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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的召唤得到了解释 Mod,由Vandhal制作。幸福的宝马在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: Vandhal Mod版本: 1.1 Mod大小: 6.14 KB 更新时间: 2019-08-07 15:13:29 发布时间: 2019-08-07 15:13:29








 - 重新召唤传票,现在他们根据你的等级进行扩展并获得更高级别的上限。

 -  Atronach:0.7xPlayerLevel

 - 火焰:等级4到20

 - 弗罗斯特:等级12至25

 - 风暴:等级20到30

 - 强效Atronach:0.8xPlayerLevel +增加统计数据

 - 火焰:等级18至60

 - 弗罗斯特:等级24至70

 - 风暴:28至80级

 -  Dremora Lord:0.8xPlayerLevel

 -  25至80级

 - 萨尔:0.9xPlayerLevel +增加统计数据

 - 强效萨尔:1.1xPlayerLevel +增加统计数据


 - 元素效力未被触及,但它不再是统计数据的原始增加,它的主要目的是为法师释放更高级别的召唤。如果你不投资魔术并只使用五线谱,你仍然可以从基础上限增加中受益。

 -  Atronach现在根据他们的破坏技能造成更大的伤害,这显然会增加他们的等级(和你的间接)。他们现在将在100次破坏时造成x2伤害。

 -  Flamies已经学会使用火焰法术。只有萨尔斯出于某种原因可以做到这一点。它们的主要作用是支撑伤害,甚至可以分散注意力,而不是你的主要伤害来源。

 -  Frosties现在有265护甲(之前是30护甲)和一些额外的生命值(大约100-150)。他们应该是一个坦克,但它并没有真正有所作为。他们仍然很慢并且很可能会比同等级别的敌人失去1v1,但是记住他们的主要作用是为你造成坦克伤害并为你买一些时间。

 - 暴风雨没问题。他们比Flamies更健康但不超过Frosties。比Flamies更多的伤害来弥补他们增加的成本。它是你的选择,如果你想投入更多的magicka到更强大的atronach,或者你可以选择一个“弱”的。这就是这个mod的重点。使所有的atronachs可行。

 - 由于他们新的较低水平,Dremoras现在拥有更好的健康池和损害主义者。它们仍应击败大多数同等级别的敌人1v1,但会被2个或更多敌人完全摧毁,这取决于AI如何处理遭遇。使用此设置,它们比vanilla dremora弱,并且只有达到30级才会开始按比例缩放。

 - 更正了一些atronachs的一些CharacterClass。

 - 修正了Storm Thrall法术。它有一个错误的闪电,没有链条照明。

 - 一旦你解锁新的法术或额外津贴,咒语游戏现在变得流畅,不再像楼梯一样。


有2个版本。两者都是相同的但是一个为所有战士dremora增加了一个头盔,就像我的其他mod Helmeted Dremora一样


这个mod用于难度mods,更高级别敌人,Rebalanced Encounter Zones等,否则这个mod有点cheaty。



如果您学习如何操作它实际上更容易:打开CK,选择apocalypse并将其标记为活动文件。搜索启示录召唤的演员,根据我自己的变化改变他们的统计数据,90%的时间你必须增加他们的健康池,否则他们在早期就会毫无用处(一些传票将在12级以100-150马力结束) / 20,这是玩家在lvl 1开始的... ...)





TLDR:Flame,Frost,Storm Atronach和Dremora现在可以随着你的等级进行扩展,并且在各个级别都是可行的,每个级别都有一个明确的目的,也修复了很多东西。


TLDR at the bottom.

So you like conjuration, specially those beautiful flame atronachs, right?

Bethesda Employee 1: What if we cap the level limit of them to 5?
Bethesda Employee 2: What if they like them and want to use them at higher level?
Bethesda Employee 1: We give them a perk at 80 skill level that increases their level to a whopping 10!

That's why I bring you this mod. But what does it do?

- Relevels summons, now they scale based on your level and have higher level caps.

- Atronach: 0.7xPlayerLevel
- Flame: Level 4 to 20
- Frost: Level 12 to 25
- Storm: Level 20 to 30

- Potent Atronach: 0.8xPlayerLevel + Increased Stats
- Flame: Level 18 to 60
- Frost: Level 24 to 70
- Storm: Level 28 to 80

- Dremora Lord: 0.8xPlayerLevel
- Level 25 to 80

- Thralls: 0.9xPlayerLevel + Increased Stats
- Potent Thralls: 1.1xPlayerLevel + Increased Stats

Additional Changes

- Elemental Potency is untouched, but it is no longer a raw increase of stats, it main purpose is to unlock higher level summons for mages. If you aren't investing in conjuration and just using staves, you can still benefit from the base level cap increase.

- Atronach now deal increased damage based on their destruction skill, which is obviously increased by their level (and yours, indirectly). They will now deal up to x2 damage at 100 destruction.

- Flamies have learnt to use the flame spell. Only thralls could do that for some reason. Their main role is support damage, even serve as a distraction, not to be your main damage source.

- Frosties now have 265 armor (vs 30 before) and some extra health (around 100-150). They were supposed to be the tanky one, but it didn't really make a difference. They are still slow and will most likely lose 1v1 vs equal level enemies, but remember their main role is to tank damage for you and buy you some time.

- Stormies are OK. They have more health than Flamies but not more than Frosties. More damage than Flamies to make up for their increased cost. Its your choice if you want to invest more magicka into a stronger atronach or you are fine with a "weaker" one. That's the point of this mod. To make all atronachs viable.

- Dremoras now have a better health pool and damageresist because of their new lower level. They should still beat most equal level enemies 1v1 but will get absolutely destroyed by 2 or more enemies, depending on how the AI handles the encounter. With this setting, they are weaker than vanilla dremora and will only start scaling with your level once you reach level 30.

- Corrected some CharacterClass of some atronachs.

- Fixed Storm Thrall spell. It had a wrong lightning bolt and had no chain lighting.

- Conjuration gameplay is now smooth and no longer stairs-like once you unlock new spells or perks.


There are 2 versions. Both are the same but one adds a helmet to all warrior dremora, like my other mod Helmeted Dremora

If you use that mod, please choose the helmeted version and REMOVE the helmet mod, otherwise dremora will be at vanilla level 46.

This mod is intended to be used with difficulty mods, Higher Level Enemies, Rebalanced Encounter Zones and such, otherwise this mod is a bit cheaty.

Apocalypse "compatibility" patch will come eventually, I suck at making mods, and it seems doing what I want to do isn't exactly easy. You can use Apoc with this mod, its just that those summons won't have any of these changes.

UPDATE: I've tried doing the Apocalypse Patch. I got it to work on my game build, but I can't (because I suck at this) make it a patch, I would have to upload my own version of Apocalypse and in case it gets updated, the changes would be gone.

It's actually easier if you learn how to do it: Open CK, select apocalypse and mark it as active file. Search the actors of Apocalypse summons, change their stats following my own changes, 90% of the times you would have to increase their health pool, or they would be literally useless early on (some summons would end with 100-150 hp at level 12/20, which is what the player starts with at lvl 1...)
hat's a no).

The only summons really worth changing are pit fighter, honor guard, champion, herne and assassin, maybe xivilai too, the others' desing is good, but they are kinda useless and not really worth using even with level changes.

Also, I repeat again, you CAN use Apocalypse with this mod, they DO NOT conflict, they just don't syngergyize out of the box.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

TLDR: Flame, Frost, Storm Atronach and Dremora now scale with your level and are viable across all levels with each one having a defined purpose, also fixed a bunch of things.




户外12 | 单身派对 | 《龙腾世纪2》噩梦难度取消队友伤害MOD | Smart Fuel Mod V 21.0 1.1的现实设置 | 辐射4 高清的开锁界面MOD | NBA2K14 马库斯·莫里斯面补 |


  • 户外12
  • 单身派对
  • 《龙腾世纪2》噩梦难度取消队友伤害MOD
  • Smart Fuel Mod V 21.0 1.1的现实设置
  • 辐射4 高清的开锁界面MOD
  • NBA2K14 马库斯·莫里斯面补