





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的炼金术士的外衣 Mod,由Quillweave制作。stargym在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Quillweave Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 45.67MB 更新时间: 2020-06-24 09:10:09 发布时间: 2020-06-24 09:10:09



因此,我决定自己动手做一些事情。这是盗贼公会盔甲,法师公会学徒长袍,酒吧老板服装袖子和铁匠紧身衣袖的香草混搭,以掩盖任何肩膀间隙。当然,这些都经过了重新上色/装饰,看起来很适合炼金术士的工作,裙子和地幔上有手绘的“刺绣”。次要部件-包括手套,靴子,兜帽和斗篷-也已适当上色以匹配。该披风来自令人惊叹的《天际披风》 mod,该披风慷慨地提供了用于制作盔甲的资产。谢谢!




这个模组目前不兼容CBBE / Bodyslide。我想更改它,将来会尝试做,但是坦率地说,到目前为止,我一直在努力。如果有人希望建立CBBE / Bodyslide端口,请放心!我要问的是您让我知道并共享该文件,以便我可以在此处分发。



There are many, many awesome armor mods around the Nexus. However, in my search, I just couldn't find anything that looked quite right for my character. I wanted something that looked like it belonged in Skyrim, but also had a bit of unique flair. Something practical, but with a feminine touch. And most of all, something that combined the aesthetics of the mage and the traveller, much the same way an alchemist walks both worlds in her work.

So, I decided to whip up something of my own. This is a vanilla mash-up of the Thieves Guild armor, the Mages Guild apprentice robes, the barkeeper outfit sleeves, and the blacksmith tighter sleeves to cover up any shoulder gap. Of course, these have all been recoloured/decorated to look appropriate for an alchemist's work, with hand-drawn 'embroidery' on the skirt and mantle. The secondary pieces - including gloves, boots, a hood and a cloak - have also been appropriately recoloured to match. The cloak comes from the ever-amazing Cloaks of Skyrim mod, which generously offers their assets for armor creation. Thank you!

Each piece is craftable at a tanning rack, and the light armor pieces can be tempered, as well. They are all Frostfall compatible, a good mixture of coverage/warmth, though leaning more towards the former. I hope your alchemist finds this unique garb fitting, for 'alchemist' is more than a title or profession - it's a way of life. The best of luck on your ventures, and may Kyne smile on your work in her wilds! 

Current notes

 There's some minor clipping of the sleeves into the cloak. I've pared down the cloak as much as I can to avoid this, so unfortunately at this point I think that's just how it is.

This mod is currently NOT CBBE/Bodyslide compatible. I'd like to change that and will attempt to do so in future, but frankly so far I've struggled with it. If anyone wishes to make a CBBE/Bodyslide port, please feel free! All I ask is that you let me know and share the file so I can distribute it here. 

Thank you for looking, downloading and endorsing! 





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  • 女性美化包Fair Skin Complexion~V9.2
  • 辐射4任务全清+所有派系共存存档-主线+支线+DLC全通关存档
  • [随从补档][二货羊]“天际武媚娘”计划 独立随从libertasia
  • 处决敌人
  • 模拟人生4 女王气质长发[Stealthic]
  • Raider's Rust Buckets