才能运行。除非SkyUI允许人们更改收藏夹菜单的按钮,否则我无能为力。我尝试将Toggle POV分配给其他各种按钮,但最后我认为这是最适合它的地方。习惯新的布局需要一点时间,但是一旦你习惯它,我相信它很舒服。让我知道你对新布局的看法,不管你喜欢它还是讨厌它,我会看到我能做些什么才能让它变得更好!希望你喜欢变化:)

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V1.1中的新功能:从LB + LS偷偷改为LB + RS,我觉得它更接近香草,感觉更自然。让我知道你的想法。

如果您希望使用先前版本的LB + LS潜行,请从下载页面下载V1.0。

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需要Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking才能充分利用它。



此文件将您的控制器映射更改为允许您轻松使用Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking的布局,它还可以使用多达8个热键**。




左保险杠(LB) - 此按钮变为双重用途,当双持时这是块密钥。任何其他时间按下以使用其他热键。热键仍然会在双手挥舞的情况下工作,但是当你按住键时你的角色会被阻挡,但它不会引起任何问题。

D-pad up:收藏夹菜单(在V2.0中更改为LB + B)


D-pad down:热键2(在V2.0中更改为D-Pad)


LB + D-pad up:热键4(在V2.0中更改为D-pad)

左侧LB + D-pad:热键5(无法正常工作,请参阅更新说明)(在V2.0中更改为LB + D-pad)

LB + D-pad down:热键6(不能正常工作,请参阅更新说明)(更改为V2.0中左侧的LB + D-pad)

LB + D-pad右:热键7(不能正常工作,请参阅更新说明)(在V2.0中更改为LB + D-pad)

LB + RB:热键8(不起作用,在V2.0中删除)(在V2.0中更改为LB + D-pad)

LB +开始=放大角色视图(第一人称放大)(在V2.0中更改为LB + LS(左键单击))

LB + Back =缩小字符视图(缩小第3个人并再次将相机移开更远)(在V2.0中更改为LB + RS(右键单击))


LB + RS:切换潜行(在V2.0中更改为RS)






最初Sneak被分配给RS,但我不得不将Toggle PoV分配给一个密钥,因为SkyUI需要它(组收藏夹的按钮链接到Toggle PoV键,没有切换PoV分配=没有创建喜欢的组的能力)。 (仅与V1.1相关)




D-pad left(Up in V2.0):Favorite group 1

D-pad down(V2.0左侧):收藏组2



(在SkyUI MCM菜单中设置这些)


然后根据需要指定热键5-8。 (仅适用于两种版本的药水/消耗品/电源/呼喊)

高亮显示“我的收藏”菜单中的一个项目,然后按所需的热键(示例;在“我的收藏”菜单中突出显示一堆治疗药水,然后向左按下LB + D-pad,项目右侧将显示一个数字。然后您将使用治疗当你按下LB + D-pad左边时药水。









C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Skyrim Special Edition \



下载Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking(需要SKSE + FNIS,如果您还没有它们,请先下载这些,链接在Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking的要求部分)







C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Skyrim Special Edition \


一旦安装了上述所有内容,您需要进入游戏并打开MCM菜单以进行Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking并将块密钥设置为LB.



Controller set up for Bindable Dual Wield Block.
This mod will optimise the gamepad layout for use with Dual Wield Blocking by altering the button functions.
While this controller layout is designed for use with DWB, you can use it without in order to get 8 hotkeys (usable as vanilla favourites or with SkyUI favourite groups).
New in V2.1: After much meditation and prayer to the gods of modding I've found a way to get 8 fully functional favourites / Skyui groups. Here is the new controller layout:

Installation guide if you DONT use Skyui and want to use 8 regular favourites:
Download and install as you would with any other mod, you're good to go!

Installation guide if you DO use Skyui and want to use Skyui favourite groups:
1. Download and install Gamepad ++ here. 
2. Once you have Gamepad ++ installed, then install this mod. When prompted, allow this mod to overwrite Gamepad ++.
3. Optional: Download and install the controllermap optional file, this will add the image above into the Gamepad ++ MCM menu so you can check the controls in-game.
Gamepad ++ is a requirement, it allows Skyui groups to be assigned to 
multi-button hotkeys (eg. LB+dpad). Without it, you will not be able to 
use SkyUI groups.
Gampad ++ is not ported to SSE, it is an Oldrim mod so you will have to install it manually. I 
have tested it and it does work in SSE. The only issues I've noticed are a single $ appears before one or two words in the start menu and the first time you open the favourites menu you get a warning to say you're using the wrong version. It only happens the first time you open the favourites menu after you load a game, then stops appearing. Personally I find them to be very very minor issues and I'm happy enough to deal with them, if you're not then feel free to go port Gamepad ++ to SSE so it works without issue ;)
How to manually install Gamepad ++:
Click Manual download on the Gamepad ++ page, save it to somewhere easy to find.
Open up NMM, click the little + button on the top left.
Find the file you just downloaded (GAMEPAD Plus Plus v3.1-85278-3-1-2.7z), select and press ok.
It should now appear with the rest of your mods, select it and install it as you would normally.

How to set-up/ use this mod:

If you want to use regular favourites:
It's exactly the same way as normal, but for anyone who might not know;

Open up the favourites menu.
Highlight the item you want to favourite and press the button combo you want to assign.
Example: To assign a healing potion to hotkey 1
1. Go to the menu, highlight a healing potion and favourite it
2. Open the Favourites menu (LB + B)
3. Find and highlight the healing potion
4. Press LB + D-pad up, a small 1 will appear next to it
Now when you press LB+dpad up you will use that potion.
The process is the same for weapons/armour/spells/powers.

If you want to use SkyUI favourite groups:
This is where things get a little bit more complicated, but not too much :)
First of all load up the game, make sure the MCM menu for Gamepad ++ is showing. It may take a few minutes to appear. Once it's appeared and you know everything is installed right you can start on the set-up.
1. Open up the Gamepad ++ MCM menu.
2. Unplug your controller, this will allow you to use the keyboard.
3. Using the keyboard, assign LB + Dpad to F1- F4, then assign RB + Dpad to F5-F8. 
4. Go to the SkyUI MCM menu. Still using the keyboard, assign the SkyUI groups to F1-F8 keys.
5. Plug your controller back in.
You should now be good to go, create some SkyUI groups and test it out.

How to assign a hotkey for Dual Wield Blocking:
First of all make sure you have Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking (Requires SKSE + FNIS, if you don't have them already then download these first, links are in the requirements section of KBDWB)
I would also recommend Combat behavior improved as this allows you to stop attacking and instantly block, it's not 
required but without it you have to wait until your current attack is finished before you can block and it feels very sluggish.
Once you have these installed, go to the MCM menu for Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking, and set the hotkey as LB.


The controls are not working right, help?!
If you install this mid-playthrough you might need to do the following to get things working properly:
Open the start menu, 
Navigate to the Controls menu (The vanilla controls menu, not an MCM menu), 
Reset the controls to default.
This will force the game to re-read the controlmap.txt file and change the controls to the new settings.

Do I need Dual Wield blocking to use this? 
Nope, I designed this to allow me to use DWB with my controller, but it is possible to use this controlmap without DWB in order to gain 8 hotkeys.

How do I check the button layout in-game?
Download and install the optional Controllermap file, let it overwrite Gamepad ++
Open up the Gamepad ++ MCM menu in-game, navigate down to "The controls" assuming everything is installed correctly there should be an image with all the controls (the same one that is at the top of this page).

Do I have to assign all 8 hotkeys to Skyui groups?
Nope, thanks to Gamepad ++ you can assign them to anything that can be hotkeyed. Just use the same process to assign a keyboard hotkey to a button combo, then set that hotkey to another mod using it's MCM menu.
For example; you could set RB+ Dpad right to F8, then using the MCM menu for Campfire assign F8 as the hotkey to build a campfire. Then whenever you press RB+ Dpad right you will build a campfire. It's a pretty versatile set up. 
It sounds way more complicated than it is but once you've got it figured out its super easy.
You can also leave button combos unassigned in Gamepad ++ and they will function as vanilla favourite hotkeys if you prefer that.

Why is the Dpad unassigned/ Why can't I assign the Dpad?
Whatever you assign to the Dpad will still be used when you use the modifier keys. For example if you were to assign a potion to Dpad left, and assign a spell to RB + Dpad left, when you press RB+ Dpad left you would equip the spell and use the potion at the same time. 
Short answer, it doesn't work right.

If the Dpad is unassigned why can't I use it to navigate the favourites menu?
If you could use the dpad for navigating the favourites menu then it would be impossible to assign hotkeys to favourites in the vanilla style. 
Short answer; Tried it, it didnt work properly.

Why is power/shout assigned to RB+LS?
Originally I wanted to make it LB+RB, but it just wouldn't work. The modding gods did not favour this change. I tried various other button combos and in the end the only one that worked and felt comfortable was RB+LS. It really doesn't take much getting used to and I've noticed no difficulty in aiming/ using powers even with multi word shouts.
If you're unsure about this change I'd suggest give it a try for yourself.

Why is the start button assigned to toggle pov?
Skyui requires a key to be assigned to toggle pov in order to function and it has to be a single button rather than a button combo. I tried multiple set-ups and I found this to be the best solution.

Gamepad ++ has options to bind B+Dpad, why don't you use them?
I tried and couldn't get them working. If I left B assigned then the menu opened every time I pressed B+Dpad, if I unassigned B then nothing happened when I pressed B+ Dpad.

Everything below this point relates to old versions, I will leave the old versions up along with this information in case anyone prefers the old versions.

New in V2.0: I noticed an issue with the original controls, hotkeys 4-8 were not working correctly. Also a few other controls felt wrong to me, so I made a few changes to the layout. I think they are an improvement, but I will leave the previous layout (V1.1) as an old version in the files section for anyone who prefers the previous layout.
What has changed:
Sneak = RS (Vanilla setting)
Zoom Camera In = LB+LS (Left Stick Click)
Zoom Camera Out = LB+ RS (Right Stick Click)
Toggle POV (1st/3rd person) = Start
Journal (Start menu) = LB+Start
Quicksave = LB+ Back
Favourites menu = LB+B
Hotkey 1 = D-pad up
Hotkey 2 = D-pad left
Hotkey 3 = D-pad down
Hotkey 4 = D-pad right
Hotkey 5 = LB + D-pad up
Hotkey 6= LB + D-pad left
Hotkey 7 = LB + D-pad down
Hotkey 8 = LB+ D-pad right
LB = Block (only with Dual wield or magic + weapon. 2h, single 1h or 1h + shield still use LT to block, as normal) (Don't forget to assign LB to block via the Dual Wield Blocking MCM menu)
Everything else is the same as vanilla
Important note about hotkeys 5-8: This is where the issues are. Pressing LB + D-pad uses BOTH hotkeys instead of just one. For example pressing LB+ D-pad left will trigger Hotkey 2 and Hotkey 6 at the same time. Unfortunately I don't believe anything can be done to fix this, however using this new layout makes hotkeys 5-8 **sort of** work. They can't be used for spells or equipment (Assign hotkeys 1-4 to SkyUI groups via the SkyUI MCM menu then use SkyUI favourites groups for gear and magic). However they can be used for potions/consumables and equipping powers/shouts. The downside is that using hotkeys 5-8 will also switch to whatever equipment group is assigned to that D-pad, but its easy enough to switch back. It's not perfect I realise, but its the best and only way I can find to make the hotkeys work. If I find a better way I'll update the file ASAP. 
Alternatively you can assign hotkeys 1 and 2 (and 3 if you wanted) to Sky UI groups and have hotkeys 3 and/or 4 for potions, but then you will only be able to use 6/7 hotkeys. Play around with it, find what works best for you.

Side notes:
1.The reason I changed Favourites to LB+B is to allow the D-pad to be assigned to 4 hotkeys instead of 3. LB+any other button that isn't the D-pad refuses to work as a hotkey for some reason, so I needed to get all of the hotkeys on the D-pad. I thought LB+B would be easy to remember because its like, B = menu, LB+B = Alternative menu (Favourites).

2.The reason I changed the start button to Toggle POV instead of the pause menu is because SkyUI requires a button to be assigned to Toggle POV in order to function. Unless SkyUI allow people to change the buttons for the favourites menu then there is nothing I can do about this. I tried assigning Toggle POV to various other buttons but in the end I decided this was the best place for it. It takes a little while to get used to the new layout, but once you get used to it I believe it is very comfortable. Let me know what you think of the new layout, whether you love it or hate it, and I'll see what I can do to make it better! Hope you enjoy the changes :)


New in V1.1: Changed sneak from LB+LS to LB+RS, I feel it is closer to vanilla and feels more natural. Let me know what you think.
If you prefer to use the previous version LB+LS to sneak then download V1.0 from the downloads page.


Controller Set up for Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking

Section 1: Details
Section 2: Controller Layout
Section 3: Further Info
Secction 4: Installation

Requires Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking to fully make use of this.

However it is not a requirement, you can still use this file without any other mods to gain 8 hotkeys**.

Section 1
This file will change your controller map to a layout that will allow you to easily use Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking it also adds the ability to use up to 8 hotkeys**.
(**See Update notes V2.0 for important info on hotkeys)

Section 2
The new controller set up will be as follows: (This is for version 1.1, for version 2.0 see updates ^^^^) 

Left bumper (LB) - This button becomes dual purpose, when dual wielding this is the block key. Any other time this is held down in order to use additional hotkeys. The hotkeys will still work while dual wielding but your character will be blocking while you hold the key, it doesn't cause any issues though.

D-pad up: Favourites menu (Changed to LB + B in V2.0)
D-pad left: Hotkey 1 (Changed to D-Pad up in V2.0)
D-pad down: Hotkey 2 (Changed to D-Pad left in V2.0)
D-pad right: Hotkey 3 (Changed to D-Pad down in V2.0)
LB+ D-pad up: Hotkey 4 (Changed to D-pad right in V2.0)
LB+ D-pad left: Hotkey 5 (Does not work properly, see update notes) (Changed to LB + D-pad up in V2.0)
LB+ D-pad down: Hotkey 6 (Does not work properly, see update notes) (Changed to LB + D-pad left in V2.0)
LB+ D-pad right: Hotkey 7 (Does not work properly, see update notes)(Changed to LB + D-pad down in V2.0)

LB+ RB: Hotkey 8 (Does not work, removed in V2.0) (Changed to LB + D-pad right in V2.0)

LB+ Start = Zoom in character view (Zoom all the way in for 1st person) (Changed to LB + LS (Left Stick Click) up in V2.0)
LB+ Back = Zoom out character view (Zoom out for 3rd person and again to move the camera further away) (Changed to LB + RS (Right Stick Click) up in V2.0)

Push down Left stick (LS): Toggle Sprint (Unchanged in V2.0)
LB+ RS: Toggle Sneak (Changed to RS up in V2.0)

RS: Toggle PoV (Switch between 1st and 3rd person) (Changed to Start button in V2.0)

Everything else remains the same.

Note: You will need to use the thumbstick to navigate the favourites menu, as using the D-pad will just assign the items to hotkeys.

Section 3

'Why did you use [xxxxx] setting?!'
Originally Sneak was assigned to RS, however I had to assign Toggle PoV to a key as SkyUI requires it (The button for group favourites is linked to the Toggle PoV key, no Toggle PoV assignment = no ability to create favourite groups). (Only relevant to V1.1)

I left the zoom functions hotkeyed because I didn't really see any other function that would have been better, and I like being able to zoom on my character. Any suggestions for alternatives are welcome. 

Recommended hotkey use:
This is based on the assumption you use SkyUI.

D-pad left(Up in V2.0): Favourite group 1
D-pad down(Left in V2.0): Favourite group 2
D-pad right(Down in V2.0): Favourite group 3
D-Pad right: Favourite group 4 (Only works for V2.0)
(Set these in the SkyUI MCM menu)
This will allow you to quickly change between 3 gear set ups, for example 1: Melee weapons, 2: Magic, 3: Bow, 4. Magic+Melee

Then assign hotkeys 5-8 as you wish. (Only works with potions/consumables/powers/shouts for both versions)
Highlight an item in the favourites menu and press the desired hotkey (Example; Highlight a stack of healing potions in the favourites menu and press LB+ D-pad left, a number will appear to the right of the item. You will then use a healing potion when you press LB+ D-pad left).

Of course you are welcome to use the hotkeys in any way you wish, this is just my recommendation :) 

Section 4:

Installation and set up:

If you just want to use the hotkeys and new controller layout:
NMM install:
Click "Download with NMM" on the download page. Install using NMM as you would any other mod.
Manual install:
Download the zip file, unpack it using 7zip or WinRar and copy the data folder into:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\
Replace the existing file if there is one there. I'd recommend making a back-up of it incase you decide to return to the vanilla set-up.

If you want to use the hotkeys with dual wield blocking, as intended:
Download Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking (Requires SKSE + FNIS, if you don't have them already then download these first, links are in the requirements section for Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking)

I would also recommend Combat behavior improved as this allows you to stop attacking and instantly block, it's not required but without it you have to wait until your current attack is finished before you can block and it feels very sluggish.

Once you have these mods, install my file by doing the following;
NMM install:
Click "Download with NMM" on the download page. Install using NMM as you would any other mod.
Manual install:
Download the zip file, unpack it using 7zip or Winrar and copy the data folder into:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\
Replace the existing file if there is one there. I'd recommend making a back-up of it incase you decide to return to the vanilla set-up.

Once you have installed all of the above you need to go into the game and open up the MCM menu for Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and set the block key as LB. 

If you've installed everything correctly you should now be able to dual wield block using LB (2h and 1h weapons still use LT to block), now you just need to assign your hotkeys as you wish and enjoy!




上古卷轴5:天际 第一弹v5.0 终章 安吉拉与莉迪雅重制 | 上古卷轴5:天际 自定义假人v1.1 汉化版 | DLC/加载式车辆在交通方面的滋长1.3 | 魔兽争霸3 1.24勇敢者的游戏 v2.04 | 辐射4 宅男武器MOD | 实况足球2014 真实球场图片补丁 |


  • 上古卷轴5:天际 第一弹v5.0 终章 安吉拉与莉迪雅重制
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 自定义假人v1.1 汉化版
  • DLC/加载式车辆在交通方面的滋长1.3
  • 魔兽争霸3 1.24勇敢者的游戏 v2.04
  • 辐射4 宅男武器MOD
  • 实况足球2014 真实球场图片补丁