Map Editor

资源大小:456 KB




在3DM Mod站下载侠盗猎车手系列最新的Map Editor Mod,由Guadmaz 制作。snaaake在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Guadmaz Mod版本: 2.13 Mod大小: 456 KB 更新时间: 2018-09-08 17:06:43 发布时间: 2018-09-08 17:06:43



这是一个让人联想到MTA:SA Map Editor天的工具。你有一个freecam导航,你可以产生对象(预览!),用鼠标或键移动它们。然后,您可以以各种格式保存或加载地图,目前支持的是XML和Simple Trainer格式(objects.ini)。


F7或R3 + LB - 打开主菜单。

WASD或左撇子 - 在地图编辑器内部飞行时,或者在选择对象时,移动/旋转对象。

Q / E或LB / RB - 选择对象时,向上/向下移动对象或旋转对象。

F或控制器Y - 打开对象生成菜单。

P或控制器暂停 - 打开ped产卵菜单。

V或控制器返回 - 打开车辆产卵菜单。

向上箭头或向上箭头 - 生成标记。

移位或控制器A - 更快地飞行/移动/旋转对象。

Alt或DPAD向下 - 飞行/移动/旋转对象较慢。

控制或L3 - 选择对象时,从移动切换到旋转。对象上方的箭头将切换颜色。黄色用于移动,红色用于旋转。

鼠标左键单击或RT - 在查看对象时选择它。

鼠标右键单击或LT - 在查看对象时用鼠标移动对象。

鼠标滚轮或RB / LB - 在将对象捕捉到光标时旋转对象。

C或R3 - 在查看对象或选择对象时复制对象。

Del或Controller X - 在查看对象时删除它。






2.下载并安装Visual Studio 2015 x64,x86,Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 x64,x86的Visual C ++ Redistributable。



5.将.zip的所有内容移动到/ scripts /目录中。如果它不存在,请创建一个。



除此之外,您将需要更新的ObjectList.ini。只需将包含的“Expanded ObjectList.ini”重命名为ObjectList.ini并替换脚本/文件夹中的那个。



该mod有多种语言版本。您可以在“设置”中更改语言。您可以通过创建在scripts / MapEditor文件夹中找到的翻译文件来帮助翻译mod。目前翻译进度如下:

美国 - 由我完成

法语 - 由Venom_714翻译

德语 - 由Weedinator翻译69

意大利语 - 由PaVI翻译

西班牙语 - 由我翻译

葡萄牙语 - 由maurojunior翻译

波兰语 - 未翻译

俄语 - 由MMK_033翻译

韩语 - 未翻译

中文 - yzhlzz翻译

日语 - 由Shibaneko翻译

墨西哥语 - 由我翻译



- 2.13

- 增加了mpstunt道具和车辆

This is a tool reminiscent of MTA:SA Map Editor days. You have a freecam to navigate around, and you can spawn objects (with preview!), move them around with your mouse or keys. Then you can save or load your map in various formats, currently supported are XML and Simple Trainer format (objects.ini). 

F7 or R3 + LB - Open main menu. 
WASD or Left Stick - Fly around while inside map editor, or when having an object selected, move/rotate the object.
Q/E or LB/RB - While having an object selected, move up/down the object, or rotate it. 
F or Controller Y - Open the object spawning menu. 
P or Controller Pause - Open the ped spawning menu. 
V or Controller Back - Open the vehicle spawning menu. 
Arrow Up or DPAD Up - Spawn a marker. 
Shift or Controller A - Fly/Move/Rotate objects faster. 
Alt or DPAD Down - Fly/Move/Rotate objects slower. 
Control or L3 - While having an object selected, switch from moving to rotating. The arrow above the object will switch colors. Yellow for moving and red for rotating. 
Mouse Left Click or RT - Select an object while looking at it. 
Mouse Right Click or LT - Move an object with the mouse while looking at it. 
Mouse Wheel or RB/LB - Rotate an object while having it snapped to your cursor. 
C or R3 - Copy an object while looking at it or having it selected. 
Del or Controller X - Delete an object while looking at it. 

Saving and Loading Maps 
You can load and save your maps as XML files or as object.ini files. When selecting load or save from the main menu, you will be prompted to enter a filename. Note that when loading maps, they stack, so use New Map to clean any objects. 
You can automatically load maps by creating a directory in the scripts folder named "AutoloadMaps". Any file ending with the .xml or .ini extension will be loaded on gamestart. These maps will save with you when you save your current map, so before creating a map, use New Map 

1. Install ScriptHookV 
2. Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x64, x86, Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 x64, x86. 
3. Install latest ScriptHookVDotNet, read the requirements. 
4. Download last NativeUI version from here. 
5. Move all contents of the .zip into your /scripts/ directory. If it doesn't exist, create one. 

Expanded Object List 
Normally a lot of objects cannot be spawned, but thanks to the GTA:MP Team you can unlock this and spawn building and a bunch of other stuff! 
Apart from that you will need an updated ObjectList.ini. Just rename the included "Expanded ObjectList.ini" to ObjectList.ini and replace the one in your scripts/ folder. 

Check out this awesome addon by OmegaKingMods, adding new building blocks to the game! 

The mod is available in many languages. You can change your langauge in Settings. You can help translate the mod by creating a translation file, found in scripts/MapEditor folder. Currently the translation progress is the next:

American - Done by me

French - Translated by Venom_714 

German - Translated by Weedinator69

Italian - Translated by PaVI

Spanish - Translated by me

Portuguese - Translated by maurojunior

Polish - Not translated

Russian - Translated by MMK_033

Korean - Not translated

Chinese - Translated by yzhlzz

Japanese - Translated by Shibaneko

Mexican - Translated by me

Please note that there appears to be some kind of issue with non-english characters, if the description doesn not add an automatic new line, you'll have to add a ~n~ character to create a line break. 

- 2.13 
-- Added mpstunt props & vehicles 




Map Editor | 魔兽争霸3 1.24天神之谜 v1.31 | 巫师3:狂猎 年度版昆恩之印30分钟持续时间MOD | 可定制的HUD颜色1.3 | EngineOverheat | MTL Ramvan (Civilian Dune & Brickade) |


  • Map Editor
  • 魔兽争霸3 1.24天神之谜 v1.31
  • 巫师3:狂猎 年度版昆恩之印30分钟持续时间MOD
  • 可定制的HUD颜色1.3
  • EngineOverheat
  • MTL Ramvan (Civilian Dune & Brickade)