Riverwood Trader大修

资源大小:21.1 KB




在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Riverwood Trader大修 Mod,由DatCrazyNerf制作。feixuhen在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DatCrazyNerf Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 21.1 KB 更新时间: 2019-09-05 21:35:00 发布时间: 2019-09-05 21:35:00



这个mod来自我在Xbox 360 / PS4上的Skyrim年代,糟糕的控制台可怕的体验与毛刺/香草/最小mod选项以及随后今年购买新PC,尝试200个mod然后决定我可以这样做所以我也可以这样做,然后花40个小时在这个mod工作,重新启动它两次,一般是一个空头。

我保留了这个mod vanilla,绝杀和资产友好的未来PS4发布时/如果我想/我能够/我很高兴/有权使用。



Riverwood Trader基本上是一个全新的传说友好,现实和香草资产。



这个模型是Riverwood Trader内部的彻底改造。

mod在两个楼层的整个商店周围变化,增加了一个阁楼天花板区域,在给定对话的介绍任务中增加了Lucan的文本的补充,(没有演讲,因为如果没有它听起来非常俗气,就无法添加另一个句子)介绍似乎更加开放和对话Lucan如何以演讲的方式与卡米拉互动,然后卡米拉看起来更加沉着,她背对着他坐下来,所有这些都没有改变任何剧本,这是最初的意图,但是存在一个非常顽固的脚本,忽略了爪子在Creation Kit中设置的生成位置,所以它总是在它所处的位置产生,(为了解决这个问题,我不得不将桌子移回去,这破坏了mod最初拥有的商店的开放感觉但是没关系,希望你们认为它看起来仍然很好,谈话应该看起来仍然不如香草那么僵硬。)








我试图添加一些照片,最多显示几个主要的变化,而不会影响它在游戏中看到新的Riverwood Trader的满意程度!


99%的项目来自The Riverwood Trader文件,只需重新调整用途,调整大小,复制粘贴,删除或移动。












 - 卢坎

 - 卡米拉

 -  Faendal













我将始终使用vanilla SkyrimSE资产,并且永远不会使用任何新的资产或脚本,因为1.我不知道如何和2.我想保持我的mods控制台友好,天际/绝杀友好。




3.我想用绳索改善天花板阁楼,我只是还没有专业知识来使绳索的位置完全逼真但我认为除了一个帖子(令人讨厌的是最突出的部分)之外,很难。在Creation Kit中,使绳索完全适合轨道井是一项非常好的任务。
















仅英语MOD  - 添加文本的两个字母和几个单词是英语。





“COC Riverwood”然后走向交易员。


主要区域有“COC Bleakfallsbarrow01”。你可以继续杀死爪子然后使用,


“COC Bleakfallsbarrow02”将你传送到你可以使用的下一个区域,“tcl”来完成权力之道。再次使用noclip落在地板上让龙喊注册。


然后简单地使用“COC Riverwood”然后走回交易者。







我很感激你看看我的mod,对于任何一个停下来的人来说意味着很多,即使是在黑暗中你背后的沉默的人。 是的,我看到你了。 黑衣人,弯曲的匕首。 我不敢相信它是弯曲的。 等等,你为什么走得更近? 把它拿走......嘿! 你是什么-


Personal note: 
This mod was made from my years of Skyrim on Xbox 360/PS4, the awful console awful experience with glitches/vanilla/minimal mod options and subsequent purchase of new PC this year, trying out 200 mods and then deciding I could do the same so I may as well do so and then spending 40 hours working on this mod, restarting it twice and in general being an airhead. 
I have kept this mod vanilla, lore and asset friendly for a future PS4 release when/IF I want to/am able to/am happy to/have permission to. 
Much appreciation to Sodabanana for the long messages of help and advice on this project! 

What is this actually?
Basically an all new lore friendly, realistic and vanilla asset made the Riverwood Trader. 
Inbetween a small and a large overhaul, so essentially a lite overhaul... I think?

Indepth Overview:
This mod is a complete overhaul of the interior of The Riverwood Trader.

The mod changes around the entire store on both floors, adds a loft ceiling area, adds an addition to Lucan's text in the intro quest given dialogue, (no speech as there's no way to add another sentence without it sounding extremely tacky,) makes the intro seem more open and conversational with how Lucan interacts with Camilla in a lecturing way and then Camilla seeming sassier with her back to him sitting down, all without changing any script this was the original intention, however a very stubborn script exists that ignores the claws spawn location set in the Creation Kit so it always spawns in the position it does, (to fix this I had to move the desk back which ruined the open feeling of the store that the mod originally had but that's ok, hopefully you guys think it looks excellent still and the conversation should still seem far less stiff than it does in vanilla.)
Lastly this mod also adds a reference from the Bandit who stole the claw via a note in Bleak Falls Barrow in the first large room filled with bandits and dead rats/bodies + added bloody rag near his corpse. 

File Size?
The size is small, at about 60kb, (20kb zipped.)
I am making a few polishes still, but the file size is essentially negative 100kb!

File Type?

I have tried to add a few photos at most show casing the few major changes without impacting how satisfying it will be seeing the new Riverwood Trader in game!

What other content is there changed or added?
99% of items are from The Riverwood Trader files simply repurposed, resized, copy pasted, deleted or moved around.
Originally I moved all the items out of the store and then rearranged furniture, moved them back and so on. This mod has evolved a lot from original intentions as well as needing to be restarted from scratch due to a lost file and then restarted again as I rushed it too much.
There are NO new assets from me. 
I have completely re-used the items, walls, tables, bar and small items whether it be move them around or copy paste. 
A very minor percentage of items are added from other areas of the game, all of which are plain or should not affect the game, quests or other item collecting, (Please do let me know if you run into any errors, especially with the claw returning to the case at the end of the quest.)
I have written two letters using a duplicated in game note/letter asset.
There is a business ledger too; I have duplicated the forge ledger from Thieves guild; please let me know if you find any issues with it RE: Thieves Guild. It is duplicated so you also can't use it to cheat the Thieves Guild quests sorry!
I have also made sure to not break immersion 100% so if yours is broken... sorry! I try to be a perfectionist and have worked my hardest to make it seem like a fully fledged Skyrim environment. If you find bugs, pretend I'm Bethesda.

You'll have to discover the rest for yourself.

I have really tried to keep the navmesh neat but it may play up for anyone other than the original two NPCs in the store, (I tried to test and compare but even on vanilla the stairs and tables have pathing issues.)
I have tested them to satisfaction with:
- Lucan 
- Camilla
- Faendal
However it is very easy to miss minute areas, especially after a quick hot fix I have had to do before posting this mod. 
Please let me know if you find issues there.

I have switched around the lighting to reflect the change in furnishing. I have tested it A LOT however there may still be minor issues with how it sits and travels throughout the rooms. 
And yes, I got rid of that ridiculous chandelier they would never have been able to light daily.
I have also made the upstairs seem less lit up and more of a relaxing scene for the occupants.
Note: Due to a hotfix before release I have had to move around a large piece of furniture and there probably will be small light artifacts to fix later.

How is it "realistic"?
I have placed items in a way which makes them look deliberately interacted with my a majority right hand population, from cups, plates, cutlery, to quills, nooks, weapons, gold and the way the shelves are stacked, cleaned and ordered. I have tried extremely hard to make this game seem like a fluid environment that has been lived in, used and interacted with by its inhabitants. The shop looks well kept, accessible and the bedroom above looks lived in and comfortable.
I have also made it seem more like an actual extremely rural trader filled with things people might actually trade for at a small rural fishing and mountain village, (fishing rods, tools, weapons, housing goods etc.)

Future updates/content?
I am extremely new at mods and have limited time spare. 
I will ALWAYS use vanilla SkyrimSE assets and will NEVER use any new assets or scripts because 1. I don't know how and 2. I want to keep my mods console friendly, Skyrim/lore friendly. 

List of future content I would like to add but may never: 
1. I would very much like to make the alcohol aspect much more interactable by the player, including purchasing mugs of ale, mead or wine, washing tankards and leaving the required gold + appearing in the gold coin collection. At this point that's the dream thing.
2. I am aware of the weight difference between the sized kegs being the same and will try to make individual items so they are all different sized, as well as reduce/erase the ability to pick them up. For some reason they are able to be picked up yet I don't recall any quests to steal the kegs but I am not willing to make the current item un-lootable incase it affects other areas. 
3. I want to improve the ceiling loft with the ropes, I just don't yet have the expertise to make it completely realistic with how the ropes sit but I think besides one post, (annoyingly the most prominent section,) it is difficult. Making ropes all fit the rail well is a very fine task within the Creation Kit. 
4. Seating animations are rarely odd but I would like to get those perfect so people are not floating inbetween chairs etc. This may occur after having to move some furniture again via the afformentioned hotfix I needed to do.
7. Some form of trapdoor basement area. I want it to be very generic in terms of simple access but feel the trapdoors themselves are heavily overused.
6. I have either missed some things or I will continue to be extremely picky and change minor details/implement new things.
7.  If/when an official SkyrimSE update breaks this mod I will try my best to update it to work with latest versions, but I promise nothing past possibility.
8. It would be nice to improve some other houses around Skyrim. I would aim to do the ones that have mostly not been touched and don't interfere with quests or larger overhauls too much. I would specifically like them to work with JK'S, Open Cities and other such mods so the interiors are my aim to change currently. On that note, I have kept this mod simple for the same reason. If I could go back I'd choose a far smaller and simpler residence to change and learn with.

There is no need for a ReadMe for this mod. 

Is it mod manager Friendly? 
It runs well via MO2.

Is it friendly to those who don't use mod managers?
It's a single .esp file. 

How To Install Manually:
Splimy put the .esp file into your mods section. 
To quickly get to the SkyrimSE folder right click on Skyrim in your Steam library>properties>local files>browse local files and then put the file into the folder named "Mods." 
It will appear in your Mod load order when you load up and check/turn it on in the main menu.

English ONLY MOD - The two letters and few words of added text are English.

Console Commands To Test:
Type text without "" in console.
No need to select your character or anything else, simply open up the console and type.

Overhaul Location:
"COC Riverwood" then walk to the Trader.

Letter location:
"COC Bleakfallsbarrow01" in the main area. You can go on to kill the claw thief and then use,

Claw Location:
"COC Bleakfallsbarrow02" to teleport you to the next area where you can use, "tcl" to noclip through to the word of power. Use noclip again to fall on the floor to have the dragon shout register. 

End of quest:
Then simply use, "COC Riverwood" then walk back to the Trader.
I realize this is a very bloated and only slightly neat piece of writing. I will continue to edit this wall of text so it better serves as an information tab.
Please remember I am a person too when interacting with me here.
I am happy to help out, fix some stuff where my skills, time and desire allow etc. but I may also be busy, unable or unwilling to do so. 
Please respect that.

I appreciate you checking out my mod, to anyone stopping by it means A LOT, even you silent people up the back, in the darkness. Yeah, I see you. The guy in black, with the curved dagger. I can't believe it is curved. Wait, why are you coming closer? Put that away... hey! What are yo-




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  • AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer~V2.8
  • Contemporary Abode 2 房子
  • 眉毛N99
  • 义勇军大修 Minuteman Overhaul
  • 上古卷轴5:天际重制版 北方少女MOD
  • 《上古卷轴5:天际》女神武器MOD