
资源大小:12.1 MB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的更少的泰姆瑞尔撞车兽 Mod,由MrManMain制作。pipipapapoom在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: MrManMain Mod版本: 3.0 Mod大小: 12.1 MB 更新时间: 2019-09-29 19:32:22 发布时间: 2019-09-29 19:32:22



泰姆瑞尔的野兽是我使用过的最好的生物mod之一。期。来自上古卷轴传说,游戏等的众多多样有趣的生物被放入天际。不幸的是,这个mod也充满了bug,并且已经有一段时间没有更新了。在《泰姆瑞尔的野兽》的改装版页面上,有人报告说,靠近这些区域时,瓦瑟姆塔楼/仪式石和吉尔蒙德大厅附近坠毁。我亲自访问了这些地点,确实是这样。因此,我要做的就是进入SSEEdit,删除了更改Guldun Rock和Shroud Hearth Barrow的记录,并庆幸地删除了(最差的)CTD。一段时间以来,我已经自己解决了所有问题,现在与大家分享。




安装-使用Mod Manager:

如果使用的是Nexus Mod Organizer,请像平常一样下载并安装Mod。如果它要求您覆盖任何内容,请说“是”或“对所有人都同意”。还要确保“兽人的野兽”原始文件完好无损,并且我的文件会覆盖esp和包括的纹理。我真的不建议您使用BSA版本使用NMM,因为我不知道在使用Tamriel的Less Crash-Prone Beasts of Tamriel时会发生什么变化,因为3.0版本现在还包含一些BC7转换的纹理。

如果使用Mod Organizer / Mod Organizer 2,则可以将Tamriel的Less Crash-Prone Beasts重命名为您命名的原始mod的安装名称,然后将两者“合并”,或者可以将Tamriel的Less Crash-Prone Beasts命名为只需在当时和那里安装单独的mod。确保在MO2中左侧的加载顺序中,“泰姆瑞尔的无死角猛兽”低于泰姆瑞尔的“野兽”,以便我的文件覆盖原始文件。 ESP应该已经被更换,所以不用担心右边的ESP。

我无法帮助Vortex或Wrye Bash用户,因为我不知道这2个mod管理器的工作方式。恐怕你是一个人。 :(





Skyrim Reborn Whiterun Hold:兼容。







如果您发现任何其他与Tamriel的野兽引起的坠毁相关的信息,请告诉我,我会做的。我对2019年的Creation Kit以及xEdit有了更多的了解,因此我将尝试进行更高级的更改,尤其是因为Ru5tyShackleFord允许我这样做。

版本3.0发现:BoT本身不是问题,但是我发现mod不兼容,从而删除了《寒意》中的Ice Atronach以及游戏中的每个Kopr Seal。我不知道是哪个Mod这么做的,但是如果您发现这个神秘的Mod或任何做类似事情的Mod,请告诉我,我将进行研究。

在此处下载Tamriel的Beasts of Tamriel,并确保认可该mod,因为原始创作者做得非常出色,他们除了赞美外别无他物!



-根据Ru5tyShackleFord的说法,为The Reach添加了更多的Rocs,据最近的传闻提到,The Reach(计划4.0版)中生活着大型掠食性鸟类。

-在北部增加更多的Kopr Seals(计划用于版本4.0)。





-在“寒意”中找到可移除Kopr Seals和Ice Atronach的神秘mod(由于缺少铅而优先级较低)。





Some Info/What got me to make this patch:
Beasts of Tamriel is one of the best creature mods I have ever used. Period. So many diverse and interesting creatures that come from Elder Scrolls Lore, games etc. and put into Skyrim. Unfortunately, this mod is also riddled with bugs and it has not been updated in a while. On the mod page of Beasts of Tamriel, some people reported crashing near Valtheim Towers/Ritual Stone and Geirmund's Hall when nearing these areas. I visited these locations myself and this was definitely the case. So what I did was I went into SSEEdit, removed the records that changed Guldun Rock and Shroud Hearth Barrow and it removed the (worst) CTD's thankfully. For a while now, I've had this fix all to myself and now I am sharing it with you people.

As of Version 3.0, after doing some very thorough testing, I can't seem to get any crashes or lag in any area now. But I did stumble into mod incompatibities described further below.

Before installation:
Make sure that you have Beasts of Tamriel downloaded, obviously, but also make sure that you have all of Beasts of Tamriels files, whether it'd be the .bsa version or the loose files version. Do not use both versions, instead use only one.

Installation - With a mod manager:

If using Nexus Mod Organizer then download and install the mod like you normally would any other. If it asks you to overwrite anything then say "Yes" or "Yes to All". Also make sure that Beast of Tamriels original files are in tact and that my files overwrite the esp and the textures included. I really do not recommend using NMM if using the BSA version as I have no idea what will happen to your game when using Less Crash-Prone Beasts of Tamriel alongside that version of the original as Version 3.0 now also includes some BC7 converted textures.

If using Mod Organizer/Mod Organizer 2 then you can either rename Less Crash-Prone Beasts of Tamriel to whatever you named your installation of the original mod and then "Merge" the two or you could make Less Crash-Prone Beasts of Tamriel be a separate mod by just installing it then and there. Make sure that Less Crash-Prone Beasts of Tamriel is lower than Beasts of Tamriel in your load order on the left in MO2 so that my files overwrite the original. The ESP should already be replaced so don't worry about the ESP's on the right.

I can't help Vortex or Wrye Bash users as I don't know how these 2 mod managers work. You're on your own, I'm afraid. :(

Installation - Manual:
Download the mod manually like you normally would then drop the contents from the zip file into your Data folder. Make sure that my files overwrites the original ones.


Wintersun: Compatible.
Skyrim Reborn Whiterun Hold: Compatible.
Skyrim Wayshrines - Immersive Fast Travel: Compatible after Version 3.0
Dragons Shout with Voice: Semi-compatible because Rocs now recite the Thu'um.
Talkative Dragons: Semi-compatible because Rocs now speak like dragons mid-combat.
Ultimate Dragons: Incompatible because it messes up the Rocs added by BoT.

Any mod that heavily edits any areas that are edited by Beasts of Tamriel.

Final Words:
If you find anything else that is related to crashing caused by Beasts of Tamriel then do tell and I'll see what I can do. I know more about the Creation Kit in 2019 as well as xEdit so I will try to make more advanced changes going forward, especially since I was given permission by Ru5tyShackleFord to do so.

Version 3.0 Discovery: This isn't a problem with BoT itself but I found a mod incompatibility that removed the Ice Atronach in The Chill as well as every single Kopr Seal in the game. I don't know which mod did this but if you find this mystery mod or any mods that do something similar then let me know and I will take a look at it.

Download Beasts of Tamriel here and make sure to endorse the mod as the original creators have done a fantastic job and they deserve nothing but praise!

Future Plans for Less Crash-Prone Beasts of Tamriel:

High Priority:
- Adding more Rocs to The Reach as, according to Ru5tyShackleFord, recent lore has mentioned that giant predatory birds live in The Reach (planned for Version 4.0).
- Adding more Kopr Seals up in the north (planned for Version 4.0).
- Changing the behaviour of snakes so they are passive since their poison is pretty extreme, both in range and damage, as I can't find a way to edit their poison (which should be a spell) in the CK. If I manage to find the snake poison the CK then they are gonna remain hostile but nerfed.
- Changing the voice type for Rocs to sound like something other than dragons (imagine a big bird saying "YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME, DOVAHKIIN" and reciting the Thu'um if using dragon voice mods and stuff). I'm thinking the Gargoyle voice type could work but I haven't decided yet.

Lower Priority:
- Rig existing creatures so that they don't stretch like crazy when animated or edit the models so there aren't any visual glitches (planned for Version 4.0).
- Finding the mystery mod that removes Kopr Seals and the Ice Atronach in The Chill (put on lower priority due to lack of a lead).

Low/No Priority:
- Remodel all creatures that have "low quality models" (currently have low motivation to model)
- Make an HD texture pack for everything added by BoT (same goes for texturing)




GPME C-Matte V3口红 | 黑豹人物MOD | 风化北欧人体彩绘 - 特别版 - | 我的世界 阴阳师八百比丘尼皮肤 | 没有通缉的音乐 | 饥荒:联机版 豪华烹饪锅MOD |


  • GPME C-Matte V3口红
  • 黑豹人物MOD
  • 风化北欧人体彩绘 - 特别版 -
  • 我的世界 阴阳师八百比丘尼皮肤
  • 没有通缉的音乐
  • 饥荒:联机版 豪华烹饪锅MOD