





在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的旧哈罗丹遗址SE Mod,由sa547制作。blackzf在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: sa547 Mod版本: 2.0 Mod大小: 440.74KB 更新时间: 2020-01-31 21:50:55 发布时间: 2020-01-31 21:50:55








很长一段时间以来,我注意到该游戏的最大麻烦之一是,尽管居住在Old Hroldan Inn的NPC谈论了该地点周围发生的一场著名战役,而且一些历史文献还说Tiber Septim后来被称为Hjalti Early-Beard和后来的Talos Stormcrown率领一支军队重新占领了Hroldan,然后被认为是夺回Reach的重要目标。但是他以Thu'um为武器,拆除了墙壁,炸开了敌人的脚,从而赢得了战斗,后来将唯一的站立式建筑物-客栈-作为他的临时总部和住所,住了一晚。









新的Undercroft,其中包括Forsworn Spectres,并且至少需要等级20才能生存。但是,地下逃生启用了辐射任务,这意味着您将获得Raerek清理地牢的工作,或者如果分配给同伴,也可以进行人质救援任务。

使用TES5Edit 3.11检查并清洁




与Shezrie的Old Hroldan镇,Hroldan Nightgate(完整版本)或任何其他更改Old Hroldan外观的模块不兼容。

与Apachii Divine Elegance略有兼容,其商店位于石碑所在的位置。唯一的问题是,石碑与炼金术桌位于同一位置,由于导航网格的变化,某些字符可能会奇怪地移动。


与Markarth Reach环境兼容

安装-事先请在任何内部(包括Old Hroldan Inn本身)内进行大量保存,然后使用任何Mod Manager安装Mod。


注意-此Mod专为Nexus Mod和TES Alliance发布。任何更改或上传到其他站点都需要事先获得我的许可。


by SA547

This mod is to be downloaded and used free of charge.

This mod attempts to fill out a discrepancy in which the area, according to lore, should have the remains of the old fort and currently serves as a battle monument in which Tiber Septim (as Hjalti) defeated the Reachmen by shouting down its walls and led troops to retake it successfully. 

This mod also uses special collision boxes with L_NAVCUT for easier NPC navigation, instead of modifying the navmesh wholesale (which is a time-consuming process).

Large structures such as the wall and the towers have been given the Full LOD flag so that they should be visible at any distance, and compatible with known LOD-building utilities.


For a very long time, one of the biggest bothersome things I noticed about the game was that, although the NPCs residing in the Old Hroldan Inn talk of a famous battle that took place around the place, and that some history texts say that Tiber Septim, then called Hjalti Early-Beard and later Talos Stormcrown, led an army to retake Hroldan, then considered a vital target to regain the Reach. But he had the Thu'um as his weapon, tearing down walls, blasting away enemies off their feet, and thus won the battle and would later make the only standing structure -- the Inn -- as his temporary headquarters and residence for one night.

Looking around, however, there wasn't a sign that Old Hroldan used to be a small town, or any remnants of the battle that catapulted Tiber Septim to the history books, as the only landmarks was an ancient leftover of the Dwemers converted into a Dibellic shrine, and the Inn itself.

About the Enhanced Edition

The Enhanced Edition includes the following additions:

A player home for three, with complete set of crafting equipment, plus a fountain for which to fill up water supplies (if you're using mods such as iNeed)

A Redguard vendor selling basic necessities but can also accept stolen goods as payment

The ruins are also guarded by either the Markarth guards or Stormcloak sentries, depending on who wins Soljund's Sinkhole in the Civil War.

Banners and the stele also reflect who takes over Soljund's; if the Stormcloaks take over the Imperial emblem is torn down and their banner is attached in its place.

Plus some little things that you may have to find for yourself around the ruins.

The new Undercroft, which includes Forsworn Specters and requires a minimum of level 20 to survive it. However, the Undercroft is enabled for radiant quests, which means you will get a job from Raerek clearing the dungeon, or a hostage rescue mission if assigned to the Companions.

CHECKED and CLEANED with TES5Edit 3.11

Do note, however, that unlike the regular edition, all buildings in the Enhanced Edition have the Is Full LOD attribute removed, because for some reason I experienced a glitch in which the structures were completely invisible. I recommend the option to use TES5LODGen or DynDOLOD to generate proper LOD for this mod.

Compatibility Information

May or may not have any clipping or navmesh issues with mods that modify bridges. 

Not compatible with Shezrie's Old Hroldan Town, Hroldan Nightgate (the complete version), or any other mod that changes the Old Hroldan exterior.

Slightly compatible with Apachii Divine Elegance where its store is right where the stele is sited. Only problem is that the stele is in the same place as the alchemy table, and some characters may move strangely because of the changes in the navmesh.

Compatible with Lanterns of Skyrim

Compatible with Markarth Reach Environment

Installation -- beforehand, please make a hard save inside any interior (including the Old Hroldan Inn itself), then install the mod using any mod manager.

Uninstallation -- make a hard save in any interior, and then uninstall this mod. For the Enhanced Edition, remove the accompanying BSA file.

Notice -- this mod is released exclusively for Nexus Mods and TES Alliance. Any alteration or upload to other sites requires my permission beforehand.





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  • 白后与黑后
  • 求生之路2 沙漠2地图
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》全天际女性RY MOD
  • 侠盗猎车5 最新版无限抢劫银行MOD
  • 求生之路2 备用皮外套教练MOD
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重置版 索拉尔的存储密钥MOD