





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Waxton的快速入门教程 Mod,由waxton制作。broots在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: waxton Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 7.34KB 更新时间: 2020-08-26 09:12:29 发布时间: 2020-08-26 09:12:29


首先,我要说的是,如果您过去成功改造了Skyrim,请仅阅读此文章进行批判性分析。这并不适合高级改装者。本指南特别适用于希望首次在PC上尝试Skyrim:Special Edition的新改装者以及过去可能遇到麻烦或感到沮丧的改装者。



嗨,我是Hlaalu之屋的Eranor Indarys,在这里向您介绍Waxton的快速入门教程!本教程将教您如何修改以及如何以正确的顺序对其进行修改,从而获得:










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 首先,您需要卸载Skyrim,然后删除安装目录中的所有内容(我的意思是所有内容)。其次,您需要重新安装Skyrim。第三,我敢打赌你的编辑很脏。要解决此问题,请从下面第1部分的下面的链接下载LOOT和SSEEdit。下载并安装LOOT后,运行它。 LOOT会告诉您需要清理哪些.esm插件。安装SSEEdit,找到安装目录并运行“ SSEEditQuickAutoClean”。选择需要清理并保存的.esm插件!

****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************

第1部分:设置'Em Up

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当然,您需要下载并安装Skyrim:Special Edition的完整副本。如果您使用的是Steam或其他启动器,请先启动并首次启动Skyrim(如果尚未使用)。这很重要,因为Steam不会在您首次运行游戏之前安装游戏。

我们要保持整洁。在PC上找到一个不错的位置,以使事情井井有条,但要与Skyrim安装文件夹分开。例如,我在桌面上保留了一个名为“垃圾文件夹”的文件夹,里面是我妻子不想看到的所有东西,包括我的Skyrim mods文件夹,您和我将在其中保留我们需要保留的东西以防万一事情弄乱了(不要担心它们不会:P)。


5000/5000字符数上限:5000继续翻译(还可翻译 5000 个字符)将kyrim mods文件夹作为目标路径,然后按OK。打开文件浏览器。转到程序文件> steam> steamapps> common> skyrim特别版>数据,如果还没有,请创建一个名为“ scripts”的文件夹。保持此窗口打开。

打开一个新的文件浏览器窗口。转到您的Skyrim mods文件夹,双击新文件夹(您可能将其命名为:P),进入“数据”文件夹,然后进入“脚本”文件夹并复制所有.pex文件。您不需要源文件夹。转到第一个文件浏览器窗口,然后将.pex文件粘贴到“脚本”文件夹中。在目标路径字段中,单击“天际特别版”,这将使您返回可执行文件(应用程序)所在的位置。您应该看到SkyrimSE.exe或只是SkyrimSE。返回到其他文件浏览器窗口,然后在“目标路径”字段中单击“ skse64_2_00_19”,然后选择.dll文件和skse64可执行文件。复制这些文件并将其粘贴到您的Skyrim目录(另一个文件浏览器窗口)中。关闭两个文件浏览器窗口。


打开Steam,单击“游戏”选项卡,然后单击“将非Steam游戏添加到我的媒体库”。在programfiles> steam> steamapps> common> skyrim特别版中导航到skse64.exe





让我们也去Steam库中的Skyrim:Special Edition,右键单击它,将鼠标悬停在mange上,然后单击“隐藏此游戏”。这样可以防止我们使用错误的启动器意外启动Skyrim!


现在,我们将继续进行ENB的设置。转到下载文件夹,右键单击enbseries_skyrimse_v0437并将鼠标悬停在7zip上,单击解压缩并选择您的Skyrim mods文件夹作为目标路径,然后按确定。转到您的Skyrim Mods文件夹,双击enbseries文件夹,双击wrapperversion文件夹,按住shift键,在窗口内单击并拖动,直到在窗口中选择了所有文件。或者,您可以选择列表顶部的文件,按住Shift键,然后选择列表底部的文件。选择文件夹中的所有内容后,右键单击任何文件,然后单击“复制”。转到您的Skyrim数据文件夹(通常为C:\ Program Files> Steam> steamapps> Skyrim特别版;请记住这一点,因为稍后可能会用到它),然后右键单击窗口内部,而不是单击任何文件,然后按粘贴。之后一定要从该目录中删除文件“ enbsunsprite.bmp”,否则在游戏中您会感到非常惊喜的:D

前往此处并下载Surreal ENB(单击文件选项卡,单击Mod Manager下载,单击慢速下载,然后您的下载将出现在Vortex中)。完成下载后,使用Vortex安装ENB。

接下来,我们将对USSEP和SMIM重复相同的过程。继续并启动LOOT,然后按排序加载顺序按钮。然后按对勾。关闭战利品。从现在开始,当我希望您这样做时,我会说“ LOOT!”。现在从此页面下载并安装所有主要文件。 Vortex会发现SMIM和Skyrim 2020之间存在冲突。您想在SMIM和Vortex应该自动为您做出其余选择之后选择加载Skyrim 2020。继续并再次搜寻。现在启动天际。开始一个新游戏并制作一个一次性角色。进入您不受约束的部分并保存您的游戏。一切都应该正常工作。

接下来,我们将安装Ultimate HD Fire Effects。此后,Vortex将再次发现冲突。在Skyrim 2020之后以及SMIM之后的Skyrim 2020中加载Ultimate HD Fire Effects。下载并安装逼真的水之二。与之前相同,在“现实水2”之前的“天际2020”之前的SMIM(或在“ SMIM”之后的“天际2020”之后的现实水2)。

转到此页面并下载两个文件。将文件“ d3dcompiler_47”解压缩到游戏目录(“程序文件”>“ Steam”>“ steamapps”>“通用”>“ Skyrim特别版”),然后使用Vortex安装主文件。


加载您保存的游戏。一切都应该运行顺利。加载MCM(“ Mod Configuration”菜单)。退出桌面。现在,让我们对那些丑陋的屁股做些什么。



现在我们将安装WICO。安装WICO后,请转到此处并下载并安装Vanilla Hair Replacer-主版本(在主文件下)以及VHR-补丁-WICO(在旧文件下)。现在抢。


打开SSEEdit并仅标记USSEP + WICO文件。按确定,等待所有内容加载。
在左侧面板中,打开WICO-Immersive People.esp。在内部,您将找到NPC非玩家角色组。
右键单击NPC组,然后选择“应用脚本”。在新窗口中,选择“ AT-QuickChange”。
现在,您必须配置小窗口。从下拉菜单中选择“还原”。在<Path>字段中写入ACBS。在右侧,您可以从哪个文件中选择应恢复ACBS组的值。您可以选择Skyrim.esm或非官方的Skyrim SPecial Edition补丁。我推荐USSEP。
单击确定,等待脚本完成。然后关闭SSEEdit,如果要求保存文件,请确保已在列表中选中WICO的ESP。完成后,“ ACBS”值组中的所有内容均已还原。该组包括NPC是受保护的还是必不可少的。没有面值被修改-一切正常。


注意:别像我!我不小心将工具放在实际SSEEdit安装文件夹上方的文件夹中! 30分钟后,我一直无法弄清发生了什么事,然后才意识到我已经将其放在一个文件夹上了!




第4部分:Fus Roh完成!

所以从这里开始都是下坡路!按此顺序安装其余这些mod。请记住,如果Vortex要求,SMIM首先出现,然后是Skyrim 2020,然后是其他任何事情。您将使用LOOT排序加载顺序,加载游戏以检查游戏是否仍在工作状态,从现在开始这应该不成问题,然后退出台式机继续进行修改。



Faction-Pit Fighter以及Travels附加组件(一定要抓住两者!)


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I'm going to preface this by saying that if you've modded Skyrim with great success in the past, PLEASE READ THIS FOR CRITICAL ANALYSIS ONLY. This is not meant for advanced modders. This guide is specifically meant for new modders that want to try Skyrim: Special Edition on PC for the first time and modders that may have had trouble or have gotten frustrated in the past. 


Tired of seeing mod guides that make you feel like you're reading a Hoover owner's manual? Want to mod Skyrim, but you're kind of bad at computers? Ready to make Skyrim look better without pulling what's left of your hair out?

Hi, I'm Eranor Indarys of House Hlaalu and I'm here to tell you about waxton's quickstart tutorial! This tutorial will teach you what to mod and how to mod it in the correct order so that you'll gain:

-Better Lighting
-Beautiful People
-More Fulfilling Combat
-Exciting Spells
-Expansive Loot
...and more!

 If you follow these steps in the correct order, you will achieve what I consider most important: a more fun Skyrim. I'll do my best to not leave anything out, but I'm new to this, so please, if you feel like I'm leaving something too important to forget out, tell me!

Modding Skyrim to a satisfying level of awesomeness requires patience and time. Eventually, it comes to a point where it feels like you spend more time working on crashes and fixes then you do actually playing the game. That's not fair to the common player that just wants to play the game. The intent here is for players to be able to mod Skyrim without having to make a hobby out of it. My goal here is to save you time and heartache. I've spent a lot of time modding Legendary edition and FONV very badly; it took me a long time to get it right and believe me, this will save you a lot of time.

I will be breaking this guide up into four parts so you can take coffee breaks without losing your train of thought. Part 1 will cover applications needed, part 2 will cover the ENB, as well as other graphics modifications. Part 3 will cover WICO, VHR, and defeating the "blackface" and "essential" bugs that can come with that. Part 4 will cover everything else!

If you have modded Skyrim on your current PC before:

 First of all, you need to uninstall Skyrim, then delete everything (and I mean everything) in your installation directory. Secondly, you need to reinstall Skyrim. And thirdly, I'm willing to bet you have dirty edits. To fix this, download LOOT and SSEEdit from the links below in part 1 just a few lines down. After downloading and installing LOOT, run it. LOOT will tell you which of your .esm plugins you need to clean. Install SSEEdit, find the installation directory and run "SSEEditQuickAutoClean." Select the .esm plugins that need to be cleaned and presto! 

Part 1: Set 'Em Up

First things first, you need a Nexus account. If you don't have one, go get one! Once you're logged in, come back and we'll get started!

If you're having trouble keeping your place, I suggest keeping notes on a notepad.

To start, we'll need some essential programs. Let's go!

7zip: https://www.7-zip.org/ (Install this first if you don't already have something to unzip folders)

Vortex: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/ (Go ahead and start this up and link your account to Nexus)

Loot: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918 (Wait to start this up until after you have Skyrim installed)

SSEEdit: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/164/ (extract this and remember where it is)

ENB: http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrimse_v0437.htm (this should go directly to your downloads folder unless otherwise specified)

And of course, you need to download and install a clean copy of Skyrim: Special Edition. If you're using Steam or another launcher, go ahead and start Skyrim for the first time if you haven't already. This is important because Steam doesn't install games until you run them for the first time.

We want to keep things tidy. Find a nice spot on your PC to keep things organized, but separate from your Skyrim installation folder. For example, I keep a folder on my desktop titled "Junk Folder" and inside is all the stuff my wife doesn't want to see, including my Skyrim mods folder, where you and I will be keeping the stuff that we need to keep around just in case things get messed up (don't worry they won't :P).

First and foremost, we need SKSE. This is a no brainer to some, but to those who aren't in the know, the script extender is perhaps the most important mod for Skyrim. It allows room for...well everything! Download the current SE build. Go to your downloads folder, right click skse_2_00_19 and hover over 7zip, click extract and select make new folder under your Skyrim mods folder as the destination path and press okay. Open your file browser. Go to program files>steam>steamapps>common>skyrim special edition>data and if there is not one already create a folder named "scripts." Keep this window open. 

Open a new file browser window Go to your Skyrim mods folder, double click the new folder (you should probably name it something :P), go into the "data" folder, then the "scripts" folder and copy all the .pex files. You do not need the source folder. Go to the first file browser window and paste your .pex files into the "scripts" folder. In the destination path field, click "skyrim special edition" and this will return you to where your executable (application) is. You should see SkyrimSE.exe or just SkyrimSE. Go back to your other file browser window and in the destination path field click "skse64_2_00_19" and select the .dll files and the skse64 executable. Copy these files and paste them into your Skyrim directory (the other file browser window). Close both file browser windows.

From this point forward you will use skse64.exe to launch Skyrim! This is non-negotiable! If you use the main launcher, YOUR GAME WILL NOT LOAD MODS!

Steam Users (optional, but recommended):
Open Steam, click the games tab, click add a non-steam game to my library. Navigate to the skse64.exe in programfiles>steam>steamapps>common>skyrim special edition

Once skse64 is added to your library right click the game in your library and click "properties." Here you can change the title of the game and the icon. I prefer simply "Skyrim" and this icon.

You can also customize the logo and background by right-clicking on the blank image on the game page. I use:

This background 


this logo.

Let's also go to Skyrim: Special Edition in our Steam library, right click it, hover over mange and click "hide this game." This prevents us from accidentally starting Skyrim with the wrong launcher!

Part 2: Boris & Friends

Now we're going to go ahead and get ENB set up. Go to your downloads folder, right click enbseries_skyrimse_v0437 and hover over 7zip, click extract and select your Skyrim mods folder as the destination path and press okay. Go to your Skyrim Mods folder, double-click the enbseries folder, double-click wrapperversion folder, hold shift, click inside the window and drag until you have selected all the files in the window. Alternatively, you can select the file at the top of the list, hold shift, and then select the file at the bottom of the list. After selecting everything in the folder, right click any of the files and click copy. Go to your Skyrim data folder (typically C:Program Files>Steam>steamapps>Skyrim Special Edition; remember this as it will probably come in handy later) and right click inside the window but not on any of the files and press paste. Be sure to delete the file "enbsunsprite.bmp" from this directory afterwards, otherwise you will have a really nice surprise waiting for you in the game :D

Head here and download Surreal ENB (click the files tab, click mod manager download, click slow download, and your download will appear in Vortex). Use Vortex to install the ENB after it has finished downloading. 

Next we're going to repeat the same process with USSEP and SMIM. Go ahead and start LOOT and press the sort load order button. and press the check mark. Close LOOT. From this point forward, when I want you to do this, I will say "LOOT!" Now download and install all of the main files from this page. Vortex will find conflicts between SMIM and Skyrim 2020. You want to choose to load Skyrim 2020 after SMIM and Vortex should automatically make the rest of the choices for you. Go ahead and LOOT again. Now start Skyrim. Start a new game and make a disposable character. Get to the part where you are unbound and save you're game. Everything should be working properly.

Next we're going to install Ultimate HD Fire Effects. Afterwards, Vortex will again find conflicts; load Ultimate HD Fire Effects after Skyrim 2020, and Skyrim 2020 after SMIM. Download and install Realistic Water Two. Same as before, SMIM before Skyrim 2020 before Realistic Water Two (OR Realistic Water Two after Skyrim 2020 after SMIM). 

Head to this page and download both files. Extract the file "d3dcompiler_47" to your game directory (Program Files>Steam>steamapps>common>Skyrim Special Edition) and install the main file using Vortex.

Install SKYUI. Now LOOT!

Load your saved game. Everything should be running nice and smooth. Let the MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) load. Exit to desktop. Now let's do something about those ugly ass nords.

Part 3: Dude, it's 2020. Not cool.

Are we having fun yet? If not, I advise you to stop and take a break. Get some air, have a smoke; do what you need to do so that you're sharp and not prone to making mistakes. If it's late, go to bed. This will be here tomorrow. I've found that staying up late modding is the absolute best and assured way to screw up your game. This next part must be done correctly or it will cause various issues with NPCs.

Now we're going to install WICO. After you've installed WICO, go here and download and install Vanilla Hair Replacer - Main Version (under Main Files) as well as VHR - Patch - WICO (under Old Files). Now LOOT.
So the funny thing about WICO is that it makes certain characters essential. This means you cannot kill certain characters. Oh we'll get them. To combat this, we'll be using SSEEdit, which you downloaded earlier. Follow these instructions to the letter:

Go here and download "Automation Tools" package of scripts for TES5Edit (they work perfectly fine with SSEEdit): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49373/?

Unpack them to SSEEdit folder.

Open SSEEdit and mark only USSEP + WICO files. Press OK and wait for everything to load.

In the left panel open WICO - Immersive People.esp. Inside you will find NPC Non-Player Characters group.

Right click NPC group and choose "Apply Script". In new window choose "AT - QuickChange".

Now you have to configure the small window. From the drop-down menu choose "Restore". In the <Path> field write ACBS. On the right side you can choose from which file it should restore the values for ACBS group. You can choose either Skyrim.esm or Unofficial Skyrim SPecial Edition Patch. I recommend USSEP.

Click OK and wait for the script to finish. Then close SSEEdit and if it asks to save the file make sure that WICO's ESP is checked on the list. Done, everything from "ACBS" group of values was restored. That group includes whether NPCs are protected or essential. No face values are modified - everything works fine. 

(taken from https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5dhgaa/wico_marking_npcs_as_essential/)

Note: Don't be like me! I accidentally put my tools in the folder above my actual SSEEdit installation folder! Couldn't figure out what was going on for like 30 minutes before I realized I had dropped it one folder above!

Start your game. This is a big one. You now should have the most beautiful nord man you have ever seen in front of you and he absolutely should not look like a racist caricature with gorgeous hair. 

If you have the former, WELL DONE!

If you have the latter, FOR SHAME! You need to start this part over. I'm not sure what you did, but you goofed. Maybe google it? Or maybe you're doing something that this guide didn't tell you to? Whatever the case, I, along with the rest of the class, will be leaving you to perish. Good luck.

Part 4: Fus Roh Done!

So it is all downhill from here! Install the rest of these mods, in this order. Remember, if Vortex asks, SMIM comes first, then Skyrim 2020, then whatever else. You'll be using LOOT to sort your load order, loading your game up to check if it's still in working condition, which shouldn't be a problem from this point out, and then you'll exit to desktop to continue modding.

TK Children
Natural Eyes
Eye Normal Map Fix

Armor Variants Expansion
Armor and Clothing Extension
Rustic Clothing
Skyrim Weapons Expansion
Weapons Clothing and Clutter Fixes
LOOT! Load your character! Exit to desktop!

Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Combat Gameplay Overhaul
Faction - Pit Fighter as well as the Travels add-on (be sure to grab both!)
LOOT! Load your character! Exit to desktop!

Diverse Dragons Collection
A Quality World Map
Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia
LOOT! Load! Exit!

Dark Brotherhood Tweaks
Auto Hide Ammo
Modern Brawl Bug Fix
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
LOOT and SCOOT! You're done!

With that, you have a stable game to build off of. You can add and remove mods as you like, just remember to use LOOT to sort your load order before starting up the game, and, generally speaking, only install one mod at a time. This way, if you install a mod that is incompatible with your list, you know which one it is instantly and you will not have to suffer the horrible process of elimination that comes with installing like fifteen mods at once and then realizing several of them are incompatible and not knowing which ones and god it is just a nightmare.


I hope this helps somebody out there. I did my best to be informative and explain things to the best of my ability. You'll find everyone credited in the requirements section. Please let me know if you've been left out! I did my best to include everyone! If there's anyone that feels like they could contribute to my work, the comments are open and I'd love to see some feedback!

<3 waxton





九转玄功 | 最新简体补丁+去码补丁+MC指挥中心!! | RCOTS-萝莉衣服搭配 v3.8.5 汉化版 | 《火炬之光2》半成品的陆行鸟宠物改魔法守护者MOD | 《模拟人生3》梅干饭团MOD | NYOTENGU Aroma (wings version) |


  • 九转玄功
  • 最新简体补丁+去码补丁+MC指挥中心!!
  • RCOTS-萝莉衣服搭配 v3.8.5 汉化版
  • 《火炬之光2》半成品的陆行鸟宠物改魔法守护者MOD
  • 《模拟人生3》梅干饭团MOD
  • NYOTENGU Aroma (wings version)