塔拉里亚(Talaria)绝无仅有的伴侣-Apachii Sky Hair UPDATE-。

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的塔拉里亚(Talaria)绝无仅有的伴侣-Apachii Sky Hair UPDATE-。 Mod,由ALCAPONE8642制作。某菟、在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: ALCAPONE8642 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 2.88 KB 更新时间: 2019-11-11 01:45:22 发布时间: 2019-11-11 01:45:22


-INTRO /信息-

塔拉里亚(Talaria)是我的第一个同伴mod,随着我对Creation Kit的熟悉,我希望与她做更多的事情。






如果您阅读了此故事,则感谢您的阅读。我希望我能更多地了解Creation Kit,这样我才能实现个性并与她的故事进行对话。






早期生活(4E 171-4E 180):塔拉里亚的年龄= 9岁。



悲剧(4E 183-4E 186):塔拉里亚的年龄= 13-16岁。


塔拉里亚(Talaria)的母亲过去总是充满欢乐,但在过去三年中,塔拉里亚(Talaria)的母亲停止了微笑。她母亲会如此发自内心地唱着的歌...停止被听到,充满音乐和歌曲的酒馆...现在几乎没有声音了。本质上,她的母亲逐渐消失了。 4E 186年,塔拉里亚(Talaria)的母亲伤心欲死。塔拉里亚(Talaria)现在已成为孤儿,但不到一个月后,父亲去世时,曾向她提供援助的警卫在看到她从一条小巷乞讨时再次认出了她。卫兵把她带到军团里,很快她就被招募了。

中期(4E 187-4E 199):塔拉里亚的年龄= 18-29岁。


她开始成为军团士兵,服从命令,被送往原地,并在被告知时战斗,但四年后,她展现出了与上级竞争的领导能力,以及几乎可以保证获胜的战术。在22岁那年,她已经达到了Legate的级别,但是当将军被任命为他的指挥官时,她对自己的能力表示怀疑。他已将她派往天际,以在天意中加强帝国的存在,并试图缓解帝国与风暴披风之间的紧张关系并找到和平的决心,或者放下风暴披风。她参加了许多战斗,没有失败,但是她在4E 199的暴风雨披风中失败了,当时一个派系军官的会议变成了暴力,导致她的私人警卫不堪重负,帝国军在会议上遭到伏击并被出卖。塔拉里亚(Talaria)和她的军队中十个最高级精英的护送得以坚持,而一位帝国快递员则从附近的驻军那里获得了援助。不幸的是,等到快递员和增援人员到达时,当她被暴风雨斗士的视线所挡住时,她的六名护送员已被杀死,自己受伤。她的一名护送员冲进她的身中,挥舞着刀刃穿过暴风雨斗篷,杀死了他。当剩下的暴风雨披风传来说帝国力量比他们剩余的力量要近数分钟时,他们撤退了。这标志着她的军事生涯的结束,因为她几乎遭受了致命的伤病,帝国治疗者能够治愈大麦。塔拉里亚光荣地从帝国军中退役,她的军队被解散到周围的驻军中。

现在(4E 200-4E 201):塔拉里亚的年龄= 29-30岁。



Talaria is my first companion mod and I'm looking to do more with her as I familiarize myself with the Creation Kit.
My reason behind creating her was simple: I wanted a redhead with green eyes that was confident, brave, and a bit easier on the eyes.
You can find her inside the Winking Skeever in Solitude.
She's eligible for marriage, but she only uses few lines of dialogue, but she's not a mute, she'll use vanilla lines for a varied amount of themes.
She uses vanilla assets, so any mod that changes body meshes/textures and eye textures should work.

9/8/2017 - Added Apachii Sky Hair version of Talaria.

11/21/2017 - I forgot to say this months ago, but Talaria is compatible with all body/face/eye mods, so don't feel afraid.

Thanks for reading the story, if you read it. I wish I knew the Creation Kit more so I could implement a personality and dialogue the reflects her back story.
If you know how to do this, feel free to hit me up and teach me so I can improve this mod as well as future mods.
If you have questions, make a post about it and I'll do what I can to answer it.

Talaria is a 30 year old Imperial who's no stranger when it comes to battle.
EARLY LIFE (4E 171 - 4E 180): TALARIA'S AGE = 9 Years Old.
Talaria was born in the very heart of the Imperial City in the providance Cyrodiil on the tenth day of Sun's Dusk on a Tirdas during the 4th Era, year 171.
Talaria grew up through some of the biggest changes of the Empire, the streets that were once filled with more Man than Mer began to see a shift that that seemed to bring more Mer into the city's fold. Her father was an Imperial Hand-to-Hand instructor for the Empire's guards and Legions, and her mother was a bard that went to all the taverns, inns, and hotels of the Imperial City. Growing up in the Heart of the Empire had a certain patriotic effect on Telaria, she always looked up to the soldiers and guards with their honorable and heroic stature which she also saw when she saw her father.

TRAGEDY (4E 183 - 4E 186): TALARIA'S AGE = 13-16 Years Old.
On a particularly bleak and rainy day, Talaria was on her way to the docs to watch the ripples of the droplets when they hit the water. To her surprise, her father was already there, presumably on patrol or dealing with new recruits, or whatever, she didn't care, she was just happy to see her father, but as she started to walk over to him, a group of cloaked figures, five in number, approached her father. Talaria, as a curious youth, moved towards a stack of barrels to watch the strange gathering. At first they seemed to talk, though oddly, the figures began to slightly encircle her father as his patience seemingly decayed. Then in a matter of seconds one of the figures swung a fist at her father, and being one of the best unarmed fighters the Empire had, he grabbed the figures arm by hand and elbow, and kicked the figure in the chest while yanking the arm. The figure that initiated the attack yelled in pain as he gripped his now limp arm, the other four figures attempted to gain redemption for their injured ally, but to no success. One figure went to the aid of the inured and moved him away from the fray, while the other 3 began their attack. The first of the remaining three figures tried to kick Talaria's father, but with little struggle her father moved and struck the figure in the left cheek and then grabbed the figures head to bring his knee up to meet the figures chin, this brought the figure to the ground. The figure who was tending to the injured shouted something to the others in a language unknown to Talaria, but from what happened next, she assumed he said, "Grab him so we can end this!" The other 2 figures still standing attacked her father at the same time, both kicking the back of his knees bringing him to the ground, the two then grabbed his harms by hand and elbow while the figure attending the injured brought out a dagger from within his sleeve and approached her father and said something, but before figure took the blade to her father's neck, he said something that Talaria heard loud and clear. Her father said "Take my life and the day, but the victory is still mine." The figure with the dagger then slowly dragged the dagger across his throat. Talaria screamed in tears, "NO!" The cloaked figures then turned their attention to her, but before they could get close, a group of guards ran into the area, chasing off the attackers, one of the guards recognized the girl and tended to her, he asked what happened, and she spoke, but not without tears. The guard brought Talaria to her mother and explained what Talaria had told him. Talaria's mother held back the tears as long as she could, but that didn't last long, Talaria joined her mother in the mourning of great father and husband.

Talaria's mother was used to always be full of joy, but in the last three years Talaria's mother stopped smiling. The songs her mother would sing with such heart...stopped being heard, the taverns that were full of music and song...were now almost soundless. Essentially, her mother faded away. On 4E 186, Talaria's mother passed away with broken heart. Talaria was now orphaned, but not for long as a month later the guard that had came to her aid when her father died, again recognized her when he saw her begging from a small alley. The guard took her to the legion where she was quickly recruited.

MIDLIFE (4E 187 - 4E 199): TALARIA'S AGE = 18-29 YEARS OLD.
Talaria finished her training when she had reached 18 years old which marked the start of her military career.
She started as a legionnaire, following orders, going where she was sent, and fighting when she was told, but after four years she had shown leadership skills that rivaled her superiors, and tactics that almost guaranteed victory. At the very young age of 22, she had reached the rank of Legate, but a General was skeptical of her abilities when she was placed in his command. He had sent her to Skyrim to both bolster the Imperial presence in the providence and attempt to either ease the tensions between the Imperials and Stormcloaks and find a peaceful resolve, or put the Stormcloaks down. She had fought in many battles, with no loses, but She failed her task with the Stormcloaks in 4E 199 when a meeting of faction officers turned violent and resulted in her personal guard being overwhelmed and the Imperials at the meeting ambushed, and betrayed. Talaria and her escort of the ten most elite in her legion were able to hold out while an Imperial courier went to get aid from a nearby garrison; unfortunately, by the time the courier and the reinforcements arrived, six of her escorts had been killed and herself injured when she was blindsided by the Stormcloak officer who had stabbed her in the side with a sword, but before he could dig his blade far enough into her for a lethal blow, one of her escorts ran his blade through the Stormcloak, killing him. The remaining Stormcloaks retreated when they caught word that an Imperial force greater than their remaining force was minutes away. This marked the end of her military career, as she had suffered a near fatal wound that Imperial Healers were barley able to heal. Talaria was honorably discharged from the Imperial Army, and her legion was absolved into the surrounding garrisons.

NOW (4E 200 - 4E 201): TALARIA'S AGE = 29-30 YEARS OLD.
Talaria had taken the year 200 of the fourth era as a recuperation and retraining period, and in the year 201 of the fourth era, she's ready for battle again, but she chooses to stay in Solitude as a protector in case the Stormcloaks siege the city. She wishes to protect the city like she wishes she could have protected herself, her mother....her father. It is now that she meets the player and agrees to travel with them as the first defense of their new companion's life.




受过教育的德萨德 | 上古卷轴5:天际 中二少女动作包 | 求生之路2 M4A1-S超级怪兽MOD | 尼尔:机械纪元 手柄图标替换MOD(DS4) | 侠盗猎车5 兰博基尼Gallardo LP560-4 MOD | 【汉化】极乐庄园 Elysium Estate 2017.4.23更新4.3.5 |


  • 受过教育的德萨德
  • 上古卷轴5:天际 中二少女动作包
  • 求生之路2 M4A1-S超级怪兽MOD
  • 尼尔:机械纪元 手柄图标替换MOD(DS4)
  • 侠盗猎车5 兰博基尼Gallardo LP560-4 MOD
  • 【汉化】极乐庄园 Elysium Estate 2017.4.23更新4.3.5