死或生6Mod安装工具(3DMigoto Loader-DOA6 + 服装Mod启动器)

资源大小:2.94 MB




在3DM Mod站下载死或生6最新的死或生6Mod安装工具(3DMigoto Loader-DOA6 + 服装Mod启动器) Mod,由DarkStarSword 制作。◕小莫◕在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: DarkStarSword Mod版本: 1.1 Mod大小: 2.94 MB 更新时间: 2019-05-15 22:05:40 发布时间: 2019-05-15 17:18:12


死或生 6 3D Vision + 服装 Mod 启动器 by DarkStarSword

此Mod的3D Vision只适用于NVIDIA用户,服装Mod单独安装,需将文件解压到Mods目录中


  F1: 显示此帮助


  F2: 打开或关闭Mod

  F10: 重新加载所有Mod

  Ctrl+Alt+F10: 重新加载所有Mod并重置为默认配置

3D 视角快捷键:

  Xbox 控制器按 ‘back’ 按钮:拍摄 3D 屏幕截图 (必须开启3D Vision , 文件会保存到 Documents\NVStereoscopic3D.IMG 文件夹中,就和按 Alt+F1 是一样的)

3D 视角控制:

  部分场景的音频是单声道的,如果你希望它变成 3D 立体的 (请注意:渲染可能会超出无穷大) 你可以吧" d3dx.ini"文件里面的"mono_in_game_screens"设置为 "$mono_in_game_screens=0".


NOTICE: The installation for this game is different to our other mods - please read below!

Download the fix: 3Dfix-DOA6-1.1.zip

Costume Mods

This mod primarily adds support for NVIDIA 3D Vision to the game, but it is also used by some of the costume mods available for this game. If this is why you are here you can ignore any of the information below that is specific to 3D Vision users and just follow the instructions on the website that led you here.

This mod by itself will not change any costumes - for that you will need mod packs available from elsewhere and extract them into the Mods directory. You don't need to restart the game after installing a new mod - just press F10 in game to load any new mods.

Some mod packs ship with optional parts of the mods that are not enabled by default - look for any files or directories in the mod pack that is named "DISABLED something", and remove the "DISABLED" from the filename to enable it.

Installation (3D Vision + Costume Mod Users)

Extract the zip file to a directory of your choosing, but DO NOT extract to the game directory (the game will shut down after the splash screen if you extract it to the game directory, or any directory with a similar name).

Run the "3DMigoto Loader.exe"

The loader will launch the game through Steam automatically. If the game does not launch, run it manually while the loader window is still open.

(3D Vision Users) If 3D Vision does not engage switch the game to windowed mode then back to full screen. You must be running the official v1.02 or later for this to work.

Keys (3D Vision + Costume Mod Users)

F1: Show help

F2: Toggle third party costume mods

F7: Attempt to force exclusive full Screen mode (for old versions)

F10: Reload all mods

Ctrl+Alt+F10: Reload all mods and reset to default configuration

XBox controller back button: Take 3D screenshot (3D Vision users only. Saved to Documents\NVStereoscopic3D.IMG, same as Alt+F1, but without the message)

3D Vision Fixes

Fix detached body parts (full regex based replacement for the 3D Vision stereo correction and driver heuristics)

Regex halo fix

Lights & shadows

Decals (tiled decals)

Accurate specular highlights (these take the game from an 8 to an 11 IMO)

Tweak main menu background and character placement

Water & reflections

Volumetric fog light shafts (A.P.O. stage. They look a bit naff, but that's true in 2D as well)

Synchronised plant breeze physics between both eyes

Treasure room coin spawners

Graphical glitches in the treasure room

Clouds, sun & flares

Hides hardware mouse cursor

Story mode cutscenes render in both eyes in SLI (mono video is still mono)

In game screens in the Colosseum and Muscle stages are converted to mono screens to avoid violating infinity and stereo inversions. If you prefer the gimmick of having a 3D screen inside a 3D screen (inside a 3D screen, inside a 3D screen...) and don't mind straining your eyes to see what lies beyond infinity, edit the d3dx.ini and change $mono_in_game_screens to 0 under [Constants]

Update v1.1

Update to 3DMigoto 1.3.16

Fixed glitches where the game would go full/partial 2D after some time

Improved performance and fixed slow-down issue getting progressively worse over a few hours

Fixed compatibility issue with ReShade

Improved coin fix - all coins should be visible in both eyes now

Added costume mod support

ReShade Compatibility

3DMigoto can be used to load ReShade into DOA6 if you like (please note: ReShade is NOT provided with this download). To do this, edit the d3dx.ini and uncomment (remove the semicolon) the line that reads:


Rename ReShade's dxgi.dll to reshade.dll and place all the files that it uses in the same directory where you extracted this mod. Run the 3DMigoto Loader.exe and the game should launch with both 3DMigoto and ReShade loaded.

Side-by-Side / Top-and-Bottom Output Modes (3D Vision Users Only)

This fix is bundled with the SBS / TAB output mode support in 3DMigoto. To enable it, edit the d3dx.ini, find the [Include] section and uncomment (remove the semicolon) the line that reads:

include = ShaderFixes\3dvision2sbs.ini

Then, in game press F11 to cycle output modes. If using 3D TV Play, set the nvidia control panel to output checkerboard to remove the 720p limitation.

Known Issues

If the game closes down by itself just after the spash screen, make sure you have not installed the fix into the game directory or any similarly named directory. Use the provided uninstall.bat to remove it if you put it there by mistake.

Like my Work?

Fixing games takes a lot of time and effort, and I also do a lot of work on 3DMigoto behind the scenes to make all of these mods possible - in particular, this release required writing an entirely new loader mechanism for 3DMigoto as well as solving a lot of hangs and crashes.

If you are in a position where you are able to do so, please consider supporting me with a monthly donation on Patreon, and thanks again to those that already do! While I prefer the more stable monthly support that Patreon offers, I can of course understand that some of you prefer to make one-off donations when you can, and for that you can use my Paypal. As a reminder, these donations are to support me personally, and do not go to other modders on this site.

This mod is created with 3DMigoto (primarily written by myself, Bo3b and Chiri), and uses Flugan's Assembler. See here for a full list of contributors to 3DMigoto

Posted by DarkStarSword




【GMM】Gloss Mod Manager 一款综合性的现代化游戏模组管理器 | Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 | 荒野大镖客2 线下内置修改器[RDR2 Native Trainer(RNT)] v0.951 | OpenIV 4.1版本 中文汉化版 | GTA5最强ENB(画质补丁)——REDUX_1.16 | Unity Mod 管理工具(Unity Mod Manager) 0.21.2汉化版 |


  • 【GMM】Gloss Mod Manager 一款综合性的现代化游戏模组管理器
  • Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版
  • 荒野大镖客2 线下内置修改器[RDR2 Native Trainer(RNT)] v0.951
  • OpenIV 4.1版本 中文汉化版
  • GTA5最强ENB(画质补丁)——REDUX_1.16
  • Unity Mod 管理工具(Unity Mod Manager) 0.21.2汉化版