Trivsea Norvayn-女邓默或黑暗精灵预设






在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Trivsea Norvayn-女邓默或黑暗精灵预设 Mod,由Vict0r1984制作。zklakm4在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Vict0r1984 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 2.54KB 更新时间: 2020-06-09 16:27:43 发布时间: 2020-06-09 16:27:43


Trivsea是一位女性父亲,父亲是诺德(Nord)。她的脸比大多数精灵的脸更圆,耳朵略短,眼睛像小精灵一样大,但有着诺德少女的冰霜蓝色虹膜,她的肤色仍然呈淡蓝色,但比诺德斯的肤色更白和更接近,她拥有其他许多细微的变化,例如这些!我不谦虚,但在比赛菜单中设计她时我感到很开心,并决定其他人也可能喜欢她!她也比大多数邓默(Dunmer)高,如果这样困扰您,那就很容易修复! (由于角色的身高过高,角色创建中的相机会有些偏移-您可以通过进入比赛菜单中的最后一个选项卡并将高度滑块从1.06减小到以下来对此进行补救)


如果您希望她看起来像截图中的样子,请下载并安装所需的mod(CBBE,白皙肤色,Eyes of Beauty和KSHairdos,以及明显的种族菜单),而我在此处上传了她的预设,以便您可以对其进行编辑并将其运用到您的内心世界中,她带来了一个故事,我想在这里也与那些对独特角色扮演想法感兴趣的人分享!同样,如果您只需要预设,只需下载,安装并启用所需的mod,然后按照安装说明进行操作,但是对于那些对启发她的角色概念感兴趣的人,请继续阅读,我认为您不会失望的!



Vortex / Wrye Bash / NMM:就像安装其他mod一样安装。不要忘记启用它!


特里西·诺维恩(Trivsea Norvayn)139岁,是第四个时代的公元139年。她是温莎·温莎姆·希尔特希尔(Shatter-Shield)宅邸的有力支持者的私生子。她的母亲是邓默(Dunmer)难民,在红年灾难后不久抵达天际。格雷(Yrsanil)最终在格雷季(Grey Quarter)寒冷的街道上严酷地生活,正式当上了房务员,并非正式地当过a。她是一个强迫工会的孩子,Yrsanil轻蔑地对待她和她的母亲,甚至更糟的是他的Nord妻子以及她的儿子和继承人Torbjorn,他们都将Trivsea的存在视为对家庭荣誉的污点。

她的母亲来自一连串的炼金术士和治疗师,他们在Hlaalu的房子里服务了几个世纪,甚至在Morrowind还拥有一个祖先的坟墓(所以在Red Year事件之前,他们曾经是一个小康家庭),她的母亲教Trivsea阅读和从孩提时代起就开始撰写Norvayn炼金术和魔法交易的基础知识,尤其要为她的Dunmer传承和名字而感到自豪。另一方面,自从托比约,他的母亲,最终是他的妻子以及年幼的两个女儿尼尔西恩和弗里加的孩子时就不断受到虐待,这在Trivsea激起了对暴风雨斗篷的憎恨,并强烈地渴望完全否认她的诺德遗产。不管她母亲的药水能为粉碎盾牌赚多少钱,他们仍然会穿破布,只吃仆人的食物。

来伊萨尼尔(Yrsanil)最终于191年去世的时候(他对他们的破碎程度超过了破碎盾家庭的其他成员,尤其是当他长大并且对过去的事更加后悔时),她和她的母亲被丢在街上,手里没有任何东西。冬天,Trivsea的母亲无法生存。如今,成年的特里西(Trivsea)孤单,绝望且快要挨饿了,他于192年春前往野外,计划利用她的炼金术基础知识生存。她被一群巫婆发现并收留,巫婆还教了她一两个破坏法术来保护自己,并且在海湾中放心了几年,远离温德赫姆贵族的阴谋和阴谋。但是可惜的是,和平并不会在9年后的一个忠实的一天留下,在收集一些药材在树林中的同时,她被赫尔根以东的一支帝国巡逻队抓获,很快就会发现一切都会改变。 。

在这种背景下我想实现什么?特里夫西的龙之力量从一长串骄傲的诺德战士的血液中醒来,这是她身份的一部分,有人可能会说,她压抑并否认了她的身份。作为龙胎的她是否会拥抱自己的北边,并努力建立一个更少仇恨和痛苦,男女之间更加平等共处的世界?她会用自己的力量报仇吗?如果是这样,怎么办?她是否会加入帝国军团并摧毁粉碎盾牌所代表的一切,在图利乌斯将军身边征服温德赫姆,结束他们的路线,使自己成为新的温德赫姆,统治着他们的尸体?她是否会因为渴望复仇的愿望深深地埋在她的心中,梦想着磨练自己的技能并一一追捕而加入黑暗兄弟会? (黑暗兄弟会的任务“哀悼永不降临”确实使您能够杀死Nilsine,给粉碎盾牌带来毁灭,因为这会

她的母亲托娃(Tova)自杀了,而她的妹妹弗里加(Friga)已被屠夫杀害,这使托比约恩(Torbjorn)感到悲伤,孤独和无家可归。)在同一点上,她是否会宣布自己是房屋破碎的最后一位继承人-在帝国Windhelm的庇护下(毕竟她是Torbjorn的妹妹,而且是同父异母的妹妹,如果他的最后一个合法女儿要死...),并将其改造成某种东西,这将使她的北欧祖先迁入他们的家中。坟墓? (例如,与另一位Mer结婚并在Friga的前Hjerim庄园中敬拜Dardric领主吗?因此,draugr pun的意思是最后一句话……)

抑或是她甚至永远不会承认自己的血脉破碎之盾在流淌,试图永远留下冰与石之城的身影,冰与石之城给她带来了数十年的悲伤,使她成为孤儿,并且意识到她的母亲死于托比约恩(Torbjorn)和托娃(Tova)的政治策划,从不参与政治,远离内战,只是试图读懂被压迫者的苦难并做好事? (因为她仍然为无法挽救母亲而深感遗憾),或者也许去了像Winterhold这样的僻静的学习场所,以某种方式延续Norvayn的遗产并尊敬她的祖先,但又把她的过去抛在了身后?如果您想要一个亲Thhalmor播放器,并且认为自己拥有mod,她甚至是完美的角色!她被一个残酷的偏见的北方社会所虐待,并因此而失去了她认识的所有人(很可能她的女巫之盟也被西方裂谷的乌尔夫里克军队发现并摧毁,当时他们正向赫尔根进军)。帝国是天际的次要邪恶,但不一定是最好的派系。凭着她的经验,她可能只希望拥有一个不受人类帝国束缚的世界,并把自治领视为精灵独立的最后堡垒。毕竟,泰伯·塞普提姆(Tiber Septim)在萨默特塞特(Summerset)杀死了数不清的精灵,并且是整个塔姆瑞尔(Tamriel)的残暴暴君(他甚至禁止所有省份的任何地方民兵,实际上使他们处于军事占领之下)。圣阿莱西亚(Alessia)至今仍在赛洛地尔(Cyrodiil)备受推崇,他建立了一个命令,在整个第一个时代清除了整个阿耶莱德人的种族。如果您看看他们的古老历史,从亚历山德(Alessian)和再制造(Reman)时期开始,西里迪尔(Cyrodiil)帝国主要是征服精灵并将其置于帝国控制之下的力量(就像风暴斗篷现在对兽人和邓默(Dunmer)所做的那样)如果她没有直接目睹Thalmor犯下的罪行(例如Winterhold任务线中的Ancano计划),她甚至可能真诚地将Thalmor视为具有道德制高点!

您可以在几乎所有方向上使用此角色,但可以通过Stormcloak进行游戏,它仍然可以为您带来在天际诞生的独特体验,可以与人们保持联系(您不再是“外国囚徒”),并且可以塑造出个性2个非常不同的身份的拉锯可能永远不会调和。您可能会变得非常黑暗,复仇,非常善良和富有同情心,或者介于一百个之间。随意使用和更改自己的背景故事,如果愿意,可以在帖子中问我问题!而且,如果您想知道,是的,她应该是62岁,但考虑到Dunmer的平均寿命约为300岁,这相当于黑暗精灵的20-22岁。 (这就是为什么她看起来这么年轻)




我知道这与《种族发展史》一书相冲突,《种族史》指出她应该只继承母亲的种族,但是《帝国简史》提到一个皇帝,由于相似的混合背景而活了“只有十一岁的一半” ,因此根据您喜欢将其标准化的解释,它非常友好。


Trivsea is a female dunmer with a Nord father. Her face is rounder than that of most elves, her ears slightly shorter, her eyes as big as an elf's but with the frosty blue iris of a Nord maiden, her skin tone still ashen blue but paler and closer to that of Nords and she has many other subtle touches such as these! I am no moder but I had lots of fun designing her in the race menu and decided others might like her as well! She is also taller than most Dunmer, and if that bothers you it's very easy to fix! (the camera in character creation will be a bit off-set because of her extra height - you can remedy this by going to the last tab in the race menu and decreasing the height slider from 1.06 to less)


If you want her to look like in the screenshots please download and install the required mods, (CBBE, Fair Skin Complexion, Eyes of Beauty and KSHairdos, as well as obviously race menu) and while I uploaded her preset here so you can edit it and use it to your heart's content, she comes with a story which I thought to also share here for those interested in unique role-playing ideas! Again, if you just want the preset, simply download, install and enable the required mods and then follow the installation instructions, but for those interested in the character concept that inspired her, read on and I think you won't be disappointed!

Installation Instructions

Manual: Download the archive and open it with WinRar, then simply drag and drop/extract the folder to Skyrim Special Edition
Vortex/Wrye Bash/NMM: Install as you would any other mod. Don't forget to enable it!


Trivsea Norvayn was born the bastard daughter of the powerful patron of house Shatter-Shield of Windhelm, Yrsanil, in the year of the 4th era 139. Her mother was a Dunmer refugee arrived in Skyrim soon after the disaster of Red Year, and following a harsh existence in the cold streets of the Grey Quarter was eventually taken in by Yrsanil, officially as a house servant and unofficially as a concubine. She was the child of a forced union, and her and her mother were treated with contempt by Yrsanil and even worse by his Nord wife and her son and heir apparent, Torbjorn, who both saw Trivsea's existence as a stain on the family's honour. 

Coming from a long line of alchemists and healers that served house Hlaalu for centuries and even had an ancestral tomb back in Morrowind, (so they used to be a well-off family until the events of Red year) her mother taught Trivsea to read and write and the basics of the Norvayn trade in alchemy and magic since early childhood, but especially to be proud of her Dunmer heritage and her name. On the other hand, constant abuse as a child from Torbjorn, his mother and eventually his wife and much younger two daughters, Nilsine and Friga, instilled in Trivsea a searing hatred for Stormcloaks and a strong desire in her heart to completely deny her Nord heritage. No matter how much money her mother's potions would make for the Shattershields, they would still wear rags and dine only on servant food. 

Come Yrsanil's eventual death in 191, (who treated them better than the rest of the Shatter-Shield family especially as he grew older and more regretful of past deeds) she and her mother were thrown into the streets with nothing in their hands before the Windhelm winter, a season Trivsea's mother would not survive. Septimless, desperate and close to starving, the now-adult Trivsea left for the wilds in the spring of 192, planning to use her basic knowledge of alchemy to survive. She was found and taken in by a coven of witches who also taught her one or two destruction spells to protect herself, and she felt at ease for a few years within the coven, far away from the intrigue and plots of the Windhelm nobility. But alas, peace would not stay with her and one faithful day 9 years later, while collecting some ingredients for potions in the woods, she was captured by an Imperial patrol east of Helgen, and would soon make a discovery that will change everything...

What did I want to achieve with this background? Trivsea's dragonborn powers awakened from the blood of a long line of proud Nord warriors, a part of her identity that, some could say for good reason, she repressed and denied. Will she as a dragonborn embrace her Nord side and try to forge a world of less hatred and suffering and more equal coexistence between men and mer? Will she use her powers for revenge instead? If so, how? Will she join the imperial legion and destroy everything the Shatter-Shields stood for, conquering Windhelm at general Tulius's side, ending their line and make herself thane of new Windhelm, reigning over their dead bodies? Will she join the Dark Brotherhood because of the desire for revenge long buried in her heart, dreaming to hone her skills and hunt them down one by one? (the Dark Brotherhood quest "Mourning never comes" really allows you to bring ruin to the Shattershields if you kill Nilsine, as this will get her mother, Tova, to commit suicide, and as her younger sister Friga had already been killed by the butcher, this leaves Torbjorn sad, lonely and heirless) On that same note, will she claim her title as the last heir of house Shatter-Shield (she is, after all, Torbjorn's younger and only half-sister, and if his last legitimate daughter were to die somehow...) under an Imperial Windhelm and remake it into something that would get her Nord ancestors to move in their graves? (like, say, marry another Mer and worship a Dardric lord in Friga's former manor of Hjerim? Also, draugr pun unintended for the last sentence...) 

Or will she never even admit to herself that Shatter-Shield blood flows through her veins, try to forever leave behind the city of ice and stone that brought her decades of sorrow and made her an orphan and, recognizing that her mother died exactly because of political scheming by Torbjorn and Tova, never involve herself in politics, stay away from the civil war and just try to lessen the suffering of the oppressed and do good deeds? (because she'd still have deep regrets for not being able to save her mother) Or maybe go to a secluded place of learning like Winterhold to, in a way, continue the Norvayn legacy and honor her ancestors but leave her past behind? She is even a perfect character for a pro-Thalmor playthrough if you ever wanted one and think you have the mods for it! She has been mistreated by a harsh prejudiced Nord society and lost everyone she knew because of it, (it is likely her witch coven was also found and destroyed by Ulfric's armies in the western Rift as they were marching for Helgen) so clearly she would see the empire as the far lesser evil for Skyrim, but not necesarily the best faction. Given her experiences, she might just wish for a world free of the yoke of human empires and perceive the Dominion as the last bastion of Elven independence. After all, Tiber Septim slaughtered countless elves with Nummidium in Summerset and was a brutal tyrant over all of Tamriel (he even disallowed any local militias in all provinces, effectively keeping them under military occupation). Saint Alessia, still revered all over Cyrodiil, founded an order that purged the entire race of the Ayeleids throughout the first era. If you look at their old history, starting all the way from the Alessian and Reman periods, the empires of Cyrodiil were mainly a force that subjugated elves and put them under Imperial control, (much like Stormcloaks are doing now to beastfolk and Dunmer) so if she doesn't directly witness crimes committed by the Thalmor (like Ancano's plan in the Winterhold questline), she might even in good faith view the Thalmor as having the moral high ground! 

You could take this character in almost any direction except a Stormcloak playthrough and it will still give you the unique experience of being born in Skyrim, having ties to its people (you're no longer a "foreign prisoner") and a personality shaped by the tug of 2 very distinct identities that may well never be reconciled. She could become very dark and vengeful, very kind and compassionate or a hundred other in-betweens. Feel free to use and alter this back-story for yourself and ask me questions in posts if you want to! And if you're wondering, yes, she is supposed to be 62, but considering a Dunmer average lifespan of about 300, this is the Dark elf equivalent of being 20-22. (that's why she looks so young)


As for any racemenu preset, there are NO conflicts with other mods


I am aware that this conflicts with the book "Racial phylogeny", which states she should inherit only her mother's race, but "Brief History of the Empire" mentions an emperor living "half as long as an elf" due to a similar mixed background, so this is lore-friendly depending on which interpretation you prefer to canonize.





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  • 终极佐助之与众不同的写轮眼和轮回眼的勾玉
  • 自己家的K 中配流畅 用KENB
  • urtleneck Mini Dress 高领迷你连衣裙
  • NBA2K14 詹姆斯面部补丁
  • 星露谷物语 不一样颜色的猫MOD
  • 群星 领袖和种族加属性MOD