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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的转化现在是专注法术-使天际伟大(一次)系列 Mod,由KatArus制作。coldhunter在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: KatArus Mod版本: 1.1 Mod大小: 1.58 KB 更新时间: 2019-12-30 14:52:36 发布时间: 2019-12-30 14:52:36




2.现在,转换首先将铁矿石转换为银,如果库存中没有铁,它将改为将银矿石转换为金。 (香草先将银变成金)









Mod Manager现在可以正确处理模块化,因此我可以将魔术,再生,食物等系统分解为单独的ESP,并进行多合一下载,每个人都可以选择他想要的任何部件,然后将我用作第三方的Mod您需要下载并认可的适用先决条件(例如,失平者,大修等),必须提供平衡补丁,以使其与我自己的系统保持平衡。



2.现在,食物会随着时间恢复(您好,FNV铁杆模式)。一般经验法则是,肉类可以治愈HP,蔬菜可以治愈体力,水果可以治愈Magicka。苹果或面包之类的生食和简单食品可以恢复一定量的HP /耐力/麦哲卡,葡萄酒或煮熟的牛肉等简单加工食品可以恢复平均H / S / M以及基于所用成分的较低百分比。炖菜等精心制作的食物无法恢复稳定的H / M / S,但随着时间的推移,取决于成分的不同,它会恢复很大比例的多种健康/耐力/ magicka库。


4.炼金术“ restore x”仍然可以立即恢复所有内容,将再生药水纳入整个计划并正常工作。

校对和测试其中的所有内容最多可能需要一周的时间。它将以相同的使Skyrim Great(一次)标记发布。



A quite simple quality of life change

1. No more sore thumbs from transmuting 200 iron ore into gold! Transmute is now a channeling/concentration spell - it will continuously transmute 1 piece of ore every second until you release the button or run out of ore/mana. 

2. Transmute now changes Iron ore into Silver first, if no Iron is in inventory it will transmute Silver ore into Gold instead.(vanilla transmutes silver into gold first)

I am considering adding a separate spell to allow transmuting ingots (or mixing it into existing spell as additional functionality), but balance is an issue.  Ingot transmuting will definitely be more costly, let me know in the discussion tab whether you think it should take merely more magicka, or both longer time and more magicka. 

In-depth changelog:

Manacost was reduced from 150 to 100 per ore unit to accommodate my future regeneration system's changes (see below)

Uses altered vanilla script, everything from manacost to alteration experience is still handled by the game engine 

After 0.5 seconds standard casting time script checks if player has ore and magicka starts draining. After 0.9 seconds of concentrating replaces one ore with the other and check-drain cycle repeats. Unfortunately, SKSE function calls that get caster's exact current magicka and spell's actual manacost after all reductions are not available so I can't check if character has enough magicka left for a full 1 second cycle or not. As it works now, if your effective manacost is 65 per second, but you only have 42 left when you start casting, magicka will still be consumed, casting will stop when your magicka drains to 0 but spell will not transmute anything.

Developer's note:
I have done about 600 changes to vanilla Skyrim over the years I've played it, and eventually it ended up being a very decent game. With all SKSE delays I've decided to implement at least those parts that do not require extended scripts or where I can get around it since I'm far more experienced now.

None of these were ever released to the public not only because I'm a giant prick and did it only to appease myself as a gamer, but also because I, as it's designer, know how everything works so I've never bothered with tooltips, descriptions and reverse-balancing it with vanilla systems (e.g. Light armor and Restoration perks that increase stamina and magicka regeneration rates, along with all regeneration enchantments, completely break my overhauled regeneration systems so I just don't use those instead of making it work together one way or another)

Mod manager now handles modularity properly So I can just break magic, regeneration, food etc systems into separate ESPs and give an all-in-one download where everyone can just choose whatever parts (s)he wants and point third party mods I use as prerequisites where applicable (e.g. unlevelers, dragon overhauls etc) for you to download and endorse providing balancing patches for them to balance out with my own systems.

Next up is my very own regeneration system overhaul:
1. Regeneration does not slow down to 33% during combat anymore, but your natural regeneration is set to 0.
2. Food now heals over time (hello, FNV Hardcore mode). General rule of thumb is Meat heals HP, Veggies heal Stamina, Fruits heal Magicka. Raw and simple foods like apples or bread restore flat amount of HP/Stamina/Magicka, simple processed foods like wine or cooked beefs restore both flat H/S/M plus a somewhat low % of it, based on ingredients used. Elaborate foods like stews do not restore flat H/M/S, but restore a big % of multiple health/stamina/magicka pools over time depending on ingredients.
3. Changes to timescale, regeneration rates, fast travel speed and other things to make it work as a whole. Food and potions properly display the amount they will heal.
4. Alchemy 'restore x' still restores everything instantly, regeneration potions are brought into whole scheme and work properly.
it might take up to a week to proofread and test everything in it. It will be released under the same Make Skyrim Great (For Once) tag.





侠盗猎车手5 红房子-新的抢劫任务MOD v3.3 | 侠盗猎车5 蝙蝠侠标志月亮MOD | 蒂法的紫色新装 | 门51 | 《幕府将军2:武家之殇》一回合科技MOD | 魔兽争霸3 战三国v2.0.3正式版地图 |


  • 侠盗猎车手5 红房子-新的抢劫任务MOD v3.3
  • 侠盗猎车5 蝙蝠侠标志月亮MOD
  • 蒂法的紫色新装
  • 门51
  • 《幕府将军2:武家之殇》一回合科技MOD
  • 魔兽争霸3 战三国v2.0.3正式版地图