





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的改进的相机自定义INI Mod,由ArranzCNL制作。zhaojin101在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: ArranzCNL Mod版本: 1.1 Mod大小: 3.22KB 更新时间: 2020-07-24 09:12:43 发布时间: 2020-07-24 09:12:43


3141/5000我已经准备好将自己的INI文件用于ArranzCNL的mod改进相机模组,这是Logic Dragon最初为Oldrim制作的mod增强相机模组的SE端口。此Mod的默认INI可用,但imo并非最佳玩法。我已经调整了设置,以使其在尽可能少的错误的情况下尽可能平滑,尽管您可能想更改一些设置,我将继续介绍。我强烈建议您按照Nexus用户dreamhive的指南进行操作,以使动画更加流畅并获得最佳效果。 (如果您使用香草动画扮演男性角色,则可以下载并安装它。)我已经在其中包括了INI调整项,您只需要遵循其他说明即可。






This is my own ready to use INI file for the mod Improved Camera by ArranzCNL which is the SE port of the mod Enhanced Camera by Logic Dragon originally made for Oldrim. The default INI for this mod is usable, but imo not the best for gameplay. I've tweaked settings to make it as smooth as possible with the least bugs, though you may want to change a few settings, which I'll get into. I highly recommend you follow this guide by Nexus user dreamhive to make animations even smoother and get the best possible experience with this mod. (If you play a male character with vanilla animations you can just download and install this.) I've already included the INI tweaks in this, you just have to follow the other instructions. 

Now for settings you may want to change:

Any lines from ; Enables the head node when in first person (may make hair visible). What this does is makes your head visible in first person, though you will not be able to see it in most circumstances. The good thing about this setting is that your shadow in first person will have a head. The bad thing about it is in some animations (like if you're looking at the ground and aiming with your bow) your head (or at least part of it) will be visible. I've enabled it for regular gameplay, horse riding, werewolf, and vampire lord, but if it causes issues for you then disable it. Of course, disabling it means your first person shadow will have no head, and since ; Enables shadows on the player when in first person is currently bugged and is always on, I recommend leaving it on. 

Any lines from ; Enables third person arms when in first person. What this does is replaces default first person animations with third person ones where weapons are held off screen. This is of course mostly a preference if you dislike the default first person animations, but there are some advantages. Firstly, due to the way this mod works, if you, for example hold a torch, your shoulder will not be visible and your arm will be higher than the rest of your body. If you enable third person arms, this problem does not occur since your arms are now actually connected to your body. Another thing is, if you draw your weapon, your arm shadows will be invisible in first person, simply due to, again, how this mod works. If you enable third person arms, this issue does not occur and you will have arm shadows with your weapon drawn in first person. The downside to enabling this is fairly janky looking animations and major clipping. By default it is disabled. 

Other than that I recommend not messing with any other settings, but if you want a very specific change you can tweak it a bit. The only settings you should not mess with are ; Enables the head bob when in first person. These settings are fundamental and if you disable them the camera will be offset and you will get tons of clipping. 

Well that's it. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to leave a post and I'll try to get back to you. Also, if it wasn't obvious, you still need the original mod and SKSE. To install this just use a mod manager or overwrite the original ImprovedCamera.ini with mine.





v1.27海贼王屠魔令IIv1.2.3 | -种族 特有的技能——技能书售卖MOD! | 辐射4 狗用背包MOD | 模拟人生4 女性七分牛仔裤[DD06] | 饥荒 海难神棍MOD | 北方的山羊HD |


  • v1.27海贼王屠魔令IIv1.2.3
  • -种族 特有的技能——技能书售卖MOD!
  • 辐射4 狗用背包MOD
  • 模拟人生4 女性七分牛仔裤[DD06]
  • 饥荒 海难神棍MOD
  • 北方的山羊HD