Vanity Mirror SE

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在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Vanity Mirror SE Mod,由RGMage2-XxSAWCEDxX制作。joe404在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: RGMage2-XxSAWCEDxX Mod版本: 1.0SE Mod大小: 986 KB 更新时间: 2019-04-25 01:14:30 发布时间: 2019-04-25 01:14:30






选项基本上是不使用war paint,或在控制台中使用ShowRaceMenu命令。 ShowRaceMenu可以工作,但对我来说这有点令人讨厌 - 打开控制台,输入命令,不要拼写错误或再次执行,纠正它自动对面部所做的更改,进行更改,再次输入你角色的名字,然后退回游戏。我甚至无法计算我做过多少次,而且作为一个改变者,你知道我们总是希望摆脱烦扰我们的事情。

如果你曾经浏览过纸莎草wikki,那么你可能已经看过ShowLimitedRaceMenu命令了。每当我看到它时,我的反应总是一样的,“嗯,总有一天我真的必须做点什么”。我的第一个想法是把它放在房子里的镜子上,这将是一面“墙上的镜子,谁是最公平的?”之类的事情。这不是一个坏主意,但不会真正解决访问问题。我想要的是轻松访问比赛菜单,无论我在哪里,随时随地都可以免费使用。显而易见的答案是将脚本放在随身携带的小镜子上 - 装备镜子并出现比赛菜单。为了使它成为装备,它需要是一个可穿戴物品,所以它实际上是一个戒指。它看起来不像一个戒指,不使用环槽,所以它不会干扰其他戒指,但它是一个戒指,这是它的工作原理。库存项目本身没有什么特别值得关注的,只是一块便宜的重新设计的银盘,但它完成了工作,尽管有一天我可能希望改善它的外观。“


“它可以用于珠宝下的锻造。你需要1个银锭,1个木柴和1个皮革条。” (可选文件将配方编辑为1个木柴,1个皮革条,2个精制孔雀石和5个玻璃)




“是的,它适用于香草菜单或Race Menu mod,但是如果你使用比赛菜单mod那么你最好确保你的加载顺序设置正确。当我第一次尝试使用Race Menu mod时,我得到了CTDs这完全是因为我的加载顺序。这非常简单和常识,SkyUI在RaceMenu之前加载,RaceMenu在它的插件之前加载。“





此处显示的所有图片均使用RaceMenu by Expired

如果您没有使用RaceMenu mod,那么您将获得默认的vanilla菜单。

*推荐使用Vanity Mirror *的文件

由kapaer的ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer(由于SE上的内存分配,你不太可能需要这个mod。如果你出于某种原因,在RaceMenu的SKEE.ini文件中有一个缓存选项。除非你有疯狂的金额你不应该遇到问题而且可能不需要做头发/身体模型。




如果您遇到冻结问题,您应该尝试通过kapaer下载ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer

“如果打开菜单导致即时CTD,则很可能是加载订单问题。”使用LOOT对您的加载订单进行排序。强烈建议使用Mod Organizer 2或Vortex进行安装,因为NMM已过时。主文件和可选文件有ESPL和ESP文件。

对于SE用户,在使用ShowRaceMenu命令或正确创建我的角色之前,我在使用Vanity Mirror时发现了可重现的CTD。在端口的测试阶段,我使用命令“coc qasmoke”并多次使用Vanity Mirror会导致CTD。请注意这一点,并始终使用备用启动模块来测试您的mods!从主菜单传送到单元格不是测试任何模块的正确方法!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the assets in this port. I have received permissions from the original author to port this mod to SE (image-proof above). I will post the original description here with slight changes for SE users. Original mod can be found here:

PORTER's NOTE: In addition to porting the mod, I've created an optional file. All it does is alter the crafting recipe to make it a little more challenging (with malachite and HearthFires glass now being used instead of silver). You don't need it to use this mod.

"The Vanity mirror is an equip-able inventory item that will open the Limited Race Menu to allow you to make changes to your appearance, anywhere, anytime, at no cost. It is fast, easy, and safe."

"One of the things I liked most about character creation in Skyrim was the War Paint overlays on the face.  I thought it was ideal for creating a bad-ass character for going into a dungeon crawl or a boss fight, so of course I went totally overboard with it.  The problem with that is when you go into town to mingle with other citizens or shopping at the local markets, and you've got your face all done up to the badest bad and it just looks so totally out of place, a bit of an immersion killer really.

The options were basically to not use the war paint, or use the ShowRaceMenu command in the console.  ShowRaceMenu works, but for me it was a bit of a nuisance - open the console, type in the command and don't spell it wrong or you do it again, correct the changes that it made automatically to the face, make your changes, type in your character's name again and then exit back to the game.  I can't even count how many times I've done that, and as a modder you know we are always looking to get rid of things that annoy us.

If you have ever browsed the papyrus wikki then you have probably seen the ShowLimitedRaceMenu command.  Every time I saw it my reaction was always the same, "hmm, I really have to do something with that someday".  My first thought was to put it on a mirror in a house, and it would be a "mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" kind of thing.  Not a bad idea, but wouldn't really solve the problem of access.  What I wanted was easy access to the race menu no matter where I was, any time any where at no cost.  The obvious answer was to put the script on a small mirror that you carry with you - you equip the mirror and the race menu comes up.  To make it equip-able it needed to be a wearable item, so it is in fact a ring.  It doesn't look like a ring and doesn't use the ring slot so it wont interfere with other rings, but it is a ring, that's how it works.  The inventory item itself is nothing special to look at, just a cheap re-texture of a silver plate, but it gets the job done, though I might like to improve on the appearance of it someday."

Where do I get it?
"It is craftable at the forge under jewelry.  You need 1 silver ingot, 1 firewood, and 1 leather strip." (The optional file will edit the recipe to 1 firewood, 1 leather strip, 2 refined malachite, and 5 glass)

How do I use it?
"Equip it in your inventory and the menu will open.  You can favorite it and hot key it to use outside of the inventory menu, which is the way I like to use it, makes it more convenient. You never have to unequip it because unequipping does the same thing as equipping, it opens the menu.  The reason I set it up like that is I found that I would always forget to unequip it, so when I would go to use it again I would have to unequip it first and then re-equip it and that was annoying, so I made it open the menu on equip or unequip.  Since it does not use any slot, leaving it equipped doesn't cost you anything."

Is it compatible with the RaceMenu plugin mod?
"Yes, it works with the vanilla menu or the Race Menu mod, but if you are using the race menu mod then you better be sure your load order is set up right.  When I first tried it with the Race Menu mod I got CTDs and it was all because of my load order.  It is really simple and common sense, SkyUI loads ahead of RaceMenu and RaceMenu loads ahead of it's plugins."

What is the difference between ShowRaceMenu and ShowLimitedRaceMenu?
"The main difference is that ShowLimitedRaceMenu will not allow you to change your race or sex, which is a good thing really because changing your race is what redistributes your stats and screws everything up.  The ShowLimitedRaceMenu is a safe way of making changes to your character's appearance."

Do I really need this mod?
"No, no one needs this mod, but you might like it.  For anyone who wants to make changes to the appearance of their character, whether it is changing war paint, or changing hair, or endlessly tweaking your character's face in a quest for perfection, this mod might be for you."

All pictures shown here are using RaceMenu by Expired (SE:
If you are not using the RaceMenu mod then you will get the default vanilla menu.

*Recommended Files to use with Vanity Mirror* 
ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer by kapaer  (Because of memory allocation on SE, it is unlikely you'll need this mod. If you do for some reason, there is a cache option in the SKEE.ini file of RaceMenu. Unless you have an insane amount of hair/body mods you shouldn't run into problems and probably won't need to do this).

SkyUI ( and RaceMenu (link above) are compatible and recommended

Known Issues & Installation
"It can cause the game to freeze if you open the menu in an area where there are too many things going on. Inside is safer than outside. If the menu takes a long time to open then this is an indication that it is likely to freeze, and your best move at that point would be to close the menu before it freezes and move to a safer location." Again, this should be a non-issue on SE, but let me know if you encounter any problems and we will work to resolve them. Thank you!

If you are having problems with freezing, you should try downloading ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer by kapaer 

"If opening the menu causes an instant CTD it is most likely a load order issue." Use LOOT to sort your load order. Installation with Mod Organizer 2 or Vortex is highly recommended as NMM is outdated. There are ESPL and ESP files for the main file and optional files.

For SE users, I found a reproducible CTD when using the Vanity Mirror before using the ShowRaceMenu command or creating my character proper. In the testing phase of the port I used the command "coc qasmoke" and using the Vanity Mirror more than once would cause a CTD. Be mindful of this and always use alternate start mods to test your mods first! Teleporting into cells from the main menu is not a proper way to test any mod!




SexLab Estrus Chaurus | 【转载+汉化了MCM菜单】【2018.1.28更新4.051】废土法典【原版+julio131翻译的简繁中文版】 - T | 安魂曲 1.9.4 中文版 | 清宫系列指套左右手MOD | 网游《神佑》护甲16套合集包材质优化大升级版 | MXIMS Bambooko Toddler Bed and Blanket-床上用品 |


  • SexLab Estrus Chaurus
  • 【转载+汉化了MCM菜单】【2018.1.28更新4.051】废土法典【原版+julio131翻译的简繁中文版】 - T
  • 安魂曲 1.9.4 中文版
  • 清宫系列指套左右手MOD
  • 网游《神佑》护甲16套合集包材质优化大升级版
  • MXIMS Bambooko Toddler Bed and Blanket-床上用品