僧侣的方式 - 扩展 - BETA

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的僧侣的方式 - 扩展 - BETA Mod,由pakman制作。nba3614666在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: pakman Mod版本: Mod大小: 77.1 MB 更新时间: 2018-09-21 20:32:20 发布时间: 2018-09-21 20:32:20





它增加了一个mcm界面,用于访问Monk mod的许多功能,其他一些小改进和一些小错误修复。

第一个版本的Monk扩展(WomX)是一个独立的mod,这个新版本将所有以前的功能融入了Monk esp的核心方式。






未实现的主要目标之一是MCM界面(当时它是新的......) - 因为原始mod中包含的基于消息的界面有点麻烦且难以编码(woverdude投入大量工作它)。



作为增强和更新Monk mod原始Way的第一步,开发了一个包含MCM的单独mod,以及一些更新的功能。

一旦开发和测试,它就被纳入了Monk mod的主要方式。当前版本包括最近的更新,以及一些小错误修复。



这个mod与Way of the Monk一起运行,并增加了几个增强功能;





* WOM的选项Perks使用具有正常技能的标准额外积分


* Unarmored Skill的选项可以像普通技能一样变平,并像普通技能一样赋予角色XP






















虽然没有在Skyrim中安装mod的安全方法 - 正在进行的卸载工作已经到位。









因为僧侣的方式真的很酷 - 并且woverdue真的很酷。





这个真的很棒; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50416

关于如何在此处进行转换的说明; https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2970/?tab=1





从版本1.6.7.1开始,Monk的方式不再调整核心Skyrim特权,并且应该与所有其他特殊模式兼容。如果出现任何其他问题,请参阅报告有关如何最好地进行的问题的部分。一边建议;如果这与Presator一起使用,请不要使用此mod的Unarmed Damage缩放,因为这两个将变得非常强大。


这个mod还在测试中 - 它可以(并且会)有变化。






检查评论中的第一个粘性帖子。在文章部分,有关于测试版的更多内容,以及一个模板,您可以使用该模板提交有关可能看起来不起作用的信息。最重要的是看看您是否可以复制环境,并写下确切的内容但是,如果你在已知问题列表中遇到某些事情 - 没有必要报告它 - 因为它......已经知道了。





(它非常稳定 - 但是MCM非常复杂,可能存在问题)。








特别长的战斗可能需要一段时间才能赶上XP的进展 - 这是为了限制mod脚本的影响。

然而,即使有延迟,也不会失去任何经验 - 在战斗期间它会排队,并且在战斗之后处理(再次,为了表现)。


当然,测试报告非常有用 - 将它们放在文章部分下面。



嗯,这是常见的问题 - 我建议使用Modern Brawl Bug Fix






我不再有用于开发的oldrim的工作版本 - 并且没有时间维护多个版本。

然而,如果有人想把它移到旧边缘,请放心 - 只要给我一些功劳。


目前不支持级别上限更改 - 但传奇支持确实如此。






这将在未来的'波兰'版本的核心WOM mod中得到解决。








无效 - 关闭技能(与核心WOM相同)。这也可以防止使用伤害或护甲缩放。

基本 - 非武装或非武装技能使用标准的WOM练级,不对角色XP做出贡献。基本模式与Unarmed Damage Scaling和Unarmored Armor Scaling兼容。

高级 - 技能水平更接近核心天际技能的工作方式,包括使用休息奖金,恋人支柱和内部调平变量(如果您使用其他模式调整它们)。



Unarmored Skill使用与Light Armor技能相关的水准变量(使用乘数,平整因子等)。

注意:两者都不是完美的 - 因为mods无法访问内部引擎,因为玩家可以获得多少伤害,或者100%准确率,这并不完美。我必须选择性能与更复杂的代码,并且与本地天际技能相比,技能增益可能略有差异。


嘿,Unarmored Armour奖金不起作用!你的mod坏了!




这是按设计工作 - 消除活动效果页面中的混乱,并出于平衡原因。 Unarmed等级10的值是5点伤害,所以你实际上获得了一个点。

“Skyrim”Perk Point的用途是什么?

这基本上将津贴与所有其他天际特权相结合 - 选择明智(不,没有图形......)。

或者用简单的话说 - 僧侣津贴花费'真正'的Skyim振作点数 - 从上升角色等级获得的积分。

这就是为什么这个选项应该与高级技能练级相结合 - 因为你现在的僧侣技能对角色等级(以及特殊津贴)有所贡献。

哇,Unarmored Armour Bonus相当强大?




最新版本包括将扩展合并到核心WayOfTheMonk mod中。有关更多详细信息,请参阅更改日志。有关即将发生的更改的列表,请参阅下文...


在一些描述中修复了一些拼写错误 - 值很好,但描述中有些错误

对未经训练的本土人员进行改造并不总是能够平衡非武装技能 - 尽可能干净利落地做到这一点。



修复有关WOM perk点数学的问题 - 获得,可用和已花费。



对战利品清单和供应商清单的管理方式进行了更改 - 现在与许多其他模式不兼容






可能是一种平衡功能(方式的长袍非常强大 - 特别是如果你使用非武装和无装甲缩放)。






如果你能从我的源代码中学到一些东西 - 那很棒,很乐意提供帮助。




徘徊为僧侣的方式 - 它摇滚

SirTurdel移植它 - 你摇滚

SKSE的创造者 - 他们摇滚

Nexus主办它 - 它们也摇滚!

任何在任何mod论坛上回答问题的人 - 你真的摇滚!




What is this?
This mod is an update to the popular (but some what dated) martial arts mod, Way of the Monk.
It adds a mcm interface for accessing many of the features of the Monk mod, other minor enhancements and a few small bug fixes. 
The first version of Way of the Monk extended (WomX) was a stand alone mod, and this newer version incorporates all the previous features into the core Way of the Monk esp.
From version onward these extended features have been rolled into the main Way of the Monk file.

Way of the Monk was popular Martial Arts mod released back in 2012. While it was very feature rich (and cool!) the original author was not able to fully implement his vision, or get a change to fully polish up the mod.
By way of his blog and posts on the nexus pages, he was willing to open-source his mod to qualified authors who would carry on the work.
One of the main goals not implemented, was a MCM interface (it was new back then...) - as the message based interface included in the original mod was a bit cumbersome and hard to code (woverdude put in a LOT of work on it).
It was later ported to SE.

As a first step to enhancing and updating the original Way of the Monk mod, a separate mod containing a MCM, and a few updated features was developed. 
Once this was developed and tested, it was incorporated into the main Way of the Monk mod. The current version includes the recent updates, and a number of minor bug fixes.

What exactly does it do?
This mod runs along with Way of the Monk, and adds several enhancements;
* Has MCM menus for purchasing perks and managing options.
* Fix some of the perk requirements that were incorrect
* Fixes for many perks which were not operating correctly
* Fixes for how advancement on the Unarmored skill could be affected by load order
* Option for WOM Perks to use standard perk points with normal skills
* Option for Unarmed Skill to level like a normal skill, and give character XP like a normal skill
* Option for Unarmored Skill to level like a normal skill, and give character XP like a normal skill 
* Have skill increases and character level increases announced with completion messages and standard game sounds 
* Option for Unarmed Damage scale with Unarmed Skill
* Option for an Armor Bonus that scales with the Unarmored Skill
* Support for Legendary Skills (Both Monk skills, and reacting to shared skill perks).

Most of the options have mouse over help (thanks to the mcm) and there is an info option on the bottom of each page.
Most of the options have mouse over help (thanks to the mcm) and there is an info option on the bottom of each page.
The change log contains the most recent update, and a document in the Article section contains a detailed overview of all changes.

What are the Requirements?
Way of the Monk (obviously)
SKSE64 (it does use a few SKSE specific functions).
SKYUI (for the MCM)

How should it be installed?
Use your favorite mod manager, or drop the contents into your skyrim directory The original WayOfTheMonk IS NOT NEEDED, as of the current version, this is an integrated replacer. 
How do I upgrade from a previous version?
For best results, uninstall the old version, save the game. If you had the previous beta versions of the standalone MCM extension, remove that too and create a clean save.Then install the new version, and load that save.
How can it be removed?
The mod can just be removed from the game's load order. The scripts all use RegisterforSingleUpdate, so they should clear out of saves over time once the mod is removed. The mod is very lightweight, and has low overhead.
While there is no such thing as a safe way to un-install a mod in Skyrim - a work in progress uninstall is in place.

How do you access this mod in the game?
To start playing with Monk skills and other mechanics in game;
Do this either
* Go to the Pillars of the Way next to the standing stones just outside Helgen (the starting area)
* Use the Way of the Monk Startup option in the Advanced Options tab in the MCM.

Why did you create this?
Because Way of the Monk, is really cool - and woverdue was really cool to make it.
He just did not get a chance to finish everything he wanted to do, and put more polish on some of the rough edges.
This is kind of a homage to the amount of hard work he put int.

Does this include cool martial arts animations?
Sadly, no. But it is compatible with any other animation package.
This one is really good;  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50416
Notes on how to convert it here;  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2970/?tab=1

Does this work in VR?
This is unknown, as no VR rig was available for testing. If SKSE64, way of the monk and MCM work in VR, this will work in VR.
(strong guess that this is a NO).

Does this work with Ordinator?
As of version Way of the Monk no longer adjusts core Skyrim perks, and should be compatible with all other perk mods.If any other issues come up, see the section on reporting issues on how to best proceed. Side Suggestion; if this is used with Ordinator, do not use the Unarmed Damage scaling of this mod, as the two will become quite powerful.

What does BETA Mean?
This mod is still in testing - it could (and will) have changes.
Don't use it in a character and play 90% of the game, then get upset if something changes.
Also, there will be the occasional debug message on the screen, and a couple of active magic effects that won't be in the final version.

So we are your testers? What is up with that?
Um...yes? That is why it is called beta. 

So, if I find something broken?
Check the first sticky post in the comments. In the article section, there is a bit more about the beta, and a template you can use to submit info about things that may not seem as if they are working.Most importantly see if you can duplicate the circumstance, and write EXACTLY what did not work.However, if you come across something in the Known issues list - there is no need to report it - as it is...well....already known.
What kind of things should I test?
Buying perks, leveling the skills, getting pillar abilities, etc. Play with it. Check out all the Pillars and the Pillar Quest.Finally, if possible, see if power attacks with the Unarmed weapons do additional damage (core wom issue).
What if I don't want to Test your broken mod?
Thats cool, just wait for the next version.
(it is pretty stable - but the MCM was incredibly complicated, and there could be an issue).

Why should we trust you to write something that is not junk?
That is a fair question. While this is my first published (and my largest) mod for Skyrim, I am an experienced developer, and this was designed using many best practices and every attempt was written to make it as efficient and lightweight as possible. 
In making it, I used methods similar to traditional software development (requirements, specs, a design, use cases, unit testing, etc. this for example is open UAT).
Hopefully this results in a good product. However, no code or developer is perfect, and I am VERY OPEN to constructive suggestions and feedback from other mod authors who review this mod. An article and comment section for this will be created shortly after release.

Any known issues to not freak out about?
See the Known issues section below. 

Anything Weird to look out for?
Exceptionally long combats may take a while for XP advances to catch up - this was done to limit mod scripting impact.
However, even with the delay, no experience will be lost - during combat it is queued up, and processed once out of combat (again, for performance).

Did you want reports on things that work?
Sure, testing reports are very useful - put them under the article section.
You rock for that.

Hey, my brawls keep turning into fights? Your mod is broken!
Well, this is common issue - I suggest using Modern Brawl Bug Fix

Your Artwork Is Terrible 
Yeah, it was a public domain image I found combined with an official skyrim image.
I am not an artist. If someone has something better, that I can use royalty free in this and future versions, send me a message.

Is there an Oldrim version? Why isn't there an Oldrim version? Are you an SE elitist or something?
I no longer have a working version of oldrim for development - and also do not have time to maintain multiple versions.
However, if anyone wants to back port this to old rim, PLEASE feel free - just give me some credit.

What about level caps? Is this compatible with uncappers and skill mods?
Right now level caps changes are not supported - legendary support does however.
(note; the basic wom skills do not contribute to character XP, so there would be little value in legendary skills).
However, any mods that affect the skyrim leveling variables WILL work with the advanced skill options in this mod.
(see the Article page for more details on what internal skyrim leveling variables WomX uses).

The Perk point numbers on the first page do not always add up?
This is a known...feature. Their application in the various native WOM scripts is not ....consistent. 
This will be addressed in a future 'polish' version of the core WOM mod.

So how should I play with this?
At its core, it is really just an MCM interface for picking perks. That alone is incredibly valuable. Use it, have fun, enjoy, eat ice cream, be good to people.
There are also many fixes, stability and performance enhancements.
The advanced features, I suggest using them all;
* Advanced Leveling for Unarmed and Unarmed, Monk perks use Skyrim Perk points, and Damage and Armor Scaling. 
This really integrates Way of the Monk into the Skyrim Experience.

What is the difference between the Inactive, Basic, and Advanced skill options?

Inactive - turns off the skill (the same as the core WOM). This also prevents the use of the Damage or Armor scaling.

Basic - the Unarmed or Unarmored skill use the standard WOM leveling, and do NOT contribute to Character XP. Basic mode IS compatible with the Unarmed Damage Scaling and the Unarmored Armor Scaling.

Advanced - The skill levels much closer to how a core skyrim skill works, including using rested bonuses, lovers pillar, and internal leveling variables (in case you use other mods to adjust them).

How do the Advanced Skills level?
The Unarmed Skill uses the leveling variables associated with the 1-Handed Skill (skill use multiplier, etc. for the curious).
The Unarmored Skill uses the leveling variables associated with the Light Armor Skill (use multipliers, leveling factors, etc.).
Note: neither is perfect - as mods don't have access to the internal engines of how much damage a player takes, or gives with 100% accuracy, this is not perfect. I had to choose performance vs. more complex code and there could be a slight variance in skill gain compared to the native skyrim skills.
See the article in the articles section of the mod.

Hey, the Unarmored Armor bonus does not work! your mod is broken!
Were you wearing armor at the time?  Being the 'Unarmored' bonus, you have to be...um.....un-armored.
(no pieces of armor with the armor light, or armor heavy keyword. Shields are fine.....this is consistent with the rest of the way of the monk features).

Hey, the Unarmed Damage bonus does not work, it took away my normal +4 bonus. Your mod is broken!
This is working as designed - to remove clutter in the active effect page, and for balance reasons. The value at Unarmed rank 10, is 5 points of damage, so you actually gained a point. 

What does the "Skyrim" Perk Point thing do?
This basically integrates the perks with all the other skyrim perks - choice wise (no, no graphically....).
Or in plain words - monk perks cost 'real' Skyim perk points - the ones gained from going up character levels.
This is why this option should be combined with the Advanced Skill leveling - as you the monk skills now contribute to character levels (and thus perks). 

Woah, the Unarmored Armor Bonus is pretty powerful?
That is why there are three power level options. The numbers are based on analysis of what the core armor skills can give you (maxed out, about 162 armor points). More information on the math used in the various options in the mod will be posted in the short future.

This is a beta, what is coming next?
The latest version includes the merging of the extension into the core WayOfTheMonk mod.  See the changelog for more details.For a list of upcoming changes, see below...
Upcoming Changes;

Fix of some typos in some of the descriptions - the values are good, but some errors in the descriptions

Reworking of the native unarmed not always leveling the unarmed skill - going to do this as cleanly as possible.

Updated of the Uninstall feature, to include core Way of the Monk spells, perks and effects.

Disabling of features that were causing errors in the syrim scripting engine

Fix for issues regarding the WOM perk point math - Earned, Available and Spent.

Minor pillar issues

Update and fixes for custom Monk follower

Changes to how loot lists and vendor lists are managed - right now incompatible with many other mods

Longer Term Possible Features;
Updates of how monk items are added to treasure and vendors for greater mod compatibility.
Updates to monk follower to address minor issues.
Option for Unarmed Blocking 
Investigation into if Unarmored can be used in "mixed" armor settings.
Possibly a balance feature (the robes of the way are incredibly powerful - especially if you are using unarmed and unarmored scaling).

Any bug reports regarding the core Way of the Monk are incredibly valuable, to help in this regard.

I release this Asking for Attribution for Non-commercial use.
(As long as you are not making a buck off it, just give me some credit).
If you can learn something from my source code - that is awesome, glad to help.

I want to thank Beth for making skyrim (it rocks).
Wover for Way of the Monk - it rocks
SirTurdel for porting it - you rock 
The creators of SKSE - they rock
Nexus for hosting it - they rock too!
Anyone who answers questions on any mod forums - you really rock!
Oh....and BIG thanks to anyone who helps test this mod in beta!
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.




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